Do you have a problem with your SO looking at other women?


Well-Known Member
Me and my SO were out and about last night and we passed by this woman. She was cute and had kinda long hair. I noticed my SO looking at her and then he made a funny face like some type of confused look. I started laughing. He asked me what was funny. I told him I would tell him later. So when we got home, of course he asked me again what was funny. I told him I saw him checking out the broad we passed by. I wasn't mad or anyting and lord knows I am not really the jealous type. But his response was even funnier. He said that every since I have joined the hair board and have gotten interested in hair more, he finds himself looking at females hair to see if it's real, dry, etc. And he said he was looking at her wondering if she had weave:lol: Should we care if our men look at other women in admiration? I really don't think it bothers me because I look at men sometimes and will say to myself "he is handsome". Sometimes I look at women too and say they are cute or dressed nice. I guess I am wondering if it is a form of insecurity on the woman's part if her man looks at another women while she is present or a disrespect thing on the man's part....
LOL! Great thread!

Nope. I don't have a problem with it. Everytime a dang Beyonce' video is on VH1 Soul...suddenly Robby appears out of nowhere. LOL! He's an *** man and I gotta admit...ya girl has plenty to spare!

On the same token, however, I expect him to have the same kinda understanding when The Rock, LL Cool J, Boris Kojoe, or Carlos (from Desperate Housewives) is on. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

We are both very secure in our relationship as it sounds like you and your guy it doesn't bother either of us in the least. ( better not be too dang obvious dangit! LOL!)

Look all you want. Touch and get hurt. :D
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I believe it's how they act when looking at a woman, you can tell if their looking, thinking, she nice looking or if their looking, thinking, I wish I could get that. I don't mind most of the time, because I think it natural to admire beauty, but I do mind when I find him looking and little to long.
I don't mind it doesn't bother me as long as he ain't wishing that is what he had lol!! we have a secure relationship and jealousy is not a problem on my part.

But the minute someone looks at me all Hell breaks Loose!
Mu Hubby is silly sometimes, Shoot I don't know about ya'll but I am happy that I can still turn heads. LOL!!!

I look to but I am just like he is a nice looking man or look at them muscles, but I say this too myself and keep going, I ain't like ooh baby I want you look! lol!!!
I've never noticed that happening and it wouldn't bother me if it did. Now, if somebody really stands out in an odd way, he'll look and make a comment to me. The other day, we saw a woman who had on a Remy Ma wig (I've been seeing this too much, lately) and he shook his head and said, "Now, she NEEDS to be on that board that you're a member of!" He was talking about LHCF! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't have a problem with it, but I would hope that he respects me enough that when we are together that all of his attention is devoted toward me. But if he looks, it won't start and arguement or even a discussion.

This may seem silly, but early in the relationship, sometimes when we were out shopping, I will deliberately go to other areas, just to see the level of respect he gave me when I'm wasn't around, and I've never caught him looking at other women. I think that is the reason I don't have a problem, but if I was continously catching him looking at other women, then I would have a problem.
Mestiza said:
.....The other day, we saw a woman who had on a Remy Ma wig (I've been seeing this too much, lately) and he shook his head and said, "Now, she NEEDS to be on that board that you're a member of!" He was talking about LHCF! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is too much!:lachen:
jasmin said:
How would you know he's not wishing he could hit that?

It's when they stare a little too long and they're looking a woman up and down...that's an I want to get that look, not oh she's pretty.

But, thankfully I haven't had that problem with my current bf :D
It doesn't bother me if we are looking at something on TV/ movie whatever, but if we are walking down the street and I see him breaking his neck to look at another woman while he is walking with me, then Hell will rain on his head because that is very direspectful. I can't tell you the number of times that I have walked down the street and a couple will go past me with the dude giving me double or triple looks. I get so disgusted...One time I was in the Village and a gay couple walked past me and 1/2 of the couple did a double take when he saw me. The other guy got mad and said to his man, "why you looking at her? You see something you like? " His partner said," you really want the answer to that?" I broke the hell out of there before I died of laughter..LOL.
I don't like him to look- I get jealous, but I don't flip out if he just looks in passing- it's if he turns his head to look, or just flat out stares is when he WILL get smacked. He hasn't done it though- at least not in my presence.
felicia said:
it bothers me and i get jealous, but i think that stems from other issues.

I second this. He never has done it (that I SAW) but I have insecurities and stuff that need to be worked out.

I HATE it when I see a man undressing me with his eyes when he's with another woman. It makes me think bad about him and their relationship and I don't want people thinking bad about my relationship.
We're all humans and there are many beautiful women especially in NYC, so I have no problem with the occasional glance, as long as it's discreet and I don't really notice.
No...I don't have a problem with it. In fact I tease him about it. But don't let this fool think I'm eyeing another man!!! He's such an arse sometimes
MizaniMami said:
I second this. He never has done it (that I SAW) but I have insecurities and stuff that need to be worked out.

I HATE it when I see a man undressing me with his eyes when he's with another woman. It makes me think bad about him and their relationship and I don't want people thinking bad about my relationship.

Yeah that is super disrespectful and then the woman looks at you like it's your fault..the nerve!!! When she need to to be karate chopping her man in the nut sack....
mermaid said:
I don't like him to look- I get jealous, but I don't flip out if he just looks in passing- it's if he turns his head to look, or just flat out stares is when he WILL get smacked. He hasn't done it though- at least not in my presence.

This is OT for Mermaid....I am loving those streaks you have in your hair. Nice...
This has long been my belief:

A glance is fine. Hard core looks of lust are not.

Now, I appreciate a fine specimen as much as anyone else, and believe in praising beauty wherever it may be found — man or woman. So, sometimes we can share a look together and say ‘Damn!” ... but I’d prefer to do that in response to T.V or a movie where the subject is unattainable rather than at my local Applebees where some woman thinks she can pull/flirt with/ or compete with me for my guy’s attention.

Under no circumstance should SHE see him checking her out. That’s too brazen and disrespectful to me. Even so, I wouldn’t verbally make big scene because I think showing jealousy is a pretty weak power move and reeks of insecurity.
I have no problem with it whatsoever. Though, I rarely notice him doing that. I don't get jealous easily, certainly not from my husband looking at some other woman. I can admire beauty when I see it, too.