Do you follow advice from those who are not exactly ur hair type


New Member
lately ive been looking on ppls regimens and the answers that some ppl respond to on the threads that i post and i noticed that sometimes... some of the ppl who post are not the same hair texture as mine... now it really doesnt matter to me ... lhcf is for all hair types but does anyone find it difficult to follow hair advice from those who dont have a similar or close to hair type like your own... like im a 4b and honestly i dont really take the advice from say a 3c( no offense).. its just i know they have a looser girls and mightnot encounter some of the problems i do with my 4b hair.. does anyone else feel this way.. i mean simple things like dc and trims etc i think applies to everyone but whne it comes down to the specifics... do you look for those only in ur hair type category.. let mek know yall
I do if it makes sense for me and my hair:yep:
If a 3a tells me that they can flatiron their hair twice a week and comb their hair daily I'd most likely have to say no thank you and kim.
However if a 3a would tell me about the wonders of dc,bunning,protective styling or lo-mani I would be more inclined to listen:yep:
Im gonna listen to anyone of any hairtype if it seems beneficial , that could be anyone from a 1a with dry hair to a 4c,,, all hair needs moisture and the ways of obtaining it probably arent all that different,, protective styles would be beneficial for most hair.... i think there might be more 4's here than 3's ,, (not sure tho, dont get mad LOL) but yet im here becuz theres a lot more advice pertaining to my hair which is super frizzy 3b, than on lets say or longhaircommunity alhough theres a wealth of good info there too... ( apart from the fact that this website is generally great LOL)
lately ive been looking on ppls regimens and the answers that some ppl respond to on the threads that i post and i noticed that sometimes... some of the ppl who post are not the same hair texture as mine... now it really doesnt matter to me ... lhcf is for all hair types but does anyone find it difficult to follow hair advice from those who dont have a similar or close to hair type like your own... like im a 4b and honestly i dont really take the advice from say a 3c( no offense).. its just i know they have a looser girls and mightnot encounter some of the problems i do with my 4b hair.. does anyone else feel this way.. i mean simple things like dc and trims etc i think applies to everyone but whne it comes down to the specifics... do you look for those only in ur hair type category.. let mek know yall

What are some of the things that you encounter as a 4b that a 3c wouldn't encounter. I'm curious. Like what specifics?
Well being that I usually do hair in my spare time at home for friends and family, I tend to look at any and all info I find, whether it pertains to my texture/category or not. I mean I just soak up all the hair care juice I can, it will come in handy one of these days for a client's hair when it's in bad shape and needs a fix or something. Or a great tip may come through that only a relaxed head has tried, but has not yet been tried on a natural head per se. But it really all depends on what you're hoping to achieve in regards to what you're trying to accomplish with your own hair. I do understand where you're coming from though, but normally it's like a trial an error thing, to find what works for you and not against you. :)
Yes, I do. It's not as if people with different hair types are from different planets. Hair tends to respond to the same things. It's just that the more curly and coarse your hair is, the more moisturizing and babying you have to do. I take what seems like it'd be beneficial and incorporate it into my regimen.
I do if it makes sense for me and my hair:yep:
If a 3a tells me that they can flatiron their hair twice a week and comb their hair daily I'd most likely have to say no thank you and kim.
However if a 3a would tell me about the wonders of dc,bunning,protective styling or lo-mani I would be more inclined to listen:yep:

dittos to that...
What are some of the things that you encounter as a 4b that a 3c wouldn't encounter. I'm curious. Like what specifics?

OKay well they probably would be able to blow dry their hair more often than my hair and get less breakage... thats just my opinion.. i feel 3c hair is a bit stronger.. the cuticle of their hair is not as curly as 4b so it doesnt it as dry.. i repeat it doesnt get as dry but i iknow it gets dry...
Now-a-days, I go by non-texture characteristics like dry, thick, frizzy or porous. Regardless of the texture if you have dryness issues and you've found an answer... I'm all ears.
Now-a-days, I go by non-texture characteristics like dry, thick, frizzy or porous. Regardless of the texture if you have dryness issues and you've found an answer... I'm all ears.

thats a good idea girl.. i do that with shampoos cause ppl be like no thats for w hite ppl hair and for me as long as the shampoo say moisturizing or detangling or for dry hair.... il give it a shot.. u got a point girl u got a real good point
Here's what happened when i tried to give advice to some one that doesn't have my hair type....

Yesterday @ our so called "salon" there was a white girl that wanted her hair dyed back to the original color...1st of all this girl had dyed her hair black and her natural hair color (roots) where strawberry blonde...such a terrible site (especially since black hair was not very becoming of her). Anyway she was arguing with the stylist an Asian lady about why her hair would take a few times to lift that color safely. I chimed in and asked her what condition was her hair and she might want to hold off getting it down when she goes back to the states. She responded that its kind of frizzy dry and breaking..(the water over here is horrible) She couldn't hold of because of our hair regs.:blush: I told here hair might be over processed and overlapping color would only worsen the condition. Anyhow they decided on a medium brown color or something along those lines. As I'm leaving, her friend walks in adn asked her "how's it going" she told him that her scalp was burning...I was like...:eek: GIRL! U need to tell her(the stylist) and get that rinsed out of your hair! She's says its probably because I washed it this morning...:nono:. Bad idea chick! I told her she shoudn't have irritated her scalp before applying the dye. She's like well my hair is different from yours so it will probably be okay. I was too through. I walked right on out! I tell you some people!
I don't blame ya for being through with that. But you were only being nice, but too bad she didn't freakin listen. Wonder if she got up with some bald patches when she got done LOL:lachen::lachen::lachen:Be her own fault though LOL
I don't usually follow what people with hair different than mine. I may try some things (ie. moisturizers, etc), but not to a T.
I definitely take in consideration their hairtype but also if they're relaxed or natural as well. When it comes to products, I listen more to advice from relaxed ladies. special products (not all) that a natural may use can be heavy on my relaxed hair so i def. take relaxed/natural into consideration first. then i look at hair type.

when it comes to hairstyling/techniques. I take length into consideration first. My braidouts don't look so hot since my hair is very uneven. So it poofs out rather than having a defined shape to it. (not that i don't try the techniques) but i have to be realistic about how styles will look like on my hair vs a girl with bsl
Here's what happened when i tried to give advice to some one that doesn't have my hair type....

Yesterday @ our so called "salon" there was a white girl that wanted her hair dyed back to the original color...1st of all this girl had dyed her hair black and her natural hair color (roots) where strawberry blonde...such a terrible site (especially since black hair was not very becoming of her). Anyway she was arguing with the stylist an Asian lady about why her hair would take a few times to lift that color safely. I chimed in and asked her what condition was her hair and she might want to hold off getting it down when she goes back to the states. She responded that its kind of frizzy dry and breaking..(the water over here is horrible) She couldn't hold of because of our hair regs.:blush: I told here hair might be over processed and overlapping color would only worsen the condition. Anyhow they decided on a medium brown color or something along those lines. As I'm leaving, her friend walks in adn asked her "how's it going" she told him that her scalp was burning...I was like...:eek: GIRL! U need to tell her(the stylist) and get that rinsed out of your hair! She's says its probably because I washed it this morning...:nono:. Bad idea chick! I told her she shoudn't have irritated her scalp before applying the dye. She's like well my hair is different from yours so it will probably be okay. I was too through. I walked right on out! I tell you some people!

okay in that case i see what ur saying.. things like that are common among all hair types regardless.. i do agree and there are certains thing that are not.. dont worry dont get mad cause if her hair fall out its not like u didnt try to help..
Yes, I do. Even though they may not have the same hair type as me if the advice makes sense I will try it. Some things are beneficial to all hair types.
:grin: Considering how much good advice I've gotten from white girls, yes, I definitely take advice from people who don't have my hair type. My real criteria are:

1) Is their hair natural? I'm natural, and I've found that stuff that works wonderfully on relaxed/texturized heads don't work as well on mine.
2) Is their hair dry? I have very dry hair - so if your hair isn't a moisture hog like mine is, your recommedations might not work.
3) Is their hair healthy? Commonsense - if you can't take care of YOUR hair, I'm sure as heck not gonna go to you for tips for mine.

Now, I don't expect my hair to LOOK like theirs once it's all said and done, but do I expect it to be relatively happy? Yup. :yep:
:grin: Considering how much good advice I've gotten from white girls, yes, I definitely take advice from people who don't have my hair type. My real criteria are:

1) Is their hair natural? I'm natural, and I've found that stuff that works wonderfully on relaxed/texturized heads don't work as well on mine.
2) Is their hair dry? I have very dry hair - so if your hair isn't a moisture hog like mine is, your recommedations might not work.
3) Is their hair healthy? Commonsense - if you can't take care of YOUR hair, I'm sure as heck not gonna go to you for tips for mine.

Now, I don't expect my hair to LOOK like theirs once it's all said and done, but do I expect it to be relatively happy? Yup. :yep:

This makes sense. Since I am transitioning, I tend to pay closer attention to fellow transitioners or naturals who have been through that process, regardless of their hair type.
I'm always open to different tips/information regardless of the person's hair type. I would hate to miss out on valuable info because our hair types don't match :rolleyes:
A prime example of this....... I'm pretty sure my hair type & HonyDew's are different but I am normally all ears when she raves about a product. Historically what works for her works for me :grin:
And again, we have different hair types.
I will definetly consider the health and/or condition of the persons hair giving the advise though.
I'm gonna be real honest and say NO. I also look at length of time in hair journey vs. progress and my common sense (i.e. looking at ingredients and knowing what works for me)
I will never limit myself to only taking advise from people with my hair type. I will take advise and learn things from any hair type if it applies to me. I don't care if the person is in the 4's, 3's, 2's, 1's, relaxed, natural, whatever. This is what has helped me to get where I am today.
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:grin: Considering how much good advice I've gotten from white girls, yes, I definitely take advice from people who don't have my hair type. My real criteria are:

1) Is their hair natural? I'm natural, and I've found that stuff that works wonderfully on relaxed/texturized heads don't work as well on mine.
2) Is their hair dry? I have very dry hair - so if your hair isn't a moisture hog like mine is, your recommedations might not work.
3) Is their hair healthy? Commonsense - if you can't take care of YOUR hair, I'm sure as heck not gonna go to you for tips for mine.

Now, I don't expect my hair to LOOK like theirs once it's all said and done, but do I expect it to be relatively happy? Yup. :yep:

ITA with every thing you said!
shoot, it doesn't matter where, or who, it comes from, healthy hair advice is still healthy hair advice!
i'll take anyone's advice and then analyze it. I can never tell you how much advice that I learned from people who are white, black, asian, african, 1a -4z hair textures that actually worked. Who would have thought of oil-rinsing if the indians hadn't confirmed for me that it worked? Or, where in the heckleberry would I have thought to use Camellia Oil is the Japanese didn't snatch it up first. I don't think my hair is so much more different than everyone else's. Even if the product doesn't work perfectly, I am usually resourceful, so I find new ways to make the product work for me before tossing it out.
Ive taken advice from permies, natural, east Indians, native Americans, multi-racial, and whites.
I have had success and failures from all.
But my saving regimen was founded by a white woman- the no-poo/co-poo.

Ya never know who's gonna kick up some knowledge.
I will take advice from any hair texture just as long as it pertains to the issues I'm having with my own head of hair :yep:
I absolutely will and do! In fact, some of the things I've found to work so well for me over the past couple of years have been from people who have a different hair type than mine. If someone has healthy long hair, I'm all ears.
I can learn from everyone. They either teach me what or what not to do. In the end it really boils down to what works for me.
Actually even though I am still learning I try not to give advise. IRL I always get slammed because I have that "wash and go hair". So what could I possibly know. So even here I try to refrain. I read a lot of stuff but I do know that my hair is different in how it reacts to things. It was a breath of fresh hair to come here and see people having the same issues I have. And anyone that asks I try to help. And I listen to!