Do you leave Fotki comments?

Do you leave Fotki Comments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 134 66.0%
  • No

    Votes: 69 34.0%

  • Total voters
bmoreflyygirl said:
I leave comments. But I don't get comments in my fotki either. And I get multiple requests for my pw everyday. I get visitors but no comments. And then sometimes I go to other people's fotkis and they have comments out the wazoo. I think the ladies here just don't like me. :cry3:

you are in will start a club bc I feel that way just really think my fotki is boring
I get more visits than comments. The comments I do receive are very encouraging. I return the visit and leave comments. I also visit other albums and look at their Friends List and then I add them to my site and then I visit and leave comments. I do think it is important to acknowledge the comments as well. I had to learn to use the different features. But as I learn more I do more. I will visit your album asap. something that may make a difference. People are more likely to visit an album that has a link posted with their post or in their siggy and with an available password. I notice that your album site is not directly linked to Fotki. That may help. People like to see it and hit it! I have removed all the passwords for all of my albums now. bonjour
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I don't leave comments. That is mainly due to lazyness, it is not a reflection of what I think of that person or their hair.
I haven't really visited enough fotki's yet, I'm doing it slowly but surly. I usually leave a comment.
Cayenne0622 said:
Don't you have to set up a fotki account just to leave comments? I thought you had to log in and all that just to leave comments so I don't leave them. I feel inspired to sometimes but I am just too lazy to figure out how. I didn't realize there was a tracking log on there. Whoa. :D

I think it depends on the individual's set up for comments. You can specify if only fotki members, people of your friends list or just anyone can leave comments. So, if you do not have a fotki account you can leave comments in someone's fotki if that's how the album has been set up.
I do leave comments. always positive ones of course. :) i try to leave as many as possible to the ones who are discouraged and to let them know that even though they aren't happy with their hair, i look at their hair as an inspiration for me to keep trying with mine.
Im one of those who look a lot but hardly ever leave comments. Just to lazy. If i leave a comment in someones fokti then u kno it must of really moved me and I HAD to say
I "Always" do! Because I feel that encouragement and feedback is important with what we are trying to do here. From what I have noticed, that is what the LHCF's community is built upon.

I see tons of traffic on my fotki, but not even half of the people that stop by leave comments. Its cool because "I Know" my hair is jacked up right now lol....and I guess its like the old saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothing at all":lol::lol::lol:
crlsweetie912 said:
Just wondering! I have been getting a lot of traffic on my fotki, but nobody is leaving comments?:confused: Is my hair that tow up? Or do yall just not like leaving comments?

I am thinking about closing my fotki and keeping it just for personal reference.

I thought is was just me. I get very few but the people that I know "check" on me always comment.

Don't close your site. I like to look at mine and smile to myself. lol
trimbride said:
Please don't close your Album!!!

I will admit that I "frequently visit" some albums for updates so I know I increase the traffic on a lot of fotkis, but I don't leave comments because I don't want anyone to think that I am some kind obsessed internet stalker :(

I prefer to quietly observe :)

Can you tell WHO has visited your album? same for Myspace????:sekret: :sekret: :sekret:

I'm in the same boat as Trimbride and I'm interested in the answer to your question.
Only on my online friend's fotkis and even then most the time no. There is about 3-4 ppl who I leave comments on their fotkis consitently and those are my idols and/or they will give me fast and wonderful feedback.

I have had my fotki open for about a year now and only 2 ppl left comments. I thought it was something personal, but now I don't care!
It's a lazy thing for me. I swoon more than I leave comments. I'll say out loud, "damn that's some beautiful hair" then keep it moving.

Sometimes I do leave comments. I have so many albums and pw's saved in my Roboform. I should go through and leave some.

I like getting comments in mine. I respond to them also.
Sometimes I leave comments and sometimes I don't. If I'm viewing new updates than I usually leave an encouraging comment but if I'm viewing fotkis that have not been updated then I just look. But more often than not I'm viewing fotki's that I've looked at before that have no new updates but I just enjoy looking at them. I view them for encouragement and to encourage others.
trimbride said:
Please don't close your Album!!!

I will admit that I "frequently visit" some albums for updates so I know I increase the traffic on a lot of fotkis, but I don't leave comments because I don't want anyone to think that I am some kind obsessed internet stalker :(

I prefer to quietly observe :)

Can you tell WHO has visited your album? same for Myspace????:sekret: :sekret: :sekret:

If there is a way, I don't know it.
crlsweetie912 said:
Just wondering! I have been getting a lot of traffic on my fotki, but nobody is leaving comments?:confused: Is my hair that tow up? Or do yall just not like leaving comments?

I am thinking about closing my fotki and keeping it just for personal reference.

Guility!!!:grin: I don't talk much, I just like to look/read then leave. I love looking at you guys progress and wishing and hoping about my own. It's not you, it's me and I will try to stop and remember to leave a commit before I leave.
I haven't seen a lot of fotki's, but I usually leave a comment or sign the guestbook
I always have something to say or a question to ask.
marie170 said:
Dont do that sis!!! I leave comments most of the time but if its someone I talk to about hair on a normal basis(like you:) ) I may not be proned to do it all the time.

I agree with my girl marie. I would much rather tell you personally, and I'm sometimes too lazy to type.:D
preciousjewel76 said:
I will comment in a post here, but I don't usually leave comments in someone's Fotki (just lazy). It's nothing personal! I really love the pictures and tips I've seen in everybody's Fotkis.

Yep what she said.... :yep:
crlsweetie912 said:
Just wondering! I have been getting a lot of traffic on my fotki, but nobody is leaving comments?:confused: Is my hair that tow up? Or do yall just not like leaving comments?

I am thinking about closing my fotki and keeping it just for personal reference.

Don't do that!! I am guilty of peeping Fotkis but not leaving messages b/c I'm recovering from surgery and I'm tired all the time! I'd prefer to comment here, anyway. People have all sorts of reasons for not commenting. BTW: Your hair is VERY pretty. It looks thick and healthy. (I also don't have a Fotki yet.)
:lachen: Ok now I'm gon go back an tell ya how purty your hair is. I think everyone just visits albums for viewing, reference and many other reasons. I'm sure folk check out my pics to see who this big mouf thank she all dat ole ***** is:lachen:. Now don't get mad if someone leaves a nasty comment ok?:lachen:
I was just thinking the same thing....

I am the pot calling the kettle black. I want comments myself, but i havent been leaving any. I spend so much time looking at so many FOTKI's that i just didnt find time to leave a comment.

I do knwo my hair is jacked up right now but with or without comments, I am so amazed at what I feel is progress that I am just happy to keep updating my pics so that when I have time, I can see my OWN results!!

Keep your head up. I can bet no harm is meant, just no time...

because of this thread, I understand more what it means to others for feedback. I am going to practice leaving comments...