Do you lust after unavailable men?


Well-Known Member
Most women don’t seek out or sustain interest in unavailable men, but more women than any of us would like to admit do. I actually saw this behavior so frequently in my private practice that I decided to write a book about it, which is called Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome. In a moment, I’ll tell you what’s going on in the minds of these women who seek out—and often stay with—men who will never truly emotionally commit. In my book, I use the term "emotional chasing" because that's exactly what it is: a chase.
First, I’ll give you a sense of what it looks like to fall for an emotionally unavailable man. Women who are attracted to this type of man find themselves in relationships with men who ultimately won’t commit or settle down, are already married or in another relationship, or are unfaithful in a supposedly monogamous relationship. Women who fall for unavailable men usually feel that they are more committed to the relationship than the men are. These women usually feel that the men have all the power and control in the relationship. Women in relationships with unavailable men feel that they have to work hard to keep their partners interested, and often try to shape themselves into being whatever they think their partners are looking for.

Simply put, relationships with unavailable men are frustrating and unsatisfying, yet too many women try-try-try to stick it out and make things work. The important question is…why?
Women who fall for unavailable men have some profound insecurities and self-esteem issues, and they invest so much in pursuing unavailable men with the following unconscious motive: If the unavailable man finally comes around and commits, they’ll—at long last—have proof that they are worthy. Sadly, without such proof, their self-worth is left hanging in the wind. In addition, these women feel that they've invested so much and waited so long for the unavailable man to come around that the thought of leaving without any payoff is almost unthinkable.
Even though their behavior leads to a host of problems and indicates self-esteem issues, these women aren't fools. They actually have a strength that they often don’t stop to think about: perseverance. If a woman sets her mind on getting the attention and affection of an unavailable man, she may go to great lengths to keep giving him chances. At the same time, she’ll often fall into the rut of making excuses for his negligent behavior. Though this approach isn’t ideal, her behavior reflcts the fact that she is patient, hard working, and committed to something she cares about. Those are good qualities!
For women who find themselves in a relationship with an unavailable man, the women don't need to change everything about themslves—they just need to switch their focus. Specifically, they need to switch from focusing their energy into obtaining his affection to focusing on their own emotional needs. If you find yourself stuck in this relationship pattern, working with a therapist or reading a self-help book like Overcome Relationship Repitition Syndrome can give you strategies to move away from the unavailable man and start moving toward a man who's ready for a real, big-boy relationship. If you're willing to do the work to explore your behavior, motivations, and needs, you could find yourself in the near future in a relationship with a man who's actually worth it. Imagine that!

I cannot be the only one who has this as a pattern in her personal life.

I dont even know what an "emotionally available" man looks like.:look:
This is sad!

No offense to anyone!
How could you not look forward to more...knowing there's not gonna be more but agreeing to such is really sad. A person who does this doesn't have much respect for themselves.

The way I see it, I love me more then I can love any man. Which means I couldn't imagine letting someone treat me like I'm not worthy of being number one...
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These are the marriage ain't for everybody chicks.

I don't know why, but in light of recent board events, this statement is extra funny to me.

I wouldn't say I have a habit of lusting after them, but I have slipped up once or twice. My most recent ex was an emotionally unavailable man. I think what the article says about self esteem is true. I got with him during a time when I was really depressed and not feeling worthy due to a family situation and my schooling. I know he knew that I felt he treated me bad, but I never attempted to leave or break up with him, so he probably figured I was okay with the situation. When I finally realized he was never going to be someone I wanted to be with, he was already moving on to someone else.
I can see how this happens. After my soontobe ex husband of 20 years moved out, I met a very unavailable man who persued me. It was a very vulnerable time for me with being single the first time in my life, becoming a single parent and with very little support from family or friends. It took me a few months to get my groove back. We never did anything because I wouldnt considering his situations (he got more than one woman). But I had this emotional "thing" for him.

I think I just wanted attention and validation. My esteem was in the crapper. I'm over it and done with him. That was the first and last time. End of Story.
I have never had this happen to me. Thank god. I have seen many other of my friends and my sister go for men that will never commit to them.

I think is a mixture of the above nut .also a personal expectation. I keep seeing people enlude that 30 and single no man is some sort of death sentence. Well being with the wright man is a much worse situation.

I guess I have never been this eat because I have always been indenpent and never really was a I wanna get married, kids, man, ECT person. But whatever. I always wish women with these issues the best.
Lusting after men, married or single isn't a good thing.

I have had some married men go through some silly things to go out with me. I am a believer of how you get him is how you lose him and I find it very unattractive even when I think the man was handsome before.

I cannot be the only one who has this as a pattern in her personal life.

I dont even know what an "emotionally available" man looks like.:look:

No, you're not the only one.

I've had this problem my entire adult life. I'm trying to change by believing that I am truly worthy of the best this life has to offer. I'm learning to turn men away who only offer me fantasies instead of the concrete realities of being in a committed relationship. I've also decided to put dating on hold until I've made a few personal changes in my life. There's a saying that like attracts like, or something to that effect. So, I'm taking the time to understand why I attract so many unavailable men.