Do You Fast?

Do you Fast?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 77.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 7 22.6%

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Well-Known Member
Do you Fast? Do you do it for health reasons, religious reasons or both? I have been wanting to do this. I wanted to just go for it and try to do 7 days as it is the number of completion...but i told my mom and she is scared i might pass out or something so How do you do it?
small fruits or veggies, small meals, lots of water or hardly nothing at all.
thanks for your help and input.
Do you Fast? Do you do it for health reasons, religious reasons or both? I have been wanting to do this. I wanted to just go for it and try to do 7 days as it is the number of completion...but i told my mom and she is scared i might pass out or something so How do you do it?
small fruits or veggies, small meals, lots of water or hardly nothing at all.
thanks for your help and input.

I do fast for health and to hear from the Lord.

There are different fasts that I do, but for health I usually do an all natural juice fast, for about 3-5 days to rid my body of impurities. You have to make sure for at least the first 2 days you are at home. You will experience headaches in the beginning, so its important to not be running all over the place. I don't have any solid all. I prepare my body at least 2 days prior to fasting by eating just raw foods (salads, veggies, etc.) then on the day of the fast, which I always start in the morning, I begin to juice.

For spiritual's however the Lord is leading me at that time. It could be no food at all...just water, or no food for the first two meals and then eat a light dinner. It all depends.

Ask the Lord...He will direct your paths.

All the best!
I do fast for health and to hear from the Lord.

There are different fasts that I do, but for health I usually do an all natural juice fast, for about 3-5 days to rid my body of impurities. You have to make sure for at least the first 2 days you are at home. You will experience headaches in the beginning, so its important to not be running all over the place. I don't have any solid all. I prepare my body at least 2 days prior to fasting by eating just raw foods (salads, veggies, etc.) then on the day of the fast, which I always start in the morning, I begin to juice.

For spiritual's however the Lord is leading me at that time. It could be no food at all...just water, or no food for the first two meals and then eat a light dinner. It all depends.

Ask the Lord...He will direct your paths.

All the best!
Nice & Wavy, Hi, i just knew you would be in here with a response to my question, thank you!! I feel as though its seven days that i am supposed to do it. My mom only wants me to do three, but something just doesnt feel right about it. I have some very important issues that i need to go into prayer about and i want to be obedient and do the 7 days. I will prepare myself for the fast as you did also by eating salad etc. Thanks for your reply. :)
You are welcome. I want to add something. Once you get to the 3rd day, 7 days won't be a problem at all. Don't forget to drink lots and lots of water during this time, ok?

Let me know how you do. If you are having a me.


Nice & Wavy, Hi, i just knew you would be in here with a response to my question, thank you!! I feel as though its seven days that i am supposed to do it. My mom only wants me to do three, but something just doesnt feel right about it. I have some very important issues that i need to go into prayer about and i want to be obedient and do the 7 days. I will prepare myself for the fast as you did also by eating salad etc. Thanks for your reply. :)
Hi Precious1! My family and myself fast for spiritual reasons, I havent fasted for health yet though, but God will give you the strength you need to get through the week!
You are welcome. I want to add something. Once you get to the 3rd day, 7 days won't be a problem at all. Don't forget to drink lots and lots of water during this time, ok?

Let me know how you do. If you are having a me.

You are so sweet, thanks for the encouragement, I will drink plenty of water, I think i will start on Friday. :yep:
Hi Precious1! My family and myself fast for spiritual reasons, I havent fasted for health yet though, but God will give you the strength you need to get through the week!

Thanks Opalsunset!! wow your family does it together? that is awesome. I appreciate your reponse and encouragement. I will definetely pray for strength.
Do you Fast? Do you do it for health reasons, religious reasons or both? I have been wanting to do this. I wanted to just go for it and try to do 7 days as it is the number of completion...but i told my mom and she is scared i might pass out or something so How do you do it?
small fruits or veggies, small meals, lots of water or hardly nothing at all.
thanks for your help and input.

We have been doing this on this forum for about 1 and half. We do it for spiritual reasons first and the other things like good health is a bonus.
Hi Precious1! Your welcome! Today we were just talking about how we need to fast more often especially for our extended family. Fasting works! It's a great way to really connect with the Lord. Im hoping for all the best for you and a great New Year too!
Do you Fast? Do you do it for health reasons, religious reasons or both? I have been wanting to do this. I wanted to just go for it and try to do 7 days as it is the number of completion...but i told my mom and she is scared i might pass out or something so How do you do it?
small fruits or veggies, small meals, lots of water or hardly nothing at all.
thanks for your help and input.

hello presciuos. i read your post and what was later posted in responsce. i saw that the ladies that answered gave you some pointers. i would have to point out to you that there are many different types of fasting/ many approaches to doing it. i fast, usually for religious reasons, but i'd like to point out that even when its done for religious reasons, the bonus is that it helps with the health aspect you may be having as well. i would say that not everyone is fit to fast. some of us take medication or have diseases like severe diabetes and other things that would cause a greater health risk for us if we did fast. perhaps you should seek your doctors advice on a routine that will not be to taxing on you for this being your first time. and if you know that you are young enough and well enough to go for the gusto then much benefit may await you at the end of your spiritual/health related journey. fasting just health wise helps to burn off the impurities that our bodies are strewn with due to our eating/lifestyle habits. the best part about it is (God willing) gaining ground in your endevour to be closer to your creator. it is indeed virtuous to volunteer to sacrifice your physical desire , in an attempt to be in tune to the direction that GOD would have you go.

that being said, fasting isnt the mere refusal of food and drink. but is indeed the shunning of base desires and things that will take you away from the rememberance of God. during your fast you should try to stay away from tv programs that do not benefit you comming closer to GOD, also gossiping/spreading news, argueing, listening to any kind of music that takes you off of your focus. it should be spent fortifying your relationship with GOD . you read to that end, you pray to that end, you eat only little and not extravagantly and you keep away from anything that you humanly can that you know that GOD dislikes.

i hope that you find what you are seeking at the end of your fast.
sounds like a lot to give up i know. but the reward can be immence in the end.

wishing you well
I am fasting right now. Maybe we could be kind of a support group. This is going to be my longest fast ever (31 day Daniel Fast). I feel GREAT! Tomorrow is day 7 and it does help having a support network. My sister is fasting with me and she was about to quit yesterday and we got through it together through prayer and focus. Great thread!
I agree that the first few days are the hardest.

No Fast Foods
No Fried Foods
No Shellfish
No Beef
No Pork
No Bread
No Desserts
No Carbonated Drinks
No Sweet Drinks
No Orange Juice or Apple Juice
No Eating after 6:30 PM or 3-1/2 hours before bed time
Only two (2) hours of television per day (This applies to the week day only)
*sorry guys, i had been away from the computer for a while, thats why im slow to respond in my thread*

TCT, thanks for your heartfelt response. I love what you said in the second paragraph:yep:

Crlsweetie, good luck girl!!! 31 days is a long time, I know you can do it. I hope all your desires and prayersare answered for being so diligent, i am sure you will be rewarded.

Caligirl, good luck and blessings on your fast too!!! I think i am gonna cut out all tv on my fast, I dont have cable anymore anyway:rolleyes: so that wont be too hard for me, now the internet is another story:)
I need too. All followers of Christ are supposed to at some point in time cause" Jesus says, "When you fast, don't do as the heathens do...":yep:
I use to fast with no problems and want to, but the Problem I have had on the last past fastes is that I never see it through.

I will start a fast, but don't finish it. I don't want to keep telling God I will end the fast on such and such day but on day number three I am chowing down.

So I have refrained from doing them, because I can't finish what i have started anymore.
I use to fast with no problems and want to, but the Problem I have had on the last past fastes is that I never see it through.

I will start a fast, but don't finish it. I don't want to keep telling God I will end the fast on such and such day but on day number three I am chowing down.

So I have refrained from doing them, because I can't finish what i have started anymore.

Maybe you should start off on a 3 day fasts and gradually work your way up over time.:yep:

The first time I fast it was for 1 day.:look:
I used to fast on a regular basis ...and the insights that I had gleaned-- gained were precious and powerful......however,I had fainting spells last year being a vegan/ anemic.. so I now have to approach it a bit differently

I try to fast using a self-inventory of qualities that I don't like but daily self anger or blaming or avoiding risks....or what's listed below in Isaiah ..taking comfort that is the kind of fast God truly wants...
anyways...fasting from the errors a Christian does and asks for deliverance anyway.... but by putting it as a fast..somehow makes it more vigliant...more emphasized and focused......truly spiritual detoxifying.....and I try to combine that with no sugary fruits or veggies or no fast foods or no carbs...and maybe three days of vegetables juices .....if my body feels in the least faint (I now eat fish which gradually stopped the fainting)
I might eat one piece of salmon. On fast days limiting vigorous activity or daily life/pop culture stimuli (reccomended) and lots of lay time down helped me to maintain my fast and gave more space to reflect..

I think you can listen to your body as well as your heart! :)
It's fine to have seven days as a vision...and....yet to keep open to it being what evolves as you pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance....whether it comes to actually a fasting the dinner meal....or from 9am to 3pm..or one full 24 hour period
or 3 days or 7....
it's not the days one accumulates ... it's heart and the intent.....
God bless you~

Isaiah 58: 5-14

5 This kind of special day is not what I want.
This is not the way I want people to be sorry for what they have done.
I don't want people just to bow their heads like a plant
and wear rough cloth and lie in ashes to show their sadness.
This is what you do on your special days when you fast,
but do you think this is what the Lord wants?

6 "I will tell you the kind of fast I want:
Free the people you have put in prison unfairly
and undo their chains.
Free those to whom you are unfair
and stop their hard labor.
7 Share your food with the hungry
and bring poor, homeless people into your own homes.
When you see someone who has no clothes, give him yours,
and don't refuse to help your own relatives.
8 Then your light will shine like the dawn,
and your wounds will quickly heal.
Your God will walk before you,
and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.
9 Then you will call out, and the Lord will answer.
You will cry out, and he will say, 'Here I am.'

"If you stop making trouble for others,
if you stop using cruel words and pointing your finger at others,
10 if you feed those who are hungry
and take care of the needs of those who are troubled,
then your light will shine in the darkness,
and you will be bright like sunshine at noon.
11 The Lord will always lead you.
He will satisfy your needs in dry lands
and give strength to your bones.
You will be like a garden that has much water,
like a spring that never runs dry.
12 Your people will rebuild the old cities that are now in ruins;
you will rebuild their foundations.
You will be known for repairing the broken places
and for rebuilding the roads and houses.

13 "You must obey God's law about the Sabbath
and not do what pleases yourselves on that holy day.
You should call the Sabbath a joyful day
and honor it as the Lord's holy day.
You should honor it by not doing whatever you please
nor saying whatever you please on that day.
14 Then you will find joy in the Lord,
and I will carry you to the high places above the earth.
I will let you eat the crops of the land your ancestor Jacob had."
The Lord has said these things.
I purchased a book about fasten written by marilyn Hickey, I want to gulp the book down it's 175 pages. I need to be fasting right now, like no-body would believe. I am going through some rough strange stuff and I need it to fall off, but I am also having unexplained dizzy spells.

as soon as I read my book I will post a small summary of the different things she talks about often times we know the stuff just need to be reminded. I am on page 34 and she is talking about the book of Judges an says when you keep encountering set-backs and things are not turning up victouriously in your life you need to fast for direction.

Anyway I pray your strength and that you would receive everything you are fasting for. Amen.
I want to, I feel as though I am being called to do so, but I want to have the proper motivation and intention behind it. I do now want to fast for selfish reasons, in the name of Jesus.
False start-I think.

I started the Daniel Fast today and it wasn't bad up until about 10am(prayed & worshiped & cleaned-it was great) when my caffeine addiction kicked in. So my head is killing me & I feel a little shakey and my joints hurt. I'm eating fruit in an effort to thwart the caffeine symptoms but it's not working. I lose the fight at 1:30pm. I just had to have a cup or I'd be miserable & sick all day long which would definitely prevent me from communing with God like I intended.
My body is really reacting quickly to the "lack" of(I'm no fruit or vege eater), so it's obvious that I need to continue this. I'm not giving up, because 1st of all, I NEED an answer from God, and secondly, I know this is the next level that I need to take.

I need to do this for my spiritual and physical walk, but obviously I can't just jumped right in thinking I'm easily gonna do a 30 day fast.
I can handle the discomfort, but I think I panicked when the headache wouldn't go away(never been big on tolerating headaches).

I'm not quitting. Since I absolutely have to go to work and give them a good days service, I'm gonna wean the caffeine out of my system. I have some green tea & think that should help.

Any suggestions are welcomed!
Twistyone, Goodluck, you can do it. Weening yourself off caffeine is definetely something good to do, I dont have much advice on what to eat because I am an avid fruit eater. I hope you get the answers you are searching for from god...dont give up!
False start-I think.

I started the Daniel Fast today and it wasn't bad up until about 10am(prayed & worshiped & cleaned-it was great) when my caffeine addiction kicked in. So my head is killing me & I feel a little shakey and my joints hurt. I'm eating fruit in an effort to thwart the caffeine symptoms but it's not working. I lose the fight at 1:30pm. I just had to have a cup or I'd be miserable & sick all day long which would definitely prevent me from communing with God like I intended.
My body is really reacting quickly to the "lack" of(I'm no fruit or vege eater), so it's obvious that I need to continue this. I'm not giving up, because 1st of all, I NEED an answer from God, and secondly, I know this is the next level that I need to take.

I need to do this for my spiritual and physical walk, but obviously I can't just jumped right in thinking I'm easily gonna do a 30 day fast.
I can handle the discomfort, but I think I panicked when the headache wouldn't go away(never been big on tolerating headaches).

I'm not quitting. Since I absolutely have to go to work and give them a good days service, I'm gonna wean the caffeine out of my system. I have some green tea & think that should help.

Any suggestions are welcomed!