What does your man feel about you transitioning or being natural?

Actually my hubby encouraged me to wear my own her instead of clip-ons, one thing left to another i started transitioning , he has been supportive about this big step, he only complaints about how many hair products i have , and they are always in the shower lol, he told me to start using up my hair products and then buying new ones. He likes my hair in its natural curly state and now shows me pictures of curly people in magazines. Lol
I didn't even think to worry about what my boyfriend thought, until he mentioned that his ex had shaved her head without asking him first, and they broke up a month later O_o so then I said sweetly, 'ok honey, is it going to bother you if I stop relaxing my hair to see if I can retain more length with my natural hair? Also I'm going to stop flat ironing it AND blow drying it, and any other kind of heat torture to see if that helps too.' He was fine with it as long as I didn't cut it all off. He very much prefers long hair, so it's all good as long as I don't come home with a fade :D
He didn't like it at first but it grew on him. I was natural when I met him (and wearing a big curly wig) so he had no choice. :look:
It doesn't really bother my hd until wash day!! I'm almost in tears every time I wash. So I had this great idea to get a layered long bob. He was very excited because I would no longer have a baby fit when I washed my hair. Well I chickened out and got only 4 inches cut off. When he seen me he was upset I didn't cut my hair. Overall he likes my hair straight or in braid outs. btw he teases me when I braid it up and say's I look like the chick in the movie friday who begs for sugar lol
He doesn't mind as long as I keep it neat, fresh, and different. Nothing too repetitive. He encourages me to keep it natural because of the things he has seen me do with it, but also knows that if I ever relaxed it I would regret it. He says if I relax it I should be 100% sure about it,( he doesn't mind tat either) Guess he just doesn't want me cutting it off...
I met my SO when I was 8 months post and he has been very supportive of my long-term transition. He's just as excited for my BC (on 10-10-10) as I am! He knows that my BSB hair will shrink once I cut the relaxed ends but he knows that I plan to grow my natural hair to at least MBL
When I decided to go natural my SO supported me. When I couldn't take it anymore (two textures and what not @ 5 months post) I BC'ed. Fast forward 6 months, he can't keep his hands out of my fro. :lol:

Do what makes you and your hair happy and have confidence while doing it. When you're happy, it shows. When a man truly cares for you.... the last thing on his mind is hair. We care more than they do.
I really appreciate the responses. This has been a question on my mind lately. It's nice to see that even those who are a part of a IR relationship have no issues when it comes to natural hair. That is if it's the right man.

I was expecting more men to be all iffy about it. I have come to the conclusion that making myself happy is all that matters. I've made it this far.
When I told him that I wanted to go natural a few years ago he was sooo against it! He even said that he doesn't want to be with a girl with a fro! smh Now that I have finally gone natural, he loves it and my fro!! Days that I wanna give up and go back to relaxing he encourages me to stay natural. He says that it sets me apart from others and he thinks its BEAUTIFUL!! I'm not sure what made him change, maybe maturity.