Do you love your mate unconditionally?


New Member
I'm listening to India.Arie's song "The Truth" and towards the end she says that she loves him universally but most of all unconditionally and that got me to thinking. Do I love my SO that way and could I romantically love any man uncondionally? And I don't know if I can & I realize that I've never romantically loved anyone without some sort of conditions.

If a man I loved started hitting me, not treating me well, started to negatively affecting the way I view myself, etc then I would be out but it doesn't mean that I would necessarily stop feeling all of the feelings I had for him but I wouldn't "love" him enough to stay.

Do you love your SO/DH unconditionally? What are your thoughts on this? Is it possible and should we aim to love our mates that intensely?
No I don't. is that an ideal, sure, but being that we all come with different levels of baggage, I'm not sure how realistic "unconditionally" is. And unconditionally of what to be exact.
- If he decides to quit his job and become a poet and live an bush or something, am I supposed to be excepting of that.
- Are you talking about he becomes handicapped in some why.
- Did he create a child outside of our relationship?

Everyone has their breaking point, where love aint enough. I'd love to see I'm so evolved say to I can love without restriction, but I aint there, and don't know if I ever will be. Trust I got problems loving your @$$ from a distance, if need be.
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It is so EARLY in with us. I am just now getting to the point where I will even admit to MYSELF that I love him. However, it is a reality for us. My boo is a fireman...and well you know...I don't wanna say it but you can imagine. I hope that I can grow too....
Nope, not unconditionally...I won't accept any and all of his actions.

Child abuse-incest has always been the top category for me with any man. Physcial abuse, and plain mean spirited is up there also.

Must be a door mat talking that can do "unconditional" love!
You can love someone unconditionally & not want to be in a relationship with them. This is where self-love comes in. If someone is abusing you or harming your well-being in any way, self-love is what gets you out of the situation. Allowing someone to abuse you is not a loving act both for yourself and the other person. Love them from a distance if need be.

Unconditional love for me is caring about someone deeply, no matter what they do. It means you accept them for who they are and where they choose to be in life... that doesn't mean you have to go along for the ride. And yes, I would aspire to love my mate (and everybody else, for that matter) unconditionally.

as long as he ALWAYS has a job
keeps his credit score over 730
stays thin and muscular
and allows me to spend all of his money


/jokes people
You can love someone unconditionally & not want to be in a relationship with them. This is where self-love comes in. If someone is abusing you or harming your well-being in any way, self-love is what gets you out of the situation. Allowing someone to abuse you is not a loving act both for yourself and the other person. Love them from a distance if need be.

Unconditional love for me is caring about someone deeply, no matter what they do. It means you accept them for who they are and where they choose to be in life... that doesn't mean you have to go along for the ride. And yes, I would aspire to love my mate (and everybody else, for that matter) unconditionally.

There ya go!
Yes, I do.
However, I don't feel like I have to BE with him under all types of if he doesn't keep his end of our deal and stops running his and my life well. I'd still love him, but I couldn't be with him. I would lovingly send him on his way to "find himself" and love him from a distance... :D
Yes, I do.
However that love does not mean we have to be together.If he started doing things that I could'nt live with, then I would love him, but we would no longer be together.
Same goes for family. I love them, but I have had to cut ties with a couple of them.
Nope, not unconditionally...I won't accept any and all of his actions.

Child abuse-incest has always been the top category for me with any man. Physcial abuse, and plain mean spirited is up there also.

Must be a door mat talking that can do "unconditional" love!

Not neccesarily. Just because you love somone unconditionally doesn't mean you want to stay with them unconditionally, or even accept any and all actions,as the OP said.
When you love someone, you love their character, even if that character changes you love the original, though the old "died" or changed. Likewise you don't stop loving someone just because they die.
I love everyone in my life unconditionally

putting up with abuse, enabling a person to be destructive towards themself and you isn't love and speaks alot for how you feel about confuse it with love is guaranteed diaster

of course I had to get to this "point" , my experiences in life are what helped me get here....if i had a mate who I found out was a child molester or a killer I wouldn't act like i was "okay" with these actions, I wouldn't defend these actions, I wouldn't hide these actions, I wouldn't step in the way of consequential outcomes however I would forgive him because I know that if he's that dark inside that he has no love within, the worst thing I could do is add more darkness to his life...I can't make him reach out to me or talk to me or get all his demons out, I can't make him feel remorse or apologize to those he hurt and whose lives he severely affected, I can't make him "repent" or accept responsibility for his actions if he wants to blame everybody else but himself, I can't make him do anything he doesn't choose to consciously do and still I would forgive him and accept that he's pretty friggen f'ed up and if he chose to shut me out I would let him be and just leave him to his life with a

Love Bless You and all those you hurt or have taken away and I pray everyone involved will eventually heal their hearts

If he wants to get better...even if he has to spend the rest of his life in jail if he reaches out for help I will help him....I would try to help him heal himself, help him try to mend the hurt of those he affected....

that doesn't mean I would marry him, or stay married to him or not live my life, my love isn't based on if im having an intimate relationship with him or not or used to be or not, that doesn't mean I will spend all my time and energy on him but it also means I wouldn't completely turn my back on him....I would do what I was capable of doing and nothing more, and do it from a place of love....

loving somebody doesn't mean u have to be in their lives, their presence and it definitely doesn't mean that you have to be "okay" with any of their actions that are unhealthy, esp if they affect you nor put up with them

however in this world we live in where hate, anger, unforgiveness, lack of love, aggression, repression, unacceptance, judgement, condemnation and the sort are what we live day people will have to realize you can't fight fire with fire.....all of the above leads to more of the above

the people who deserve love the least

need it the most and we refuse to do it

and the vicious cycles continue and only get worse and worse, people get worse and worse and they act out worser and worser...and people respond worser and worser

I do it because I can, and I will to any and everybody mate or stranger on the street, even if its simply sending out blessing of love and healing to those as I move on with my life
Nope. :nono: We have mutually agreed upon "deal breakers". If he knew this AND STILL choose to disrespect me, I'd be out without giving a darn about him. Why should I love someone who only loves me enough to respect me when he feels like it?
Nope. :nono: We have mutually agreed upon "deal breakers". If he knew this AND STILL choose to disrespect me, I'd be out without giving a darn about him. Why should I love someone who only loves me enough to respect me when he feels like it?

Okaaaaaay! :grin: ITA Good post.
Well even people that I love unconditionally ( with the exception of my child and my mother) there are some rules in fine print. If these are changes things. Drastically.

Like I can love my honey or even my brother unconditionally but if they ever (God forbid) did something to my child or anyone's child...that was not right...oh wow. I don't even wanna think about it.

When I say unconditional in terms of a mate...I think if he lost his job and didnt have all these nice things would I still "love" by himself and have his back as he bounced back...or would I bounce. Now granted...the degree to which I had his back would be very different depending on my role...girlfriend....I will only go so far...wife...that's a different story because at that point we are one.
Not at the present moment. If it wasn't illegal to sell people, I'd be on E-bay trying to figure out what price to start him off at and how many days I should keep the auction open.