Do You Ever Think All This Is A Bit Much?

I've also thought about this.

Here's my take, to put it simply:
- The crazy regimens are not for me. My hair should not rule nor dictate my life. However, hearing tips and information from other ladies who have had success is helpful. I don't use 13495871349834981324 products (although I have become a product junkie - but am slowly slimming down).
- We sisters have had so much handed down to us with regards to our self esteem and the preoccupation with hair both in and outside of the black community. Based on that, anything that helps lift the self-esteem of sisters in the community, and thereby affeecting the entire community, is healthy and beneficial and NEVER 'too much'.

And the more we learn, the more we can pass on to our daughters, nieces, cousins, friends and mothers.

So yea, some people do take it too far. But there's also something to said about a group of sisters encouraging and sharing with each other, uplifting and supporting each other. Regardless of the reason, it's a beautiful thing. :)
You know what, I tend to agree with the topic of this post. I think it can EASILY get obssessive. Before I found out about hair boards I was only looking for a relaxer for my hair. Then the obsession begun!

I can literally say out of a 24 hour day, I think I spend about 6-8 hours on this board. For what? I really don't know, I'm always trying to find something better even if I think I have the best. Something in me questions 'if there is something better' no mater WHAT I HAVE. I have probably spend about 400-500 dollars this year alone (yes, 2006).

But, honestly this is the best condition/length that my hair has EVER been. And I think that is what keeps me driven. My sister say that i am obsessive and so does my SO. But I block them out. I know that I am seriously obsessed but I don't care. As long as I am seeing these results I won't stop :)
MizaniMami said:
You know what, I tend to agree with the topic of this post. I think it can EASILY get obssessive. Before I found out about hair boards I was only looking for a relaxer for my hair. Then the obsession begun!

I can literally say out of a 24 hour day, I think I spend about 6-8 hours on this board. For what? I really don't know, I'm always trying to find something better even if I think I have the best. Something in me questions 'if there is something better' no mater WHAT I HAVE. I have probably spend about 400-500 dollars this year alone (yes, 2006).[/B]

But, honestly this is the best condition/length that my hair has EVER been. And I think that is what keeps me driven. My sister say that i am obsessive and so does my SO. But I block them out. I know that I am seriously obsessed but I don't care. As long as I am seeing these results I won't stop :)[/B]

Ok you need a meeting. You ARE aware it's only March right? :look: :lol: :lol: :lachen:

I feel you on the rest though. I tried to pull up myspace at my job and its blocked with a 'productivity filter' I'm like HA! If they only knew :lachen: I spend more time on here in a day than I've spent on myspace the entire time I've had an account :lol:

You came on here to find a relaxer and got caught up? Well I was nappy and happy for 3 years when I got here! Dang Kaddy and that Phyto thread! This board is corruptive! :lol:
sprungonhairboards said:
Ok you need a meeting. You ARE aware it's only March right? :look: :lol: :lol: :lachen:

I feel you on the rest though. I tried to pull up myspace at my job and its blocked with a 'productivity filter' I'm like HA! If they only knew :lachen: I spend more time on here in a day than I've spent on myspace the entire time I've had an account :lol:

You came on here to find a relaxer and got caught up? Well I was nappy and happy for 3 years when I got here! Dang Kaddy and that Phyto thread! This board is corruptive! :lol:

But you know what Sprung? If pics like you have on your siggy and hair like yours that make me keep on goin;) :lachen:

Your hair is gorgeous!
I have to agree with a lot of the ladies repsonses. I think when you first start out in the quest to maintain your currrent length or grow it out it can be overwhelming or a bit much because of all the new information that your taking in, which is totally different from what a lot of us were brought up to believe about black hair care. So with all the research on various boards and being new, some of us end up wanting to try it all, because it is new and some offer great results (but it doesn't work for everybody), however once that feeling wears off and you see what works for you and what doesn't, well that is when you start to get into a basic routine. It no longer seems out of the norm and just apart of your lifestyle.
You know when I started I had become a PJ, but that ended quickly and then I started a hair album and then later look at and say to myself OMG this is a bit much or vain, but then I step back and realize no it's not, it tracks progress that in ordinally I wouldn't be able to see, but only hear from other people. With pics you can see the whole transformation right in front of you. So it all boils down to finding a balance that works for you and more importantly what you want from your hair journey and take it from there. That's how I look at it know.
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Hey Creole, I started thinking this some months after joining this site back in April 2004. Before I found LHCF, my hair thrived and I didn't do anything to it but relax, grease, and blowdry! I think it's okay to try some of the things mentioned here but not to go overboard as far as taking thousands of vitamins or using thousands of products on your hair just because it is said to help grow your hair long... especially if you do all this stuff and your hair is staying the same length. I think it's best to find what works for you and to keep your daily routine simple. ;)
I tend to agree with the going overboard part. This site has plenty to offer, but the vitamin and supplement chugging is a bit much for me.
If y'all only knew some of the other boards I go to...:lol: This one is really quite tame.

I personally have learned a lot. While I'm not into crazy regimines or taking things JUST to benefit my hair and not the rest of me, I can understand how easy it is to get caught up.

I was a competitive bodybuilder for 10 years. I knew exactly how much calories a walk to the bathroom burned:lachen:

Obsessive? sure, but that was my thing. For some their hair is their thing. This site has helped me go out on a limb in some areas and try some things that were successful for the health of my hair (and a few that weren't successful at all)

I see this site as a sisterhood in a lot of ways. Many came here because we shared a common bond; our hair. Many stayed because we enjoyed interacting with each other. To me, that says a whole heck of a lot.

sprungonhairboards said:

I feel you on the rest though. I tried to pull up myspace at my job and its blocked with a 'productivity filter' I'm like HA! If they only knew :lachen: I spend more time on here in a day than I've spent on myspace the entire time I've had an account :lol:

It was blocked at my job too. Go to and put the url in at the bottom. :D
OK - so I read half the posts but was too impatient to reply. As most people here said, it can get too much.

But before coming here, I had pretty decent hair. My hair is currently the length it usually is -maybe a little longer, but in the past my, and my various stylists philosophy has been - if my hair is breaking, cut it off. What that in mind, I hacked my hair off last spring. If I had known anything about moisture and protein I wouldn't be where I was a year ago I would be at least 3 inches longer (with trims etc).

So if nothing else I now know what to do under those circumstances, and for that I have to thank all you beautiful ladies who have lost your head to your hair :)

MsNadi said:
I've also thought about this.

Here's my take, to put it simply:
- The crazy regimens are not for me. My hair should not rule nor dictate my life. However, hearing tips and information from other ladies who have had success is helpful. I don't use 13495871349834981324 products (although I have become a product junkie - but am slowly slimming down).
- We sisters have had so much handed down to us with regards to our self esteem and the preoccupation with hair both in and outside of the black community. Based on that, anything that helps lift the self-esteem of sisters in the community, and thereby affeecting the entire community, is healthy and beneficial and NEVER 'too much'.

And the more we learn, the more we can pass on to our daughters, nieces, cousins, friends and mothers.

So yea, some people do take it too far. But there's also something to said about a group of sisters encouraging and sharing with each other, uplifting and supporting each other. Regardless of the reason, it's a beautiful thing. :)

That is sooo true. I love that we come together and support each other, for whatever reason, it's beautiful.
Well, I started reading this board when I started suddenly losing hair. Sometimes to me it IS a bit much, but I've also gotten some good advice here, and I've learned a lot.

The one thing I do wonder about is what is the point of growing hair long if someone reaches the point at which exposing ends or wearing hair down becomes a foreign or even scary proposition? Isn't that like hoarding money and dying having never spent a dime of it? When I'm growing mine out, it's because I wear it down anyway, and I think it behaves better when it's longer. I don't protect my ends, I just trim them and treat my hair reasonably--no excess heat, I don't style it to within an inch of its life, I respect it for what it is. And my hair grows well, always has. The vitamins make sense. I tried the Surge and the MTG. But baggies, buns, a lot of the challenges... too much for me.

If I'm perfectly honest, the only thing on me that's been growing like a weed since I started messing around for my hair is my nails. If this was the Long Nail Care Forum, I bet almost all of us would be in business! :D

I like to enjoy my hair. I think the Bible said it's a blessing, so what a shame to never show it off!
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Blu217 said:
Well, I started reading this board when I started suddenly losing hair. Sometimes to me it IS a bit much, but I've also gotten some good advice here, and I've learned a lot.

The one thing I do wonder about is if someone reaches the point at which she's afraid to expose her ends, what is the point of growing hair long? Isn't that like hoarding money and dying having never spent a dime of it? When I'm growing mine, it's because I want to wear it out. I don't protect my ends, I just trim them and treat my hair reasonably--no excess heat, I don't style it to within an inch of its life, I respect it for what it is. And my hair grows. The vitamins make sense. I tried the Surge and the MTG. But baggies, buns, a lot of the challenges... too much for me.

I like to enjoy my hair. I think the Bible said it's a blessing, so what a shame to never show it off!

Preach it!
I'll admit, I use to be very obsessed with my hair in the beginning of my hair care journey mainly because I didn't know much about it and was curious and wanted to learn more about it. I think it seems out the norm because there are so many women that don't realize that they can have "good" hair by taking care of it and learning how.
I am definitely past the obsessive phase and for me right now tending to my hair is fun and relaxes me. It's like having another hobby.
Protective styling is not a must for me, if I'm in the mood to where them then I will do but I know that my hair can grow without them.
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To answer your question -- we may have a tendency to go a bit overboard in some areas, but I'm sure each of us has established our own boundaries (right ladies?). But, I'm having fun so that's all that matters...

Supergirl said:
However, in line with what you said. I think I'm going to start wearing my hair down more often--cause I'm cuter that way!

Supergirl you sure are cuter....
I have to say...this has been a collection of the most intelligent responses I've read on hair boards since I've been reading them. Thanks. That was really, really good.
lala said:
To answer your question -- we may have a tendency to go a bit overboard in some areas, but I'm sure each of us has established our own boundaries (right ladies?). But, I'm having fun so that's all that matters...

Supergirl you sure are cuter....

Awww :kiss:
Sometimes I think that I'm doing a bit too much for and to my hair in the name of health and growth. Other than occasional bouts of breakage, I've always had nice hair up until the last few years. People thought I wore weaves and always commented on my hair. Now, I feel like my hair looks worse than ever. Before I always went to hair dressers to maintain my hair, and they did a great job of it. You can bet than when I graduate from school and have the cash, I will be going to the hairdresser to keep my hair looking good. I miss the smooth texture that I had in years passed. Now my hair is always frizzy and gooey from the products that I put on it. I'm going to wear braids for a while, and when I finish, I plan to get a good trim and return to a more simple regimen. For me, sometimes less is more.
SandySea said:
Sometimes I think that I'm doing a bit too much for and to my hair in the name of health and growth. Other than occasional bouts of breakage, I've always had nice hair up until the last few years. People thought I wore weaves and always commented on my hair. Now, I feel like my hair looks worse than ever. Before I always went to hair dressers to maintain my hair, and they did a great job of it. You can bet than when I graduate from school and have the cash, I will be going to the hairdresser to keep my hair looking good. I miss the smooth texture that I had in years passed. Now my hair is always frizzy and gooey from the products that I put on it. I'm going to wear braids for a while, and when I finish, I plan to get a good trim and return to a more simple regimen. For me, sometimes less is more.

Maybe it's the products you're using.
I think I have gone overboard at times... (i.e. spending 2 hours straight surfing the hair board when I should have been working out, cleaning the house etc.)
But I enjoy this arena of information.. hair knowledge is power and I can honestly say that my hair, skin, nails have definately benefitted from the information I have received from the other seasoned obsessed women on this board!

Love you guys!!!
Blu217 said:
The one thing I do wonder about is what is the point of growing hair long if someone reaches the point at which exposing ends or wearing hair down becomes a foreign or even scary proposition? Isn't that like hoarding money and dying having never spent a dime of it?
Good Point!
Well I guess it all depends on the result -- the ends determin the means. Some people are more anxious about their goals than others. "A bit much" is relative term. Is anyone getting hurt?

I really applaud those who have done what they needed to do to reach their hair goals and succeeded. The hairboards that champion these women help inspire others to reach and maintain their hair goals as well.

No I don't think any of these items are too much if they are helping and not hurting anyone.
CreoleInDC said:
Well? What's the answer?
I think like another person said, it's relative. I personally do think its a bit ironic to care so much about growing hair long, only to never show it off or wear protective styles 99% of the time. But that may suit someone else just fine. I don't believe there is a definitive answer about what is 'a bit much'. Just a lot of good points and considerations.
Blu217 said:
Well, I started reading this board when I started suddenly losing hair. Sometimes to me it IS a bit much, but I've also gotten some good advice here, and I've learned a lot.

The one thing I do wonder about is what is the point of growing hair long if someone reaches the point at which exposing ends or wearing hair down becomes a foreign or even scary proposition? Isn't that like hoarding money and dying having never spent a dime of it? When I'm growing mine out, it's because I wear it down anyway, and I think it behaves better when it's longer. I don't protect my ends, I just trim them and treat my hair reasonably--no excess heat, I don't style it to within an inch of its life, I respect it for what it is. And my hair grows well, always has. The vitamins make sense. I tried the Surge and the MTG. But baggies, buns, a lot of the challenges... too much for me.

If I'm perfectly honest, the only thing on me that's been growing like a weed since I started messing around for my hair is my nails. If this was the Long Nail Care Forum, I bet almost all of us would be in business! :D

I like to enjoy my hair. I think the Bible said it's a blessing, so what a shame to never show it off!

ITA! I don't do protective styles. Could my ends be better? I'm sure they could, but I'm not going to obsess about that at the price of not enjoying my length/style. However, I understand that it's important to many people, and I"m sure they have plans to let it out when they reach their goals.

I guess, like people have said, it's all relative. For some, wearing MTG is not too much. For others, supplements aren't too much. If you can afford it and aren't neglecting your job/friends/family/other grooming habits, then why should anyone care?