Do you LEAVE conditioner in your hair that is not a leave-in conditioner??

As a newbie on this board one of my first move was to quit shampooing and started conditioner washing. I also started washing 2x a week and I use a watered down conditioner as my leave in. My next move was to buy a wig so it would be easier for me to wash my hair every day. Even if I miss a day washing at night I will run the watered down conditioner through it to go to bed. My hair is loving it.
i wouldnt mind doing it but im not natural so i rollerset ALL the time. can i use my vo5 as a leave in to rollerset?
or my aubrey organics HSr? can i use that for rollersets?
I current leave-in is Tresseme Vit. E mixed with water in a spray bottle it makes the comb glide through my hair. After I spray that on I use Suave Tropical Coconut as a moisturizer and seal with coconut oil.
I do. I ran out of my usual leave in months ago and started using sauve milk and honey as a leave in.
Works great!
All day every day! owwwwwwwww!

LOL yes, my hair is in a constant 24/7 DC :grin:. It's the best thing ever!
Did this way back in my relaxed/texturized days but stopped after coming here. But after I went natural, I started doing it again after reading some threads where some were doing it still and there was no harm in it. I just didn't know about doing conditioner washes, which I now love!
I just did this for the 1st time the other day (used pantene r&n reg. condish) and my hair felt great afterward. I really didn't have time to DC so I just applied a small amount and put my hair up. Once it dried it was nice and soft. I think I'll do this more often :yep:
Oh, yeah, all the time. I purposefully rinse my hair in such a way that all of the con is not fully rinsed out - it leaves my hair feeling gentler/softer all week.
I do this with my final rinse... I'm going to make an oil/cream rinse just for this purpose with my own natural ingredients...
Um, I use all the vo5s basically, except extra body cuz I hate it.

And Ive used suave tropical coconut before too.
Yeah? I have the ORS replenishing at home too... man does that stuff smell yummy! :lick:

This is not suitable for a leave in, trust me I know I TRIED, and jacked my hair, too much protein

one poster said they leave it in all day and rinse it out at night, that might work

but I like ones i can just leave in
i stopped buying these because i hated paying for the that i know it is in a bottle maybe i will get it when this buy nothing challenge is up. it does smell really good and give me good curl definition, and now i know i'm not crazy for wanting to use it as a leave-in!

try it slowly! this has protein!!!!!
I did it a lot when I was natural. Daily I would rinse (water only) and comb through in the shower, then add conditioner to my soaking wet hair, then style. My hair was always soft and moisturised with slightly more definition.

As a relaxed head, it didn't work so well for me. Left a residue which coated my hair, making it dry and crunchy by the end of the day. So like people said, you have to find the right conditioner. Or maybe, regular conditioner is too heavy to use as a leave-in for *some* relaxed strands.

Right now, I'm actually using a little Porosity Control as a leave-in. It seems to add more smoothness and shine.
I'm relaxed, and when I wear WnG or braidouts/twistouts/buns I leave conditioner in my hair all it!! I've used Mane n Tail before with no adverse affects. But, my fave after cowashing is HE LTR or Suave Coconut.

It's been so hot here lately, that I've been doing this everyday this week. I'm also 14 weeks post, so this has been the greatest.
OKay, so I've been leaving conditioner in my hair since Saturday and I LOVE IT!! Because it's been so hot here, I've been washing, leaving in conditioner and bunning using pantyhose (cross-cut) and sealing with castor oil. I am so happy I started doing this :yep: I've used CON-purple label and I also have that VS So So Sexy- that's alittle perfumy for me though... I like fruity smelling stuff better. I have several different moisturising conditioners - thanks to my former PJism :lol: I think I will be doing this throughout the summer and see how many inches I can gain doing this.
This is not suitable for a leave in, trust me I know I TRIED, and jacked my hair, too much protein

one poster said they leave it in all day and rinse it out at night, that might work

but I like ones i can just leave in
Thank you so much for the warning!! I haven't tried that one as a leave in, and I won't either :nono: I don't need any setbacks.
yep, i used to do it every single day when I was natural .. cowash as usual and then add some more conditioner in , do a shake and leave the house...NOTHING else .. no shampoo, moisturising, oiling .. nada .. hair grew from a twa to a ba in 6 months
I do this all the time.

3-4 times a week after a co-wash, saturate my hair with conditioner, finger detangle, fluff with my hands and go.