Do you like they way your SO dresses?

My SO doesn't even own a tie and hes never worn a suit in his life.
I wanna get some for him, but I have no idea how it works.
I'll admit it kinda bothers me because when we go to church all the grown men are wearing them and he's just wearing a dress shirt and slacks or whatever.
I wish I could do something, but I feel like it's not my place. First off, he's not my husband and second, if he told me how to dress I'd probably get offended myself, so I don't know how he'll take it if I told him.
OP, you might have to up the anty a bit when it comes to positive reinforcement for your guy. You already compliment him when he wears something to your liking. Apparently, he needs a stronger positive association for when he wears what you'd prefer.

Might I suggest...(it's only a suggestion mind you)...that you include a REWARD of some fashion in addition to the verbal compliment. In this way, he'll wear things you like more often because he will like the reward/praise combination. Before long, he may just change his wardrobe choices on his own - not even realizing that you've trained him to do so. That way, he won't feel like you're trying to dictate what he chooses to wear.

For example...ahem...when I really want to change my hubby's behavior, I might pay him some extra attention in the nether regions (wink wink) and somehow make it known that I'm happy with him for doing what I wanted. A Jedi mind trick, slight manipulation maybe. Effective? Absolutely.

Sometimes we must use every tool in our arsenal to get what we want from our fellas.

Thanks for reading.
OP, you might have to up the anty a bit when it comes to positive reinforcement for your guy. You already compliment him when he wears something to your liking. Apparently, he needs a stronger positive association for when he wears what you'd prefer.

Might I suggest...(it's only a suggestion mind you)...that you include a REWARD of some fashion in addition to the verbal compliment. In this way, he'll wear things you like more often because he will like the reward/praise combination. Before long, he may just change his wardrobe choices on his own - not even realizing that you've trained him to do so. That way, he won't feel like you're trying to dictate what he chooses to wear.

For example...ahem...when I really want to change my hubby's behavior, I might pay him some extra attention in the nether regions (wink wink) and somehow make it known that I'm happy with him for doing what I wanted. A Jedi mind trick, slight manipulation maybe. Effective? Absolutely.

Sometimes we must use every tool in our arsenal to get what we want from our fellas.

Thanks for reading.

No thank you! I'm going to try this.

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