Do you ever feel like....


Active Member
I feel like now that I have started with LHCF I am constantly critiquing other people's hair in my mind. I was in church Sunday and there was a lady sitting next to me who's hair looked soooo badly damaged. I could also tell that she had slathered it down with grease and then curled it with hot curlers.
I kept having this inward battle with myself which was trying to resist the urge to write LHCF on a piece of paper and slip it to her and feeling really bad that I kept looking at her hair in church.
You know how when people get on a new weight loss or fitness plan and lose a bunch of weight and then feel motivated to tell everyone else what they're doing wrong, that is me right now. I feel like "that girl" and I'm kind of getting annoyed by myself:ohwell: Someone please tell me that I'm not the only one.
You are definitely not the only one :nono: Not by a long shot. Sometimes I literally cringe when I see jacked up hair looking dry as 20 lbs of sand, broken off, sticking up all over and just :nono: Ack.
I do it too! U are not alone... I judge in my mind and church is where I see the MOST hair blunders.
Thanks guys.
@ Sade I think church is where I do the most critiquing because I'm sitting down and see the back of so many heads. I always notice the really healthy ones vs. the really jacked up ones.
Since coming on this site for me I find I hate my own hair and admire all of yours!

Nooooo! Don't feel like that. I think that's probably the opposite of what you are supposed to feel anyway. To me this site makes me feel like no one has to have jacked up hair and that all hair has the potential to be healthy if it's taken care of. I think that's why I always want to share!

I'm sure your hair is beautiful :yep:
I am always dissecting heads of hair, thinking what I would do to improve another person's hair situation (up my DC's, transition, BC). It keeps my mind fresh and looking at new angles in healthy hair care. But I have never been tempted to pass along any information. I was hungry for long, healthy hair and I found a way to get it through boards like LHCF. If they get as hungry as I was, they will find their own way too.
You are not alone...:nono: I do it too and at church is where you are the most still with time to look around...this past Sunday I was thinkg to myself about a choir member that is APL but wearing her hair down on a wool coat....I wanted to tell her so bad..."girl, please wear a srarf with this coat!" But I have decided to shut up and only answer question...women are strange beings and I avoid drama @ all cost.:grin:
I have to hold myself back ALOT with strangers. But as soon as someone gets to know me even as an associate if I see they clearly have damaged hair I will give them tips and advice....period. People never get offended when I give advice, they always take note and the n call or text later from the BSS asking me to remind them what I recommended. It probably comes from how I bring it up.
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I am always dissecting heads of hair, thinking what I would do to improve another person's hair situation (up my DC's, transition, BC). It keeps my mind fresh and looking at new angles in healthy hair care. But I have never been tempted to pass along any information. I was hungry for long, healthy hair and I found a way to get it through boards like LHCF. If they get as hungry as I was, they will find their own way too.

YOU SAID IT!! :grin:
I have to hold myself back ALOT. But as soon as someone gets to know me even as an associate if I see they clearly have damaged hair I will give them tips and advice....period. People never get offended when I give advice, they always take note and the n call or text later from the BSS asking me to remind them what I recommended. It probably comes from how I bring it up.

I have yet to actually give unsolicited advice to strangers but because my hair is natural people ask me about it from time to time which gives me the opportunity to fully indulge myself by talking about good haircare practices at legnth :grin:
I was at the post office today and I was doing the same thing. The woman in front of me had thick full BSL hair and it was in a pony. It looked healthy, so all I could wonder if she had healthy hair practices, or if she was a Niko's cousin. I was too afaid to ask.
Not really the same, but I went to the BSS today and I saw at my eye level lots of Pink Moisture Products by luster (I think) beautifully presented and when I went to get some oils, they were right at the bottom tucked away and all dusty looking!!!! I gave the shopkeeper such a dirty look, its like they dont want us to have long hair!!!!!
It's sad being in a church setting and realizing that very few have a full head of healthy hair.

It would be awesome if some of you ladies would be willing to start Healthy Hair groups at church - an excuse to have run with other women and grow some hair too.
I have this problem... in class I think I pay more attention other BW's hair than the professor... it's sad lol

I do it in church too but surprisingly not as much as in classes.
Not really the same, but I went to the BSS today and I saw at my eye level lots of Pink Moisture Products by luster (I think) beautifully presented and when I went to get some oils, they were right at the bottom tucked away and all dusty looking!!!! I gave the shopkeeper such a dirty look, its like they dont want us to have long hair!!!!!

Yes! Ever since LHCF I go to beauty supply stores less and less. I used to be in them all the time and now I find that either they don't have what I need or the store is just not arranged for me to find it. Sallys is about the only one I go to now. All of the ones near my house are the worst.
Yes Mam!!! I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes, with these Dang Hair thoughts, I've always been like this pertaining to hair, but now that I've found You Guys, Oh Boy, Its terrible. I think its a natural instinct, when You specialize, should I say, in any field, and for Us, its hair, You tend to always focus on it. But sometimes it becomes annoying, cause I know I should be paying attention to something else and here they come, those Dag-On Hair thoughts, and I feel especially guilty in Church, when I should be focusing on the "Word" not someones hair who is crying for Help! :perplexed
I only recently joined but i have noticed some unhealthy practices in my house, for one my sister just relaxed her hair 3 times this month because she said that the hair did not look straight enough i told her not to do it but some people never learn (lots of breakage), after coming on this forum and listning to all the advice that you beautiful ladies give ive been bothering my family with hair advice and they are starting to get annoyed, as soon as i open my mouth everyone leaves the room.but you guys have such great advice one day every african american woman will have waist length or longer hair, we just have to get the word out:yep:
I like to look at other black woman's hair but i wouldn't start a conversation about it, unless they asked. My mother on the other hand was getting stressed out because she had washed her scalp and dreads 2 times within a month. She was like "sigh, i'm washing my hair too much". I'm just looking at her like wtf because i've told her enough times that it's cool and encourage her to do it more often. I found a article on BGlH with a woman with nice dreads who washes her hair whenever she wants and i'm gonna show it to my mum.
I get where you guys are coming from though. I once saw a girl who had long hair but it was so dry and it looked like it was thinning at the ends because of breakage and because I'm a strength before length kinda girl, I just wanted to let her get a cut, take her to the shop and buy her some protein and moisturising DC and recommend a treatment.
I'm guilty of this too. And, when I see someone with a head full of healthy, pretty hair I want to go up to them and ask, "Are you on LHCF?" I resist the urge though.
I'm guilty of this too. And, when I see someone with a head full of healthy, pretty hair I want to go up to them and ask, "Are you on LHCF?" I resist the urge though.

It's true. Sometimes I worry that people would think I'm a looneybin because I mention LHCF a lot. My bf does :ohwell:
I only recently joined but i have noticed some unhealthy practices in my house, for one my sister just relaxed her hair 3 times this month because she said that the hair did not look straight enough i told her not to do it but some people never learn (lots of breakage), after coming on this forum and listning to all the advice that you beautiful ladies give ive been bothering my family with hair advice and they are starting to get annoyed, as soon as i open my mouth everyone leaves the room.but you guys have such great advice one day every african american woman will have waist length or longer hair, we just have to get the word out:yep:

OT but : Hi Newbie!!!! Welcome! :grin: :yep:

My family don't wanna hear me anymore either! :lachen:

well except for my SIL whose progress has been phenomenal !!!!:yep:
I kind of feel like that lately. I only bring it up if people ask me for advice though. It's only been 4 months since my BC, but people around me are seeing my results and are starting to approach me. But, yeah for strangers, I try to just keep my mouth shut because as u ladies know some of our ideas are considered radical and most days I dont feel like getting the sideways glances, or off brand comments that some people say when they hear my regimen
Like someone said, it comes with the territory. In the beginning i found myself analyzing EVERYones hair i came in contact with. I'll never forget the girl that helped me in Sally's. GEESH!:nono: It's gotten much better for me now though.