Do You Ever Think All This is a Bit Much?

For me I would say it is a bit much.

I seriously think I am obsessed. :ohwell: I give my self little projects (last year it was body products) to work on. This time it is my hair. There are times when I can't wait to get to work or home so I can get on this forum to see some stuff about hair.:look:

For goodness sake I am sitting on LHCF on a friday night at 1:00AM. But,I see it as a craft. I really enjoy hair and everything about hair. But I can seriously see how some can think it is an obsession. For me I think this is turning borderline crazy lol(half joking).

My hair is changing, a little at a time. Those little changes thrive me to keep going.
Yes, this post was here before b/c I remember I wanted to reply to it but I couldn't at the time.
Why are women made to feel guilty for indulging in themselves and taking care of themselves? Is it a bit much? No. But I think buying a HDTV for the Superbowl, pay8ing $100 for a jersey to match your favorite player is a bit much, but whatever.
No one asks men if their behavior concerning what they enjoy is a bit much.
Someone always has somethign negative and unnecessary to say. If you want to take care of your hair and participate in these boards, then that is your business.
As I said when I replied to this thread on BBBH, if all I learned on this forum was the info concerning potentially carcinogenic ingredients, that alone would be woth the participation.
There is nothing negative or harmful about hair boards. They've been created soleyt o help people get healthy hair. There are much more sinister things going on on the internet thant that.