Do you Cook AND Clean ???

Do you Cook or Clean ??

  • Cook

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Clean

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • Delegate one or the other (explain)

    Votes: 25 41.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't like to, and having lived by myself for so long, cooking and cleaning has become a chore. I have recently decided, though, that if I want a real traditional man, then I will need to be a traditional woman. I don't think I should be able to ask for what I am not giving in return.
When I was single with my own place, yes. Now that I am married, and when we cohabitated, I became more of a cleaner than a cooker. My husband likes to cook and I like to clean. Sometimes I wish that he would clean more and I know that he wishes that I would cook more, but I think our system works overall.
I do both sometimes!! My fiance and my kids do most of the cleaning though. My fiance can't cook so i do all of that! But he can clean really good. My kids clean thier room and the 2 bathrooms so we each do chores together!!
Goodness! I remember this thread too... I still struggle with being responsible for cooking and cleaning when it's me +1 or more.

I have no problem when it's just me taking care of myself.

I can't imagine having a 2-3 children making breakfast, lunch and dinner and still washing clothes and scrubbing... that's alot!!!

My hats off to those who can.....

I remember there was a thread on organizing right around the same time this originally posted. I found that thread VERY useful- it had good info for those who struggle with home econ ... I personally find it overwhelming especially since I have a demanding job :-/

I stongly believe in splitting the responibility of cooking and cleaning among all family members if others are capable. Everybody looking at one person ei. *you in general* to do it all is just unreasonable.


*vent over* lol

My kids have chores and Dh helps with housework in the fall and winter months when he doesn't have much outside work to do. IMO it's unfair to ask a man to help in those areas when he has other man chores to do (yard work and managing other things). I know I more old fashioned in this area but it works for me. I don't think my daughter will grow up to do the things I do since she strongly disagrees with it.
I cook and clean. Even though I have roommates, our apartment stays relatively neat and clean. No dishes piled in the sink or anything. We sometimes share our food with each other.

I try to eat healthy, but it's more expensive so I'm trying to be creative with dishes. And I just stocked up on some non-perishable food, which of course, is sometimes loaded with carbs and sodium.
I remember there was a thread on organizing right around the same time this originally posted. I found that thread VERY useful- it had good info for those who struggle with home econ ... I personally find it overwhelming especially since I have a demanding job :-/


Do you remember the name of this thread or how I can find it? I'm moving to my own apartment soon and I wanna be on it! I can get pretty lazy at times.
My kids have chores and Dh helps with housework in the fall and winter months when he doesn't have much outside work to do. IMO it's unfair to ask a man to help in those areas when he has other man chores to do (yard work and managing other things). I know I more old fashioned in this area but it works for me. I don't think my daughter will grow up to do the things I do since she strongly disagrees with it.

Me and your daughter are here------><--------. I hated to see my mother slaving over a hot stove and cleaning up all day while dude sat on his arse. The women in my family still do this but I have to realize, this works for them and their relationships. I could not do the same. I like the shared responsibilities idea. Everyone is responsible for their own mess. I don't clean my son's room, closet or bathroom EVER. He gets the dishes because I hate doing them and I cook about 3-4 times a week. I clean once a week major and maintain throughout. If I had a home, I'd do the outside stuff too.
I do both and I am damn good at it also. But why delegate the cleaning to a cleaning lady. And use my free time whipping up meals. I get the whole family involved in cooking meals with me. This is one of the ways I kept up what was going on with everybody
Im not doing crap around his house unless we're married. i clean up behind myself but as far as doing his laundry, him dinneron a daily basis, and cleaning his home? no :look:
I do all three. On Saturdays and Sundays, my DDs cook. They are not that enthusiastic about this new "chore" at all, but I assured then that they would thank me later (as will my future SILs). They are now on breakfasts, but eventually we will move towards dinner.

When it comes to cleaning, all three again. DDs are responsible for their own bedrooms, and prefer to do their own laundry (I still do their bed linen, though), but as for the rest of the house and yard, they are given regular chores as well as whatever I or DH see fit. DH does most of the yard work, all of the household maintenance, and right now he is in the middle of rehabbing part of our house, so I do most of the daily cleaning. I love to cook, but I like to mix it up with going out to eat or having take out at few times per month.
I love to cook but hate to clean. We have a housekeeper that comes in once a week to deep clean and she spruces up throughout the week. She doubles as my son's after school babysitter. HOWEVER I still have to do my part here and there...don't want a nasty house. My husband does clean more than me though.

Before I was married I cooked and cleaned.
I don't like to, and having lived by myself for so long, cooking and cleaning has become a chore. I have recently decided, though, that if I want a real traditional man, then I will need to be a traditional woman. I don't think I should be able to ask for what I am not giving in return.

Exactly how I have been feeling lately.

Finally, teaching myself how to cook and being more responsible for my own meals makes me feel accomplished LOL I'm so proud of myself sometimes.
I enjoy both. I can brush up on both as well though. When it comes to relationships though, I love pleasing my guy, cooking for him, and keeping a neat place. But I also don't want to fall into the "house wifey" role as I plan on being a business lady.
I'm OCD so, I clean thoroughly. My kids help out, but they only get the surface. On Saturday mornings, I put a CD on, open the windows and get down scrubbing. It normally takes 1-2hrs tops for me.

Cooking, I love to cook. Now that Summer is upon us, my honey does alot of grilling, but I'm inside fixing the sides...this works for us.