Do you give your product baby daddy a second chance??


New Member
So i used aubrey organics GPB for the first time a few days ago (i deep conditioned with it), and it made my hair HARD (and resulted in ALOT more breakage then i am used to....especially after a deep conditioning), I have heard such great reviews and my hair loves AOHSR. So now im wondering should i give the GPB another try or should i be done with it.....I'm not sure if it went wrong because i let a protein treatment sit in my hair (with a conditioning cap for about 30 mins) or because my hair hates it because its too much protein....What would you do?...Do you generally give products second chances?...

one thing is for sure i don't want no more balls of broken hairs!!! :nono:
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I would give it another try The first time I used it, it also made my hair hard now I mix it with AO RM and its works wonderful for me that way:)hth
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I would run far away. If I have a so, so result with something then I may give it a second chance. If I have a scary result with it I don't give it a second chance. If the only thing you did differently was use that product, then I wouldn't try it again.

Now if you want to mix it as the previous poster mentioned, that may be ok. I consider that more of an adaption.

If you do chose to try it again straight or adapted, I would wait another 4 weeks. If you hair doesn't like protein, putting it on close together could end up terribly.

Protein is a beast to play with.
Yea...I gave that Denman a 2nd chance... A second chance to SNATCH ME BALD! :nono:

My policy now is, if they show you who they are....believe them!! :yep::lachen:
I would wait a month and give it one more chance and just rub it in and rinse it out to see how it works purely by itself. Then follow with uber moisture. If it doesnt work right then, then it'd hit the trash.

Better yet, just put it on a section and see how it works.:yep:
It's a great product IMO. My advice is to try it again. Leave it in for the time stated on the bottle. From there you can work your way up to longer, but of course realizing that 30 minutes may be too much for you. Did you condition with heat for 30 minutes? If so, that's too long with heat. After about 10 minutes with heat and a cap, a conditioner has done about all it's going to do as far as benefits for your hair.
[USER=2496 said:
shortdub78[/USER];16280615]the devil is a lie! girl run and don't look back, before you turn into a pillar of salt! :lol:

You are funny. How did you put all that together :lol:
I appreciate everybodies advice thank you, sorry for the late response...
I would give it another try The first time I used it, it also made my hair hard now I mix it with AO RM and its works wonderful for me that way:)hth
but thats the thing i hate conditioners that i have to mix (it ends up costing me more money and more time :nono:)

I would run far away. If I have a so, so result with something then I may give it a second chance. If I have a scary result with it I don't give it a second chance. If the only thing you did differently was use that product, then I wouldn't try it again.

Now if you want to mix it as the previous poster mentioned, that may be ok. I consider that more of an adaption.

If you do chose to try it again straight or adapted, I would wait another 4 weeks. If you hair doesn't like protein, putting it on close together could end up terribly.

Protein is a beast to play with.
It sure is! leaning towards not trying it again.

It's a great product IMO. My advice is to try it again. Leave it in for the time stated on the bottle. From there you can work your way up to longer, but of course realizing that 30 minutes may be too much for you. Did you condition with heat for 30 minutes? If so, that's too long with heat. After about 10 minutes with heat and a cap, a conditioner has done about all it's going to do as far as benefits for your hair.
No because the bottle states its protein AND moisture so i thought i would be ok using it, without a follow up deep conditioner :perplexed
Did you use it on dry hair? Not that I always follow instructions but those are the instructions on it, perhaps that would make a difference.

No, i used after i washed (thats how i always do my protein)...putting anything on my hair DRY, does nothing for it (I have low porosity)

the devil is a lie! girl run and don't look back, before you turn into a pillar of salt! :lol:
:lol::lachen::lol::lachen: HILARIOUS!!!
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Chile I hadda let Oyin Honey Hemp go, I tried him once made my hair hard, then gave him a second chance... still no improvement.

He be good to other people but da dirty bastid to my hair ... we continue to be at odds...

I passed him on to a co-worker and they've been have a good relationship
I only retry products if i change the texture of my hair... For instance, my relaxed hair didnt like evco but my natural hair loves it! Or... Some styling products only work well if i flat ironed my hair versus air dried hair.
Chile I hadda let Oyin Honey Hemp go, I tried him once made my hair hard, then gave him a second chance... still no improvement.

He be good to other people but da dirty bastid to my hair ... we continue to be at odds...

I passed him on to a co-worker and they've been have a good relationship
:lol:....See i think because it works good for so many people with my hair type, i wanted it to work for me too....but im just so scared to give it another chance, i do wish i would have done a DC after it, what sucks is i still have lil broken pieces coming out, BUT my hair hasn't felt this strong or looked this shny in.....NEVER. So now im really confused :ohwell: