Do You Ever Think All This is a Bit Much?


New Member
Okay...for once I'm gonna say something serious so clutch your pearls, read and comment intelligently ladies.

Someone sent me a comment saying she couldn't believe there were actually "hair boards" etc. She said it seemed as if it was a bit much to her. While at the time I put her *** on mad blast for messing with me...I'm thinking about it now.

I'm looking at pics of myself and my hair has always been very nice looking. When I wanted it to grow, I didn't cut it. When I wanted to wear it short...I cut it. I used very good products. Simple.

I used common sense about my hair and didn't do anything damaging (helps that I'm very lazy My hair never seemed "thin." I will admit to having my fair share of breakage and even more split ends than I wanted...but for the most looked good. It moved well and had a healthy shine to it.

So now I'm all into "healthy" hair care. Even though stylists have always told me how healthy my hair was. And now...I'm walking around with bags and ish on my hair under a skull and knit cap, or slicked down in a bun looking matronly. No one stops to ask me who does my hair anymore cause they can't even SEE it. And I have to say...I'm not all that cute with my hair all pulled up. (Don't tell anyone I admitted that okay? LOL!) My husband has said at least once..."What are you doing to your hair now?" in an annoyed tone (to which he received some Creole flava directed at him and he hastily retreated...who the hell does the think he is????? track, off track.)

I guess my question is it REALLY too much? Was that person actually right? Have any of YOU ever felt like maybe you've gone overboard? (And I'm not talking about you Sistaslick with your chemical degree responses...we KNOW you've taken it to another!)

I"m talking about the rest of us. The ones not necessarily interested in writing a book on hair and who just want healthy, good looking hair they can be proud of on their head. Do you think we've gone overboard? Do you think we should just focus on the common sense principals we've learned here and on other hair boards such as the importance of daily moisture and sealing in the moisture and not using heat everyday, and deep conditioning regularly and not getting a relaxer less than 8 weeks post to curb breakage and be just fine?

Just curious as to whether or not anyone else has wondered this as well. Answers please.

I think some can take it to a whole other level...not going out, not meeting people, not doing things you love...because you have to take care of your hair.

When your life becomes your HAIR, it's time to take a step back.

But then there are others who've never had anyone teach them what healthy hair care actually was...they want to learn, to experience the joy of seeing their hair transform into something they've only dreamed about. This is an amazing journey for them. So it's only natural they'll put everything they've got into it for a while. I know I did. :lol:

So, to make a long answer short (lol!) if your hair trancends everything, then yeah, it's time to do something else for a while.
JCoily said:

Didn't you start this topic before?

I think so. For a minute, I thought I was in the twilight zone:lol: . I swear I read this a few weeks ago. Are the boards having problems?
JCoily said:

Didn't you start this topic before?

That's what I was about to say!! I knew I wasn't having deja vu or anything....:look:

But in answer to the question, no. If your hair has been seriously damaged in the past and you used to do all the wrong things to it and you made up your mind to turn it around and get the hair of your dreams, it might involve putting in quite a bit of work. To me it's like losing weight, or deciding to really take care of your skin, some might see the lengths you go to as excessive, but if you are happy with your progress and the goal really means that much to you, then go ahead!!! I know I personally am doing everything in my power to have bangin' brastrap hair by my birthday, no matter what anyone thinks....:ohwell:
Not at all. :D I view this healthcare lifestyle like any other goal that I work toward, and I put my 110% into this and everything that I do, in general. Since Ive set my goal/sights on achieving healthy, thicker, longer hair, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get there. This website is just one avenue needed to reach that goal.... and everyone on here is just as serious about their goals. I belong to other messageboards too, that pertain to my other interests, hobbies, and goals. They all assist in helping me be "the best" at whatever that particular endeavor. Im sure that your friend, or whoever said that, also has goals that are really important to her, that she is willing to work super hard for.... and whose to say that one goal is more important than the next, you know?
SohoHair said:
That's what I was about to say!! I knew I wasn't having deja vu or anything....:look:

But in answer to the question, no. If your hair has been seriously damaged in the past and you used to do all the wrong things to it and you made up your mind to turn it around and get the hair of your dreams, it might involve putting in quite a bit of work. To me it's like losing weight, or deciding to really take care of your skin, some might see the lengths you go to as excessive, but if you are happy with your progress and the goal really means that much to you, then go ahead!!! I know I personally am doing everything in my power to have bangin' brastrap hair by my birthday, no matter what anyone thinks....:ohwell:

Well stated!! :)
I get what you're saying...but there are ladies out there like me who didn't always have hair they could be proud of. My hair didn't always look nice (it still has a ways to go). I needed to learn the basic principles and then some from the wonderful ladies on hair boards.

My hair right now is just about the longest it's ever been...sad but true. I've always been able to style hair and get anyone's hair "looking" good, getting it actually healthy was another story till I came here.

I do agree that if your hair is the only thing that is important to you then you do need to reassess some things.

For me right now my hair is one of my top priorities until I get it until at least APL. I do however have other things that I prioritize above my hair...God, my family, boyfriend, job, etc.

WomanlyCharm said:
I think some can take it to a whole other level...not going out, not meeting people, not doing things you love...because you have to take care of your hair.

When your life becomes your HAIR, it's time to take a step back........ So, to make a long answer short (lol!) if your hair trancends everything, then yeah, it's time to do something else for a while.

ITA with this. I may put emphasis on my hair, I may spend a little more money on it and also set aside time to care for it..but my life doesn't stop if I didn't wash today or deep condition this week..

WomanlyCharm said:
But then there are others who've never had anyone teach them what healthy hair care actually was...they want to learn, to experience the joy of seeing their hair transform into something they've only dreamed about. This is an amazing journey for them. So it's only natural they'll put everything they've got into it for a while. I know I did. :lol:
This was me. I was talking to a little cousin who is 16. Me and her mom, sister an' nem grew up tight. They all have neck length hair. I started asking her questions about her haircare and it brought back so many memories of such bad hair habits...this board has brought me a mightly long way..thank the Lord
Yup, I was reading the date like, why is it stating it started today :confused: . I think it must have been erased since the board had been acting retarded.:look:
baglady215 said:
I think you posted this here before as well.
I don't think it is a bit much. In fact not enough women are taking care of their hair. My hair loves all the attention it gets. It rewards me by retaining lenght and be ultra soft like cotton balls. I think if you spend lots of time on hair boards and not leaving your life than it gets to be a bit much.
Country gal said:
I don't think it is a bit much. In fact not enough women are taking care of their hair. My hair loves all the attention it gets. It rewards me by retaining lenght and be ultra soft like cotton balls. I think if you spend lots of time on hair boards and not living your life than it gets to be a bit much.

I agree with this...
Its an understandable mistake. When you belong to more than one message board, with overlapping topics, its not unusual to forget where you posted what. *shrug* No biggie. I didnt get a chance to participate in the last discussion, so i dont mind that its been revisted.
CreoleInDC said:
Okay...for once I'm gonna say something serious so clutch your pearls, read and comment intelligently ladies.

Someone sent me a comment saying she couldn't believe there were actually "hair boards" etc. She said it seemed as if it was a bit much to her. While at the time I put her *** on mad blast for messing with me...I'm thinking about it now.

I'm looking at pics of myself and my hair has always been very nice looking. When I wanted it to grow, I didn't cut it. When I wanted to wear it short...I cut it. I used very good products. Simple.

I used common sense about my hair and didn't do anything damaging (helps that I'm very lazy My hair never seemed "thin." I will admit to having my fair share of breakage and even more split ends than I wanted...but for the most looked good. It moved well and had a healthy shine to it.

So now I'm all into "healthy" hair care. Even though stylists have always told me how healthy my hair was. And now...I'm walking around with bags and ish on my hair under a skull and knit cap, or slicked down in a bun looking matronly. No one stops to ask me who does my hair anymore cause they can't even SEE it. And I have to say...I'm not all that cute with my hair all pulled up. (Don't tell anyone I admitted that okay? LOL!) My husband has said at least once..."What are you doing to your hair now?" in an annoyed tone (to which he received some Creole flava directed at him and he hastily retreated...who the hell does the think he is????? track, off track.)

I guess my question is it REALLY too much? Was that person actually right? Have any of YOU ever felt like maybe you've gone overboard? (And I'm not talking about you Sistaslick with your chemical degree responses...we KNOW you've taken it to another!)

I"m talking about the rest of us. The ones not necessarily interested in writing a book on hair and who just want healthy, good looking hair they can be proud of on their head. Do you think we've gone overboard? Do you think we should just focus on the common sense principals we've learned here and on other hair boards such as the importance of daily moisture and sealing in the moisture and not using heat everyday, and deep conditioning regularly and not getting a relaxer less than 8 weeks post to curb breakage and be just fine?

Just curious as to whether or not anyone else has wondered this as well. Answers please.


When you start putting COOCHIE CREAM in your scalp........then yes

*running to go get some tw@t twizzle fo my scalp dizzle*
CreoleInDC said:
Okay...for once I'm gonna say something serious so clutch your pearls, read and comment intelligently ladies.

Someone sent me a comment saying she couldn't believe there were actually "hair boards" etc. She said it seemed as if it was a bit much to her. While at the time I put her *** on mad blast for messing with me...I'm thinking about it now.

I'm looking at pics of myself and my hair has always been very nice looking. When I wanted it to grow, I didn't cut it. When I wanted to wear it short...I cut it. I used very good products. Simple.

I used common sense about my hair and didn't do anything damaging (helps that I'm very lazy My hair never seemed "thin." I will admit to having my fair share of breakage and even more split ends than I wanted...but for the most looked good. It moved well and had a healthy shine to it.

So now I'm all into "healthy" hair care. Even though stylists have always told me how healthy my hair was. And now...I'm walking around with bags and ish on my hair under a skull and knit cap, or slicked down in a bun looking matronly. No one stops to ask me who does my hair anymore cause they can't even SEE it. And I have to say...I'm not all that cute with my hair all pulled up. (Don't tell anyone I admitted that okay? LOL!) My husband has said at least once..."What are you doing to your hair now?" in an annoyed tone (to which he received some Creole flava directed at him and he hastily retreated...who the hell does the think he is????? track, off track.)

I guess my question is it REALLY too much? Was that person actually right? Have any of YOU ever felt like maybe you've gone overboard? (And I'm not talking about you Sistaslick with your chemical degree responses...we KNOW you've taken it to another!)

I"m talking about the rest of us. The ones not necessarily interested in writing a book on hair and who just want healthy, good looking hair they can be proud of on their head. Do you think we've gone overboard? Do you think we should just focus on the common sense principals we've learned here and on other hair boards such as the importance of daily moisture and sealing in the moisture and not using heat everyday, and deep conditioning regularly and not getting a relaxer less than 8 weeks post to curb breakage and be just fine?

Just curious as to whether or not anyone else has wondered this as well. Answers please.


NAHHHHHHHHH! I want hurrrrrrrr NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!:lachen: :grin: :lol: lol but on the real i m too impatient for my own good and if i can see results oh boy then i m hooked

OT: CreoleIndc you look good in that red dress! :D i m trying to go back to my diet,summer is so near oh sigh:( ;)
No, because I think black women need to know how to care for their hair and my hair is a whole lot better now than before I found these boards. I think its great women can unite and help eachother. Think of how our mothers did our hair. Most of them didn't have a clue and I know when I have my daughter she'll be equipped with the techniques and knowledge. You can find just about anything on the internet. This board is a wealth of information and I thank God for it and all the women that make it what it is.