Do you Cook AND Clean ???

Do you Cook or Clean ??

  • Cook

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Clean

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • Delegate one or the other (explain)

    Votes: 25 41.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I cook and clean. I will cook M-Th. I usually don't cook on Fridays because it seems like everyone is doin their own thing. Saturdays are the same, We go out on Sundays unless Hubby ask for something special.

I deep clean on Saturdays and touch up on Weds. and my kids help out a whole lot :grin: my 13 yr. old daughter washes clothes and picks up. My son 7, takes care of the dog, garbage, etc. My 9 yr old daughter washes dishes and keeps their TV area clean. Hubby will cook if he has to..he is a good cook. But with him being sick ,just him still working 40hrs a week is wearing him out.
I do both. I don't have a cooking schedule, just whenever. It probably works out to 2-3 times a week. Cleaning: I do the best I can. It's hard with a 2 year old and a 41 year old. I think the 41 year old is worse than our toddler. The 2 year old will help out, the 41 year old will not. So, I no longer stress. I do what I can, when I can. If i'm tired, I sit down. The past few days I have been cleaning out closets. If I don't, who will? I am so ready for another housekeeper. :ohwell:
I do both. I don't have a cooking schedule, just whenever. It probably works out to 2-3 times a week. Cleaning: I do the best I can. It's hard with a 2 year old and a 41 year old. I think the 41 year old is worse than our toddler. The 2 year old will help out, the 41 year old will not. So, I no longer stress. I do what I can, when I can. If i'm tired, I sit down. The past few days I have been cleaning out closets. If I don't, who will? I am so ready for another housekeeper. :ohwell:

I've been sort of doing the same thing... slowly but surely getting things done. I want a housekeeper but feel I have to clean up first :lachen: go figure
I do both but not on any set schedule. On average I cook three times a week and cleaning is, well... I love to cook, but cleaning-not so much! I know my short comings and I want a clean house but I have a problem with taking my "free" time to clean. DH and I both want a clean house but he has literally sat down on that job and left it up to me, so I have a cleaning lady! :yep: We both work and he is always fixing, building, etc. at our houses on the weekends and I don't really expect him to keep up with house work so I solved the problem...her name is J........a!
I cook for my fiance all the time. In fact, he's gotten so used to eating dinner with us that I've noticed he isn't grocery shopping so much anymore. LOL. He's really easy to fix food for though. He's bodybuilding so he never wants anything complicated. He usually sticks to something very simple like baked chicken and veggies. He objects to any added sauces that might add carbohydrates to his diet. It's actually helping me eat better as well.

I love cooking and I don't mind washing clothes and he hates those things. I hate doing dishes though and he doesn't mind it. So when we're together he takes care of the things I hate to do and vice versa. It's worked out very well.

One day though I was getting off of work (he lives about 2 miles from my job) and I got into my car and there was a big basket of dirty clothes in my back seat. LOL. I was like... THE NERVE!

When I got home I was putting his clothes in the washer (while rolling my eyes and talking smack to no one inparticular about the audacity of this man) and at the bottom of the basket was a card with a gift card for a 60 minute massage at the Ballantyne resort here so geez...there wasn't much I could complain about.:grin:

I can be a business woman and be domesticated. I think a truly good man is capable of appreciating both. The thing is finding one who appreciates the things you do and doesn't take it for granted even if you do it every day for 100 years can be very difficult

thats sweet... if that were me I would have missed out on a luxourious massage because I would not have washed them dirty clothes. I think its sweet that you did though, I such a hard headed woman I need to start becoming more compassionate :perplexed
I attempt to do both but sometimes fall short. I cleaned up the kitchen last night after cooking my bodymakeover meals.
I cook 3-4 times a week. The remaining days are fend-for-yourself days. I do a major cleaning once a week and tidy up daily.
imo, learning how to cook well is a harder skill to acquire. i'd say that was more important. however, having some basic sense of how to clean and keeping things neat is important. i can cook well and i'm a little messy but not horribly so. i just have a lot of junk. anyway, my mother taught me how to clean well since she's a neat/clean freak so i know how.
Both. Husband helps with laundry and I always fold and put away. But I basically do everything inside the house. Now that I am pregnant, he helps out more, but the house is pretty much a mess since I am pretty sickly these past few months. We plan on getting a maid soon, to come help out once or twice a week, 'cause a clean house is important to both of us.
At the moment I am a house wife so I do it all. But when I start fulltime school this will change "I HOPE"! I love to cook b/c of all and Taste of Home cookbook magazines and I clean afterwards too. Currently I have to wash by hand. Dishwasher machine broke at the moment. My husband will cook and help clean maybe one day out of the week. So it is my current job.:spinning:
FH and I alternate. I usually like to cook the meals and on the weekends we'll clean together (although he does more of the cleaning). Cooking used to be 50/50 but since I started learning recipes I've been kicking his *** out of the kitchen :lachen:

Although now that I'm sick, FH has been cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry.
I cook and clean...I'm technically single though. But I do know the guy I'm dating now got all hyped up when I told him that I can cook very well. He got all old schooled and was talking about how so many girls today don't know how to cook, and don't realize that looks can and will fade, but a mans belly will stay hungry! I actually enjoy cooking and can't wait to have a family to cook for (not saying there won't be some pizza and leftover days though).

Cleaning, I'm an anal Virgo and OCD, so I like to keep things in order. However, I have NO plans on cleaning up after some grown arse man..hellztodanaw! When it comes to cleanliness, everyone has to pitch in.
DH is an AMAZING cook, so I've gladly ceded all responsibilities in that area over to him. :lick: On the other hand, he does not notice things around the house that require cleaning even when they're staring him in the face, so that's my responsibility.
Don't do either well. If I find a man who wants to make me a homemaker then I will learn. I haven't missed any meals and the safety commission hasn't called me yet.
Neither. I let them know that up front and no one has ever cared. If a man expects me to cook and clean then I need to be made into a housewife with a "salary" to match. Even then, I would prolly sneak and get a maid on the low off of craigslist.
I cook and clean and do all the laundry and everything else that happens INSIDE the house. If it happens OUTSIDE the house, hubby is on it. For example, when there is gardening to be done, I go to the nursery and pick out the flowers, take the little pots and place them where I want to see them and retreat indoors.
I think both are important and I used to be very good at both, but lately, cooking hasn't been going so well:(. This reminds me of that song on the 'Madea goes to jail'
I do it all cook, clean, wash clothes, wash my car and cut the grass. These are things I enjoy doing. My husband will help me but I don't look for him to do so.
I cook and clean. I cook several times of week and we usually eat out on the weekends. I always make sure the kitchen and bathrooms are clean. I usually do the laundry, vacuuming, dusting, etc. on Saturdays. I have a Saturday morning ritual where I put on some music and clean the house. My husband takes out the trash, washes the cars, yard work, etc. He'll also pick up dinner for us if I don't feel like cooking.
:giggle: I remember this thread.

Dh made the comment last week and I'll clean but I won't dust. (I only dust about 3-4 times a year :look:) I told him "if its that important to ya maybe you can take on that chore sweetie".
Yes I cook and clean, even when I worked. Cleaning has always been my main focus and although the meals I prepared while working weren't fancy or elaborate, they were quick and healthy.
Goodness! I remember this thread too... I still struggle with being responsible for cooking and cleaning when it's me +1 or more.

I have no problem when it's just me taking care of myself.

I can't imagine having a 2-3 children making breakfast, lunch and dinner and still washing clothes and scrubbing... that's alot!!!

My hats off to those who can.....

I remember there was a thread on organizing right around the same time this originally posted. I found that thread VERY useful- it had good info for those who struggle with home econ ... I personally find it overwhelming especially since I have a demanding job :-/

I stongly believe in splitting the responibility of cooking and cleaning among all family members if others are capable. Everybody looking at one person ei. *you in general* to do it all is just unreasonable.


*vent over* lol
I am not fond of cleaning at all, but I do it once a week. Dh helps as well. In fact, he probably ends up doing most of the work. I love cooking, so I cook about 3-4 times per week.