Do You Have A Dating/Relationship Time Limit?


Well-Known Member
And if so, how long is it? Limits in terms of saying "I love you" or getting a ring or hitting an obvious height in the relationship where you KNOW that you will be with that person come next Christmas with no worries.

I'm not a spring chicken anymore so I have been putting limitations on how long i'll sit around with someone.

Example. My me and my ex were together for a year & half. I felt like the relationship should've been farther along by that point and the ultimate relationship tester question came into play. Moving in together....after discussing that, i realized there was no need to waste anymore time and I could NOT see myself spending another 4 seasons with that person and ended it.

I told my current SO about my time limit and I didnt TELL him my specific time but i know in my mind that if we aren't where I feel we need to be then i'm out! Could be 6 months, 1 year, 2 years from now but none of this 5,7,10 year crap. He's 11 years older than me and has no time limits. I told him he can because he's a man and can still have babies til he drops dead and the older he gets, the better he looks.

I don't have all that time on my hands. I got eggs that can be fertilized and I have YOUTH!

Do any of you ladies put a cap on your dates and relationships? What are the terms of the time limit expiration? Saying "I love You", moving in, marriage, meeting the parents, something significant, etc.????
Yes I do. Why waste time on some one who does not have the same intentions as I. It may hurt but I gotta keep it moving. Plus I'm old....time is not on my side when it comes to being a mother.
I so and I don't because my ultimate goal is not to get married. But I would like a companion eventually that can be committed to me while we are together. If that makes sense.
I do/did have time limits. If the man didn't act like he was serious about me in 3-6 months, I phased him out.

Men have biological clocks too. When men are ready to get married, they get really motivated when looking for a partner. Men are usually pretty transparent. If it's still unclear what a man's feelings are after 3-6 months, then that means he is not ready to get married anytime in the near future or he just doesn't like you that much.
I always said it when he said it except that one ttime a few years, it was one of my best friends and i felt just HAD to do something before he goes out with another girl, I got lucky on that because he felt the same. I tend fall faster than others do, I didn't even THINK to have a time limit. I guess thats the perks of being a virgo
My current boyfriend (going on 4 months ) told me that most men know within 3-6 months after dating a woman where they intend on taking the relationship. It doesnt mean most men should ask a woman to be his wife in that time span but most do know whether they see that woman as a prospect for marriage.

I dont believe in dating a man for 3,4,5 years etc.... If he doesnt know after 2 years tops,then I'm moving on.

No I don't. Whatever happens happens. I'm not looking to get married so if it lasts 10 years that's fine with me. I don't consider it to be a waste of time. It will last for however long it lasts.

I'm a virgo too but what does that have to do with anything?
I always said it when he said it except that one ttime a few years, it was one of my best friends and i felt just HAD to do something before he goes out with another girl, I got lucky on that because he felt the same. I tend fall faster than others do, I didn't even THINK to have a time limit. I guess thats the perks of being a virgo
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I think it is important to have some type of idea of where the relationship is going. I can't see myself waiting for like 7 years for someone to marry me unless it's a VERY good reason why. Right now I'm pretty serious about my guy friend and unfortunately things may stay the same for us (friends) for a while because he is going through a lot of changes and hardships which I can understand completely. I may see myself waiting another year before anything gets serious, and then from there who knows but In most situations, I would want to hear I love you after a year, and marriage by the second year...three years tops.
Nope. Im a go with the flow type of girl but I meet alot of guys who want to put a timeline on everything. With the exclusion of one guy, I always get the ultimatums (be with me or just leave me alone)
coming out of a super long relationship, I am definitely not trying to do that unless we are married. I don't know how to express my time limit, but I definitely have an inner time limit.