Do you date guys with only a high school diploma?


I mean that in terms of never attempting to attain any higher schooling at all, and sees no point or value in doing so. And I don't mean a guy who is trained in another trade either. High school diploma, and that's it, and no plans to do anything else.

I don't want to sound like a snob, but like on dating sites when guys message me and have only high school listed for education (I have a professional degree btw, or I will in June) I'm just like, why would you message me.
Depends. In some professions and companies, you might have a HS Diploma but they move you up in the company or there are things like certificates and stuff and they are PAID. My didnt go to college, works in the computer field and swims in money.
So, yes. I would date someone with a HS Diploma but I would have to find out their profession 1st. :look:
I was with a guy who had a GED and didn't particularly care for higher education. He's ridiculously smart and makes a ton of money as a software developer. Outside of those circumstances, nope.
Depends. In some professions and companies, you might have a HS Diploma but they move you up in the company or there are things like certificates and stuff and they are PAID. My didnt go to college, works in the computer field and swims in money.
So, yes. I would date someone with a HS Diploma but I would have to find out their profession 1st. :look:

That doesn't sound like the OP's scenario. If they are in a field that requires certification as opposed to college or trade school, that's fine, but you need to have SOMETHING post HS
Depends on what his profession is. If he's working a dead end job, absolutely not, I'm working towards getting my doctorate to support anybody. If he worked his way up in a career and makes enough money that could support our family, and can hold a "grown up" conversation then yes.
Disclaimer: It's very unlikely to find someone compatible that only has a high school diploma; even with a degree, it's hard to find someone that can hold a conversation, let alone be capable of solely supporting a family.
I don't want to sound like a snob, but like on dating sites when guys message me and have only high school listed for education (I have a professional degree btw, or I will in June) I'm just like, why would you message me.

That doesn't sound like the OP's scenario. If they are in a field that requires certification as opposed to college or trade school, that's fine, but you need to have SOMETHING post HS

Dating sites dont have options for certificates so im wondering how OP can make judgement from that alone without talking to them 1st.
i can't, but the experience made me think about the question in general. it wasnt meant to be applied literally to that example.
Usually no. However, there are times in life when you meet someone that only have a high diploma and are successful in their own right. Therefore, they are evaluated on a case by case basis.
I'm seeing this guy now who I doubt went to college. He came from Europe and relocated to the states for opportunities in the US construction business, he had a ton of connections and is doing really well for himself, always asking for the chance to treat me to something. He called me today and asked if he could see me earlier then next wkend and I said "well I have a few clients this week", he said "Tell me whatever you'd make that day and I'll give you the money instead" I was like....well damn:look: I'm very indifferent/lukewarm towards him so he's always telling me "name the restaurant any restaurant and I'll take you". Then he was telling me how much he missed me on his trip to Italy and the next time he goes he wants to take me with him (all expenses paid) so def depends.

Theres the high school diploma having person that just sits on their as$, and theres the high school diploma dude who hustles and gets licenses and certifications and has the entrepreneurial mindset to gain success despite it.
Usually no. However, there are times in life when you meet someone that only have a high diploma and are successful in their own right. Therefore, they are evaluated on a case by case basis.


I'm seeing this guy now who I doubt went to college. He came from Europe and relocated to the states for opportunities in the US construction business, he had a ton of connections and is doing really well for himself, always asking for the chance to treat me to something. He called me today and asked if he could see me earlier then next wkend and I said "well I have a few clients this week", he said "Tell me whatever you'd make that day and I'll give you the money instead" I was like....well damn:look: I'm very indifferent/lukewarm towards him so he's always telling me "name the restaurant any restaurant and I'll take you". Then he was telling me how much he missed me on his trip to Italy and the next time he goes he wants to take me with him (all expenses paid) so def depends.

Theres the high school diploma having person that just sits on their as$, and theres the high school diploma dude who hustles and gets licenses and certifications and has the entrepreneurial mindset to gain success despite it.

Guys that do that offend me. I understand they're trying to impress or want to hang out but do I look like an escort? DEAL BREAKER.
Usually no, but I guess I keep an open mind about it ... because there are circumstances where people pursue careers which don't require degrees.

I've just found in general that there's a difference in the level of conversation with people who don't have a higher education.
Usually no, but I guess I keep an open mind about it ... because there are circumstances where people pursue careers which don't require degrees.

I've just found in general that there's a difference in the level of conversation with people who don't have a higher education.

This is how I feel as well. There's certain life experiences and cultural capital that's gained from higher education. It's not so much about money for me. Without knowing anything else about the person, more often than not, I'd be more interested in dating a degreed teacher than a high school educated manager.
I haven't yet. Not saying it's impossible, it just seems very unlikely. I would feel too mismatched considering how big of a role higher education has played in my life . . .
I am now but really I just have my Associate's degree so that's not much BUT it has been enough to motivate SO to continue with his education very recently.

I will say also that I take it case by case but definitely a degree and nice career to go along with it is a plus.
Hayle no. Call me a snob but I'm not busting my a$$ for 2 graduate degrees (I just finished 1, just waiting to receive official word), to get with a guy who couldn't even manage a Bachelors.:look: A degree is worth more than education and says a person can finish something they start and demonstrates persistence, ambition and drive--all qualities I look for.:grin: I've yet to run meet a man who demonstrates those qualities with only a HS degree.
Nope. I actually never have as an adult. If I did end up single again I doubt if I would change that. I admit to being a bit of a snob about it. I do care.

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Someone commented on the conversation being different of people who have a college degree vs those that don't.
The older I get the more I disagree with that statement. Life has a way of evening the playing field.
I date guys who are motivated, inspired and know how to put money in the bank. Degree? cool. No degree? If you meet the above criteria, i'm down.

Nope. From my personal experience (I tried to date an extremely wealthy man who had only a GED--some people just get "lucky"), it becomes a sticking point after a while.

Here are my thoughts on higher education... No, a degree doesn't guarantee a good job, especially nowadays, but having a degree is an indication that you can FINISH something when you have the option not to. You can drop out of college any time you want, right? I think there is a level of maturity involved in at least finishing a degree.

I have also had to deal with "intimidation" issues from men with less education.

Finally, IF I ever have children, I want to instill in them the value of education, and would want to be able to lead by example.

I don't think it's shallow at all to prefer a mate with a degree. I feel like if you have put the time and energy into completing a college education, it's only fair to want someone who has done the same...

Honestly I am not interested in trying to find the "exceptions". Most people I know with only a HS diploma are a having a really hard time finding a job, most don't have careers.
I am in software and it is the exceptions who are able to stay employed w/o a degree. Hell I worked with folks who had degrees but not in engineering, cs, physics, or math and they were all let go.

And to me the degree is much more than just education.
I'm not saying I wouldn't, but I haven't dated a guy with only a high school diploma since I was in high school.
Hmmmm, I think I have to say I couldn't. Here is the scoop. I have dated men with only a HS education (with a good career). Problem is, I couldn't have the same convo with them as my friends. I can appreciate that everyone isn't on the same level, I have friends that loves reality TV that I work with.
I think that as a woman it would be difficult to keep a man that you are more successful than. A man has to feel like he is doing something for you. That's why my last relationship didn't work. Even thought he was a really bright guy that did well for himself. I think that my job (I'm an MD) got to him. Not at first but overtime. Male have egos (most of them) and if they aren't trying to get over on you the fact that you make more money could be an issue.

Now you notice I say more education = more income which I realize isn't always the case. I think that could work. If he is successful (feels successful) in other ways then everything could be fine. However, there are special cases, titles or jobs that reguardless of income (remember not every physican is bringing in 200,000 or more) that reguardless of income makes an impression on people.

So in my case I know I can't date some one with a HS education. Not because of my personality but the men that I tell my profession become apprehensive overtime. And I understand the tension (wouldn't be good at my job if I didn't). But some one just not have a degree is not a deal breaker.

A lazy guy with a HS diploman can ALWAYS keep it moving.
I'm seeing this guy now who I doubt went to college. He came from Europe and relocated to the states for opportunities in the US construction business, he had a ton of connections and is doing really well for himself, always asking for the chance to treat me to something. He called me today and asked if he could see me earlier then next wkend and I said "well I have a few clients this week", he said "Tell me whatever you'd make that day and I'll give you the money instead" I was like....well damn:look: I'm very indifferent/lukewarm towards him so he's always telling me "name the restaurant any restaurant and I'll take you". Then he was telling me how much he missed me on his trip to Italy and the next time he goes he wants to take me with him (all expenses paid) so def depends.

Does his spoiling you have anything to do with you having long hair? :look: :grin:

(that was sarcasm lol)