Do you let your daughter play in your hair?


Old School Member
My 5-year old is home from kindergarten with a cold and looking to be entertained. I got a phone call from a friend I hadn't talked to in a couple of months, so to keep my DD quiet, I let her play in my hair. The next thing I know, here she comes at me with brushes and ponytail holders. I heard a couple of snaps and almost had to hurt her:nono:. JK! I asked her if she ever saw me use a brush. She said "No" and kept on brushing. I had to end this. I feel kind of guilty. My mother let me play in her hair. Am I a bad mommy?
my son LOVES to play in my hair... he likes to squish my coily fro in his hands and sometimes he will find a good coil and pull it, watch it stretch out, let it go and watch it recoil back to my head, laugh and repeat. :rolleyes: BUT, if he gets to pulling too hard i will stop him and say, "hey, be nice to Mommy's hair!" (he's going on 2 so i'm nice about it)

my mom let me play in her hair too when i was little... BUT she didn't want me pulling out her hair with the comb and brush! :lachen: there were limits of course. kids can still have fun playing in Mommy's hair without ruining your hair. and if all else fails... buy her one of those Barbie/Bratz heads and let her style their hair instead. :yep:
I feel guilty, too, because I realize that it's something my little girls desperately wants to do when I have my hair down. I will ONLY let her comb my hair with the shower comb, and she can use a scrunci to put it in a pony tail. I don't consider you a bad mommy at all....your daughter is lucky she's got you for a mommy.
I know this feeling, my daughter is 10 now, and she want to bust out any and everything she can find, from body lotion to vaseline. I love the feel of her little hands on my head, but she is too ruff and i am a tender head. I feel bad too.
my daughter is 2 and loves to play in mommy's hair. i usually let her unless i have been stretching for a while and have a lot of new growth. a few times i have fussed at her for trying to comb my hair but then i felt guilty and let her bc it made her happy
Oh my god my daughter is 4 my son is 5 they be wanting to take out my buns and play in my hair
i swear i will try to take it for a few minutes but once i feel the yanking and hear the snapping i have to end it
I try to only let them use a shower comb but they will find anything
i swear if they ever come at me with some ballies i'm running out the room

I always feel so guilty after
My daughter wants to play in my hair, but I explain to her why she can't and I let her run her hair on my hair and through it gently. I got her a black Barbie head, and Shasa Bratz head and I got her various magnetic rollers, spray bottle, cheap shampoo for washing and I showed her how to do the roller set and she is on.
My daughter wants to play in my hair, but I explain to her why she can't and I let her run her hair on my hair and through it gently. I got her a black Barbie head, and Shasa Bratz head and I got her various magnetic rollers, spray bottle, cheap shampoo for washing and I showed her how to do the roller set and she is on.

My daughter has the Sasha bratz head too which she likes, but sometimes you can't beat the real thing, a humans head :lachen: I let my daughter play around in my hair as long as it isn't too rough. It feels good a lot of the times and can be very soothing for me. Sometimes i hear/feel a strand break, but it's not like it's hundreds of strands, just a onsey,twosey kind of thing and that is ok by me. Now, she gets to comb/brush my hair but only when i wear it straightened. When it's froey she can brush it with a soft brush if she wants to mess around in it.
My daughter has the Sasha bratz head too which she likes, but sometimes you can't beat the real thing, a humans head :lachen: I let my daughter play around in my hair as long as it isn't too rough. It feels good a lot of the times and can be very soothing for me. Sometimes i hear/feel a strand break, but it's not like it's hundreds of strands, just a onsey,twosey kind of thing and that is ok by me. Now, she gets to comb/brush my hair but only when i wear it straightened. When it's froey she can brush it with a soft brush if she wants to mess around in it.

It feels great!! I'll let just about anybody play in my hair as long as it's gentle. My son likes to go "boing boing" with my curls.
My daughter has the Sasha bratz head too which she likes, but sometimes you can't beat the real thing, a humans head :lachen: I let my daughter play around in my hair as long as it isn't too rough. It feels good a lot of the times and can be very soothing for me. Sometimes i hear/feel a strand break, but it's not like it's hundreds of strands, just a onsey,twosey kind of thing and that is ok by me. Now, she gets to comb/brush my hair but only when i wear it straightened. When it's froey she can brush it with a soft brush if she wants to mess around in it.

I am getting there, she is so good at the roller sets she gives her barbie, and bratz doll and she can corn row and I can't to save my life and this girl is six. I may have to let her give me a roller set, I love how she sat with me and watch Marcelle's video and now she is the queen of roller setting. LHCF watch out, the our daughters will have healthier and longer hair than us.:grin:
I have a 10 y/o who can french braid better than most grown folks:lachen:. I've always let her play in my hair but I am tenderheaded and she knows so she's gentle, wide tooth comb, no brush, no tangles. I think it's a great part of childhood development and a good way to spend time together. I let her put 4-6 french braids on my head for braidouts and she even does my moms track braids w/braiding hair when she weaves it up! Baby girl gonna have a good skill to make some extra $$ from middle school thru college :grin:
I have a 10 y/o who can french braid better than most grown folks:lachen:. I've always let her play in my hair but I am tenderheaded and she knows so she's gentle, wide tooth comb, no brush, no tangles. I think it's a great part of childhood development and a good way to spend time together. I let her put 4-6 french braids on my head for braidouts and she even does my moms track braids w/braiding hair when she weaves it up! Baby girl gonna have a good skill to make some extra $$ from middle school thru college :grin:

SEE . . . I want a daughter! It's so beautiful that so many of you mommies spend time cultivating your beauty with your daughters. These girls are going to grow up really loving themselves as black women.
SEE . . . I want a daughter! It's so beautiful that so many of you mommies spend time cultivating your beauty with your daughters. These girls are going to grow up really loving themselves as black women.

I have a three year old and I do allow him to play in my hair when it is down, which is not too often. He will get rough handed sometimes or he will forget he has hands in my hair and will yank away really fast...:ohwell: Ouch:nono:... I always heard *old wives tale* that "letting children play in your hair makes it grow". I allow my cousins to play in it too and they love it. I love it oo, I get goosebumps and just want to go to sleep, lol.
I let me Daughter play with my hair, she is 2 yo. Most of the time she is very gentle, but occasionaly she get very rough that is when I have to tell to play nice because she was hurting mommy.