Do you like they way your SO dresses?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

I don't like the way my SO dresses. I know that has nothing to do with what's on the inside but it bothers me that he doesnt dress his age. He wears coogi and rocawear:ohwell: and nothing but jordans, all of which is dated and too flashy in terms of logos. I have bought him some clothes that I would rather see him in(etc Polo shirts and levi jeans) more casual clothes than urbanwear. I am from NY and he is from NC I dont know if that has anything to do with it. How do I go about suggesting that he changes up his style? Do you like how your SO dresses? Have you had something similiar with a past or current SO?

Im open to any ideas TIA
Hello Ladies,

I don't like the way my SO dresses. I know that has nothing to do with what's on the inside but it bothers me that he doesnt dress his age. He wears coogi and rocawear:ohwell: and nothing but jordans, all of which is dated and too flashy in terms of logos. I have bought him some clothes that I would rather see him in(etc Polo shirts and levi jeans) more casual clothes than urbanwear. I am from NY and he is from NC I dont know if that has anything to do with it. How do I go about suggesting that he changes up his style? Do you like how your SO dresses? Have you had something similiar with a past or current SO?

Im open to any ideas TIA

Well how old is he?

In my experience its hard to get a man to change the way they dress if they're not interested in doing it themselves.
This is so interesting because I sort of have the same issue with my SO. He dresses well, but well for someone who is 10 years younger than him in my opinion. He is all about logos and lables that are visible on almost every item of clothing he wears. Once in a while he will dress what I consider age appropriate but I wish he did it more often.
I have tried to tell him straight up without out making him feel like I was insulting his sense of style and so far he has been receptive.
Well how old is he?

In my experience its hard to get a man to change the way they dress if they're not interested in doing it themselves.

He is 25. I have mentioned it to him a few times.

This is so interesting because I sort of have the same issue with my SO. He dresses well, but well for someone who is 10 years younger than him in my opinion. He is all about logos and lables that are visible on almost every item of clothing he wears. Once in a while he will dress what I consider age appropriate but I wish he did it more often.
I have tried to tell him straight up without out making him feel like I was insulting his sense of style and so far he has been receptive.

Thats exactly the part that I feel is tacky IMO no one should clearly see what you are wearing. I little symbol is cool but written across the esemble screams look at me too flashy for me.

How did you tell him?
I LOVE the way my SO dresses. He doesn't own one jersey, any urban wear, or any clothes with large emblems. His favorite store is Banana Republic...
He is 25. I have mentioned it to him a few times.

Thats exactly the part that I feel is tacky IMO no one should clearly see what you are wearing. I little symbol is cool but written across the esemble screams look at me too flashy for me.

How did you tell him?

That is how I feel too.

But girl, you are so lucky. I wish my guy was 25 and dressing like that because he is all of 32!

One day we were getting ready to go out, I complimented him in a flirty way on his outfit because he dresses well when he decides to be age appropriate. Then I simply added something similar to, "I wish you dressed like this more often because I think you look great when you do :yep:. The logos, designs and labels you may be a little too old for."

Luckily, he didn't take offense at all and said he understood. He has been making changes and asking me for suggestions.
I don't even expect him to revamp his whole wardrobe. He can wear that stuff for a quick run to the store because I don't mind that. But if we are going out to certain places, I expect him to dress a certain way.
That is how I feel too.

But girl, you are so lucky. I wish my guy was 25 and dressing like that because he is all of 32!

One day we were getting ready to go out, I complimented him in a flirty way on his outfit because he dresses well when he decides to be age appropriate. Then I simply added something similar to, "I wish you dressed like this more often because I think you look great when you do :yep:. The logos, designs and labels you may be a little too old for."

Luckily, he didn't take offense at all and said he understood. He has been making changes and asking me for suggestions.
I don't even expect him to revamp his whole wardrobe. He can wear that stuff for a quick run to the store because I don't mind that. But if we are going out to certain places, I expect him to dress a certain way.

I will definitely try this the next time he wears something nice.

One time we were going out to eat for breakfast and I had on a nice dress my hair in a nice updo and he had on a shirt with a big logo on it and jeans with some logo on the pocket. I was so upset I changed my clothes he asked "why I was changing because I looked so beautiful". I just smiled and said "because we don't look like we are going to the same place", he replied with "we are going to cracker barrell right?" and all I could do was laugh. I think he got the hint when I said I'll just wear a shirt and jeans and he asked should he change. I felt bad but I really wanted him to but I just changed.
I like how my honey dresses. Although my dh isn't flashy with the logos, etc. I think the most important thing is that the man is neatly groomed with clean, non-wrinkled clothing. I do not think it is wise to try and make a man change how he dresses. If he's wearing what he likes and makes him happy that is what is important. If he is asking for advice that is one thing but to try and change a man who is happy IMO is not very nice. If he's kind, handsome, and treats you well IMO that is all that should matter.
oh my! Thank goodness I don't have this issue.. and say that only because DH is younger than me.

Well what does he say/think about the clothing you'd prefer to see him in??? I mean is he atleast open to add some of it to his wardrobe then eventually you can phase more of what you like in and more of what he likes out?? Or maybe he'll start to like/enjoy what you like to see him in?
I will definitely try this the next time he wears something nice.

One time we were going out to eat for breakfast and I had on a nice dress my hair in a nice updo and he had on a shirt with a big logo on it and jeans with some logo on the pocket. I was so upset I changed my clothes he asked "why I was changing because I looked so beautiful". I just smiled and said "because we don't look like we are going to the same place", he replied with "we are going to cracker barrell right?" and all I could do was laugh. I think he got the hint when I said I'll just wear a shirt and jeans and he asked should he change. I felt bad but I really wanted him to but I just changed.

That's funny..:lachen:.

I think when he asked you if you wanted him to change, you should have said yes.
I have known my SO for 11 months now and the improvement has been huge. I really can't complain now. If he cares about how you feel and as long as he doesn't feel like you are putting him down, he should have no problem making changes and being open to your suggestions :-).
I personally cant stand guys who dress street. ish is wack and childish. They get no love from me whatsoever.

OP, you really should speak up more..when he asked if he should change, you should have said Yes. Instead of being unhappy in silence. Has he tried on the clothes you bought him? Whenever he wears those, you should compliment him big time.

Mai-Tai, same here. Dude loves BR and Zara.
I will definitely try this the next time he wears something nice.

One time we were going out to eat for breakfast and I had on a nice dress my hair in a nice updo and he had on a shirt with a big logo on it and jeans with some logo on the pocket. I was so upset I changed my clothes he asked "why I was changing because I looked so beautiful". I just smiled and said "because we don't look like we are going to the same place", he replied with "we are going to cracker barrell right?" and all I could do was laugh. I think he got the hint when I said I'll just wear a shirt and jeans and he asked should he change. I felt bad but I really wanted him to but I just changed.

First off, :lachen::lachen: @ your Location. I've been there, done that.

Now at the bolded, when you met him, did he dress like this? This may be a problem. I've also done what you have done as well, change my clothes if someone (whether it's a man or just my friend) was dressed down or up. It just doesn't feel right.
oh my! Thank goodness I don't have this issue.. and say that only because DH is younger than me.

Well what does he say/think about the clothing you'd prefer to see him in??? I mean is he atleast open to add some of it to his wardrobe then eventually you can phase more of what you like in and more of what he likes out?? Or maybe he'll start to like/enjoy what you like to see him in?

I tell him and he understands where I'm coming from and will go out and by some things that are better than what he has in the closet. He seems to like what I buy and I make sure to compliment him more. I'm working on phasing his clothes out. I jokingly told him that he may come home one day and all his clothes will be gone :look: I was half joking LOL
That's funny..:lachen:.

I think when he asked you if you wanted him to change, you should have said yes.
I have known my SO for 11 months now and the improvement has been huge. I really can't complain now. If he cares about how you feel and as long as he doesn't feel like you are putting him down, he should have no problem making changes and being open to your suggestions :-).

Yea I should have but I was starving easier for me to just change. But next time I will speak up. Thats good that he takes what you say into consideration. I just recently told him how I felt about how he dresses. So I will see how it goes.

I personally cant stand guys who dress street. ish is wack and childish. They get no love from me whatsoever.

OP, you really should speak up more..when he asked if he should change, you should have said Yes. Instead of being unhappy in silence. Has he tried on the clothes you bought him? Whenever he wears those, you should compliment him big time.

Mai-Tai, same here. Dude loves BR and Zara.

I'm in the military so when I met him we were in uniform and on deployment for 7 months so I rarely saw him in regular clothes(usually workout clothes) and when we started dating is when I noticed. I usually don't date men in street clothes period. But im glad that it happened the way it did bc he is a great guy and I would've dismissed him for something that can be easily changed.

First off, :lachen::lachen: @ your Location. I've been there, done that.

Now at the bolded, when you met him, did he dress like this? This may be a problem. I've also done what you have done as well, change my clothes if someone (whether it's a man or just my friend) was dressed down or up. It just doesn't feel right.

See above response. I know I just didnt feel like doing anything other than eating at the time LOL.
I like how my honey dresses. Although my dh isn't flashy with the logos, etc. I think the most important thing is that the man is neatly groomed with clean, non-wrinkled clothing. I do not think it is wise to try and make a man change how he dresses. If he's wearing what he likes and makes him happy that is what is important. If he is asking for advice that is one thing but to try and change a man who is happy IMO is not very nice. If he's kind, handsome, and treats you well IMO that is all that should matter.

He is always well groomed and neat. And I want him to wear what he likes but I honestly think he just wears what he wore in highschool and college and doesnt think twice about it. I think he just needs to dress like a 25yr old not a 19-22 yr old in college. He is all of the bolded thats why I havent mentioned it in the year that we have been together but know I think he needs to update and he has mentioned that he is getting older so thats why I opened up about it.
LOL we live in NC, but my SO is from NJ. I'm going to assume (read: tell myself) that this is the reason he doesn't dress like the rest of the men here or back in the 757. (I see that problem seems to be adequately addressed in this thread. :lol:)

I love the way he dresses. He takes pride in his clothing selection. Lots of labels, but nothing flashy or gaudy. No "streetwear" or "urban" labels. He wore it about 10 years ago, from what I have seen in pictures, and thank goodness he let that go after college.

Great advice!
I don't. He is always really casual and wear cargos and fee shirts which is fine if we aren't going out somewhere. I contribute it to the environment he grew up in. I told my honey we are going shopping stat. Does it bother me to the point where I am ashamed to go out with him, no. But like the other posters said I would like to look as if we are going to the same event.
I hate how my husband dresses too we've been married for 7 yrs, have 2 kids, he's 27 so I feel as if the Jersey and Jordans phase should have passed by now. yuk!
I love how my SO dresses not so much for his style, but because he isn't flashy. He would rather buy expensive clothes for me than for himself.
Yes, I love it. No urban wear/labels/jerseys (outside of jeans, but there isn't a gaudy label on his jeans) at ALL in his closet. He dresses very casual though. Hat, nice jeans, casual shoes, shirt, and sick watch. :yep:
I LOVE the way my SO dresses. He doesn't own one jersey, any urban wear, or any clothes with large emblems. His favorite store is Banana Republic...

That's my SO to a tee. Praise the Lord! I wouldn't know what to do with a tacky dressing man :look:
He's a great dresser, and more into style than I am. He actually doesn't like the way I dress but he'll be alright.
DH is a classic dresser (AKA - like an old man), his colorblindness is apparent sometimes, but I don't care lol. The days when I want him to look a certain way he lets me dress him so I don't mess with him and his damn khaki shorts otherwise.
My SO style of dress was questionable when we started dating. He did not like to buy clothes so the things he wore were dated and out of style.
I saw a shirt that I thought would look nice on him and I bought it for him and he loved it. From that point on, he started to slowly purchase new things but he would always ask me to go with him and help him pick out things. Now, he gives me the bankcard and sends me to pick out outfits for him. I love seeing him in the things I've picked out!! It kinda turns me on :kissing4:
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This thread is right on time for me....

My SO is 27 and his wardrobe needs some help. We met 6 years ago, so at the time big t-shirts, baggy clothing and sneakers were not so much. We've gotten into a few arguments about this. However, his wardrobe is slowly starting to evolve...we've graduated from big tees and baggy, to fitted v necks and fitted jeans. He still wears uptowns/ jordans, but will wear loafers at church or on special occasions.

I've learned it's all in the approach...instead of making random comments about his wardrobe and thinks I don't like, I'll make suggestions. I'll also go shopping with him and say things like "babe you would look really nice in __________". Most of the time he eats it up.

It's a work in progress....I believe we'll get there it just has to take some time. BTW he still has braids...yes cornrowed crazy designed braids :nono:. I'm working on that too... Le sigh.
Yes for the past few years he has dressed presentably. Usually he wears a polo or dress shirt with khakis or dress pants, sometimes jeans. Before, I used to berate him because he loved wearing baby tees and corduroys! I hate those cheap looking, box shaped shirts. Then he moved on to loafers, dress pants, long sleeve dress shirts (even in the summer) and a sweater vest! I would yell, I'm not married to an 80 yr old, change that mess now!:lol:
Nope. Mine is a strictly jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. He refuses to dress up. The only time I can get him to dress is for weddings so we don't go anywhere really nice.