Do you have a "Mental" Terminal Length?


Well-Known Member
So I was talking to SO and told him I was thinking of cutting my hair. He said something that blew my mind. (partially because I didn't know he noticed these things and partially because it was the daggone truth!)

He said "You always cut your hair when it gets to this length. You never let it go longer than your nipples."

1. I love that we here at LHCF measure hair by APL in the back, BSL in the back, and this man is measuring by boobs! hahah (:rolleyes:men)

2. Wow! He notices my hair patterns!? I thought he was oblivious.

3. Oh my God, he's absolutely right! September 05 was BSL, cut to a TWA (my BC) then March 08 was BSL, cut to APL. (but before that, I always maintained my hair at BSL and had it trimmed 4x a year (@ my touchups) to keep it at BSL

4. Maybe I have a "mental" terminal length and subconsciously don't want to grow my hair any longer than this? :spinning:

Do you think you have a "mental terminal length?"
i don't know but i've noticed that i do the same thing. when my hair gets to apl or a little past, i always cut up my shoulders. this year, i'm determined not to cut at all and see what happens...i think part of it for me is that i never feel that my hair is long. it's always stuck at SL in my head. it's not until *after* i cut and see pictures that i'm like "what have i done?!" i've started documenting with pictures and that's been helpful although a part of me doesn't even believe the but regardless, no cutting!
I sure do! It's usually around 6-7 inches. I get frustrated, think this is the end, and chop my hair off back to a TWA. Happened without fail every year for the last 5 years (5 big chops total!) I'm determined not to do this again though, that's why I'm here at LHCF. :yep:
Yep, and mine is SL. In fact, I just trimmed it again on Friday. Now, I am happy with the health and feeling awkward about the length (my twists look weird). Hm...
Good questions today Whimsy. First I have to add that I am using nipple level as a personal marker LOL. My mental terminal level has been around APL but because my ends always seemed so damaged. A fresh trim or in a few cases drastic cut was needed. Back then I never really thought I could grow my hair to the mid back or waist. Now I have a very different idea of what my terminal length could be.
1. I love that we here at LHCF measure hair by APL in the back, BSL in the back, and this man is measuring by boobs! hahah (:rolleyes:men)

This is hilarious :lachen::lachen: I can only imagine his description of tailbone length :blush: :blush3:
Yep, between SL & APL. I can't really deal with my hair past that point. I'm trying to resist the urge to cut now and it's only SL. I also think I look better with shorter hair, so that maybe part of it.
No but I have emotional terminal lengths.Whenever there is a big change or move: like from California to NY or going into grad school, or whatever I want to cut my hair. During these times I braid it up so I can't get to it. I do this because I've always done that "cut it" and then instantly regretted it.
i definitely have a mental terminal length. its apl/bsl. before lhcf i hated dealing with my hair, and even though i've learned why it was so difficult, i have no desire to grow any longer than that. so once i get to apl/bsl, trims will be regular cuz i'm not dealing with any extra hair.
2. Wow! He notices my hair patterns!? I thought he was oblivious.

Funny. I have noticed men observes and pay more attention than we think they do.. Sometimes my SO surprises me too.

I hope I don't have a mental terminal length, I have never been passed APL before. Due to terrible or lack of regimen.
Maybe you are getting bored..?
Does your hair require a lot of time to "do"?

You might have found the reason why many women will not get over the "hump"; we get bored and frustrated with our hair and then start cutting and styling which messes up the retention..hmmm.

This is funny.. I sometimes think some ladies cut their hair because they actually dont believe it themselves that their hair will get to longer lengths...I am letting mine grow, and I visualize waist length often. I like the term "nipple length" or "npl".. Oh boy I think we have a new term for lhcf!! Tell your SO whimsy we said thanks...

My goal for Dec 2009 is "NPL"...:yep:
Mine is SL. I do something a bit more drastic. I just stop taking care of it and it ends up a broken off mess. I nuture it back and the cycle begins again. Thats why I'm here at LHCF to stop the cycle.
This is funny.. I sometimes think some ladies cut their hair because they actually dont believe it themselves that their hair will get to longer lengths...I am letting mine grow, and I visualize waist length often. I like the term "nipple length" or "npl".. Oh boy I think we have a new term for lhcf!! Tell your SO whimsy we said thanks...

My goal for Dec 2009 is "NPL"...:yep:

I have to agree with you. I keep hoping my hair will grow longer, but I have too much doubt or I feel it will take forever. I think that's what's limiting me and not my hair.
Mine is BSL. I seem to always seem to end up cutting my hair for some reason once I hit BSL length. Last year I actually made it to midback and then I chopped right back up to APL. I have decided to end my transition so now I have no reason to cut my hair. I hope I can resist the scissors and make it back to mbl by the end of the year
Mine is APL. For reasons unkown to me, I just stop taking care of it and then I have to trim to APL. I have been at APL for soooo many years. Until now! LHCF has made me aware of so many things and now I know I won't stop moisturizing and conditioning like I use to.
First I have to add that I am using nipple level as a personal marker LOL.

I like the term "nipple length" or "npl".. Oh boy I think we have a new term for lhcf!! Tell your SO whimsy we said thanks...

My goal for Dec 2009 is "NPL"...:yep:

Wimsy, tell your husband thanks for coining a new term for hair length. "Nipple length" or "NPL".

Nipple length is not a good idea, because it will change every year. :lachen: You could be saying nipplelength when you're at tailbone length. :lachen:

But YES, my mental is shoulder length. I just never thought I could get past that length with healthy hair. I'm dying to be APL, though. It will take some support to leave it alone, as i am now at SL again. We'll see.
Nipple length is not a good idea, because it will change every year. :lachen: You could be saying nipplelength when you're at tailbone length. :lachen:

But YES, my mental is shoulder length. I just never thought I could get past that length with healthy hair. I'm dying to be APL, though. It will take some support to leave it alone, as i am now at SL again. We'll see.

Lmao! You are so funny and so right! It will change, hopefully not every year though! LOL

Oh, my goodness! I'm laughing so hard!
What a great topic Whimsical Cakes!

That's what my albums in my fotki pre-LHCF are all about--I would get to between/APL/BSL and cut.

My hair is thick and past that point, rollersetting and sitting under the dryer was such a PITA.

After joining LHCF is my first time actively growing it longer than that point.
i definitely have a mental terminal length. its apl/bsl. before lhcf i hated dealing with my hair, and even though i've learned why it was so difficult, i have no desire to grow any longer than that. so once i get to apl/bsl, trims will be regular cuz i'm not dealing with any extra hair.

I think this is my mental length too, but I want to grow my hair to TBL so I need to get over with a quickness :look:. It NEVER fails...once my hair starts grazing BSL or hits BSL, I will "trim" back up to APL or a little below (which is where I'm at now). But for some reason (or maybe because I'm ignoring my hair now & taking my vits), its growing back much faster it seems. My ends weren't terrible, they just weren't perfect :ohwell:. I do admit, this length lends itself to much more manageable styles and my fine hair looks so much thicker and even :lick:

What a great topic Whimsical Cakes!

That's what my albums in my fotki pre-LHCF are all about--I would get to between/APL/BSL and cut.

My hair is thick and past that point, rollersetting and sitting under the dryer was such a PITA.

After joining LHCF is my first time actively growing it longer than that point.'s like "what will I do after I reach this point". Although I visualize having WSL or TBL hair often, I seriously won't know what to do with it when I reach that point. I take more reward in the journey than the actually arriving destination
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I sure do but I haven't gotten there yet! :look: I wont let my hair grow passed BSL.. I don't really want it that long! FULL apl is enough for me!:yep:
I think so though it may also be a little bit of boredom like MissNorway mentioned. I always feel so happy and reinvigorated after making the cut.
BSL is my ultimate goal and yes mentally, I cannot get any longer...I am way too lazy to care for anything longer than that!
FluffyRed;7218035[B said:
]Nipple length is not a good idea, because it will change every year. [/B]:lachen: You could be saying nipplelength when you're at tailbone length. :lachen:

But YES, my mental is shoulder length. I just never thought I could get past that length with healthy hair. I'm dying to be APL, though. It will take some support to leave it alone, as i am now at SL again. We'll see.

:lachen::lachen: Naw Naw Not mine. Mine will stay put forever.
LOL @ how men can make anything a sexual reference. I want to grow my hair down to my behind. I can only imagine what my hubby will say when it grows that long.

I love this question. I do believe that my mental terminal length is shoulder length. Not because I think that I can't grow it longer because I have before.

I didn't really know how to maintain the longer lengths by protective styling and good hair maintenance. My longer, constantly exposed ends would become very vulnerable and damaged and I would just cut them as the solution, thinking that I would rather have healthier short hair than raggedy long hair.

I am sure that mentally I indexed that beyond shoulder length hair automatically equaled damaged hair.

I am glad I know better now.