Can you leave Conditioner in?

Maybe I'll try this when I bun or if I ever can figure out what type of hairstyle would be wash and go for me (besides bunning)!
I did this today only because I was getting a relaxer. My hair was throwing a fit so I had to put it in place.
I bought the liter sized NEXXUS HUMECTRESS for $26.00, came to $16.00 with my CVS bucks return so no way am I buying the HEADDRESS leave-in 13ounce again for $18.00...I'll keep my HEADDRESS container add some HUMEC. with water use it as my leave-in... thus far it feels and looks great as a leave-in.
My hair has been so DRY in the last two weeks due to styling neglect - not moisturizing, sealing or baggying as I should - so decided to up my deep conditioning.

I applied Silk Elements Mega Cholestrol treatment to my cornrows with the intent of deep conditioning with heat and doing a con wash. I got busy, so I went to bed with the it still in my hair wearing a baggie (used a towel to protect my pillow).

The next morning, I wake up late for work, so I just took the baggie off and slapped on my wig. By the time I got home my hair had dried soft and well moisturized with NO trace of the thick cream conditioner.
I do it often in the summer with conditioners that contain no cones (meaning i dont leave pantene or herbal essences in) i stick to conditioners like elucence, kenra, suave or V05...sometimes cholesterol too
I bought the liter sized NEXXUS HUMECTRESS for $26.00, came to $16.00 with my CVS bucks return so no way am I buying the HEADDRESS leave-in 13ounce again for $18.00...I'll keep my HEADDRESS container add some HUMEC. with water use it as my leave-in... thus far it feels and looks great as a leave-in.

Humectress actually says you can leave it in on the back of the bottle as well as deep condition with it. It's a good multiuse product.
I know one time I didn't completely rinse my DC out .. and there was a bit left in the front .. but I didn't go back and re-rinse cuz I was in a hurry. I airdried and flatironed, and the front was the nicest, softest part!

I wouldn't necessarily recommend this when using heat though.
I tried it once, but i think i put too much, my hair was soft, mushy and broke off. Now I do it from time to time, but use a pea sized amount