Do you Cook AND Clean ???

Do you Cook or Clean ??

  • Cook

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Clean

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • Delegate one or the other (explain)

    Votes: 25 41.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I remember when I started living alone eveyone used to tell me that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So, I'd run out and learn all these recipes. I even worked on the presentation too :grin:

Then I met a neat freak who wanted to take me out to eat all the time. He would actually clean my place for me !!:rolleyes: those where the days :yep:

Anyway now I think I am more of a cleaner than a cooker per se. I'm not the cleanest person in the world but I can eat out everyday of the week and be fine as long as the place is clean. Sometimes you may only find 2 sticks of butter and a soda in my fridge. no lie!

I have a buddy who LOVES to cook. and she does it well. only thing her place is er um.... not so clean :rolleyes:

We have a long standing debate on which is more important... or maybe both!!! yikes :look:
I do both, that's just how I was raised. I live by myself so if I don't clean up after myself noone will. I actually enjoy cooking now, it's become a hobby, I used to hate it. I just clean up as I go, it saves a lot of time.
I cook and clean. My house use to be spotless and I use to cook almost daily.

NOW, I clean once a week and my family tries to maintain that. (And I'm much happy, laid back and less stressed) I cook 3-4 times a week and we eat leftovers or sandwiches those other days.

I think both are important.
I do both....i mean it just depends when i want a hot meal....i ususally will make enough to last for a couple of days....and i clean at least(well try to at least once a week....

i try to at least keep the important parts of the apartment clean(living room, kitchen, dining room and bathroom) just in case i have visitors now my bedroom i get to that whenever i feel like...but i am a very clean person....I just notice that when i lived in my apartment in Ft. Lauderdale i cleaned even more(i guess because when i first moved in their i was terrorized by the last persons nastiness and roaches) i always tried to keep the place looking acceptable and clean....this is my 2nd apartment and im just a little easy and lazy with cleaning but i do clean....

i also stay by myself also...
I can do both...I don't do both concurrently sometimes. :nono:

The month of July I was on the road for 3 straight weeks... no time...When I am actually home for more than 2 days and not travelling, I enjoy doing both.
I do both I live with my boyfriend and he is lazy I have to do everything, I feel that im nothing more than a maid. I'm nine months pregnant and I still have to cook and clean up the whole apartment by myself. He works m-f and on the weekends he plays his video games and hangs out with friends and I'm left to do all the work by myself. What should I do its getting to the point where I want to leave him?
Are the two of you interested at all in getting married in the near future?

If so, maybe NOT living together will help? (just suggesting...)
I do both I live with my boyfriend and he is lazy I have to do everything, I feel that im nothing more than a maid. I'm nine months pregnant and I still have to cook and clean up the whole apartment by myself. He works m-f and on the weekends he plays his video games and hangs out with friends and I'm left to do all the work by myself. What should I do its getting to the point where I want to leave him?
I do both I live with my boyfriend and he is lazy I have to do everything, I feel that im nothing more than a maid. I'm nine months pregnant and I still have to cook and clean up the whole apartment by myself. He works m-f and on the weekends he plays his video games and hangs out with friends and I'm left to do all the work by myself. What should I do its getting to the point where I want to leave him?

I'm so sorry you feel this way. Cleaning can be a tough job, especially your situation. Maybe you can designate a spot for him to "throw" his stuff so that you can easily get it out of the way? Maybe some other ladies can chime in as I've struggled myself with people who did not clean up after themselves.
I cook and clean.

I live alone, so if I'm not havign any company I don't worry about my house being spotless. But I have people thinkig I keep my house clean all the time becuase I've mastered speed cleaning :grin:

I love to cook and often throw dinner parties. My best-guy-friend (strictly friends) loves being my my tester :lick: on new recipes I try before I serve them widespread
i dislike cooking and cleaning. my husband takes care of both for the most part b/c i swear he's OCD...but i help out.
I live alone. I've no choice but to do both.

When dating, I cook and clean MY place. If he wants me to cook and clean at HIS place he needs to propose.
Yes, like Cinderella.

My son (very willful 5 year old) can be like the two step sisters and the step mother all rolled into one.

Get me this

Get me that

I'm hungry

I'm thirsty

I don't want that, I want this

Fix my bath water

Iron my clothes

Where is MY fairy godmother? :grin:
I cook and clean. I am pretty good at both, been doing it since my mother taught me at 7 years old!

I used to cook all these gourmet meals and then stopped for many years. When I met my current love interest, I started cooking again and he loves my cooking! Gives me great compliments and it makes me feel good.

My cleaning skills are pretty close to "top notch" (used to do it as a business to make extra money).
Yes, like Cinderella.

My son (very willful 5 year old) can be like the two step sisters and the step mother all rolled into one.

Get me this

Get me that

I'm hungry

I'm thirsty

I don't want that, I want this

Fix my bath water

Iron my clothes

Where is MY fairy godmother? :grin:

Maaaaaaan all that demanding and attitude would get me popped in my mouth! :grin:
I used to cook for me and my SO but I got tired of having to wash the pots, pans, and dishes -- doing everything!
I cook for my fiance all the time. In fact, he's gotten so used to eating dinner with us that I've noticed he isn't grocery shopping so much anymore. LOL. He's really easy to fix food for though. He's bodybuilding so he never wants anything complicated. He usually sticks to something very simple like baked chicken and veggies. He objects to any added sauces that might add carbohydrates to his diet. It's actually helping me eat better as well.

I love cooking and I don't mind washing clothes and he hates those things. I hate doing dishes though and he doesn't mind it. So when we're together he takes care of the things I hate to do and vice versa. It's worked out very well.

One day though I was getting off of work (he lives about 2 miles from my job) and I got into my car and there was a big basket of dirty clothes in my back seat. LOL. I was like... THE NERVE!

When I got home I was putting his clothes in the washer (while rolling my eyes and talking smack to no one inparticular about the audacity of this man) and at the bottom of the basket was a card with a gift card for a 60 minute massage at the Ballantyne resort here so geez...there wasn't much I could complain about.:grin:

I can be a business woman and be domesticated. I think a truly good man is capable of appreciating both. The thing is finding one who appreciates the things you do and doesn't take it for granted even if you do it every day for 100 years can be very difficult
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I cook majority of the time, but on Saturdays my husband wakes up with the kids and makes breakfast. I get breakfast in bed and don't have to worry about lunch. When I need him to or if he sees that I'm tired, he will cook dinner.

In terms of cleaning, we have/had a cleaning person who comes 2x a week and cleans our entire out. It's 4 stories with tile floors (no carpet), marble stairs, 3 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 dining rooms and a living room (trust me I am not bragging, cleaning this house is no joke! :wallbash:). Our cleaning person has been complaining that this house is "tutto grande" TOO BIG. So, needless to say she is on vacation, so I have been doing the cleaning myself :drunk:. My husband will help out by keeping the closed washed every weekend, and my son keeps his room clean. But it's still alot. TO DO EVERYTHING, it will take me 8 hours or 2/ 4 hour days to clean the entire house.

I want my small little house on the prairy we used to have in the states!
I am more of a cooker than a cleaner. I love to cook and keep my kitchen clean. However the rest of the house I will do in walk by....besides the bathroom but I am anal about my kitchen...I am always in there trying new things so it has to be clean!
I like to cook, but it gets kinda lonely when I'm the only one eating, and I eat to live, not the other way around. I'm an excellent cleaner, but roommate makes it hard to maintain, and I hate to clean my room, so I guess I'm a lonely good cook, and a reluctant cleaner these days.
I do both I live with my boyfriend and he is lazy I have to do everything, I feel that im nothing more than a maid. I'm nine months pregnant and I still have to cook and clean up the whole apartment by myself. He works m-f and on the weekends he plays his video games and hangs out with friends and I'm left to do all the work by myself. What should I do its getting to the point where I want to leave him?

I understand how you feel. You better say something now, because it is going to get more complicated once that baby get here. Talk to him and tell that you would like for him to do his part of taking care of our home (yours). Try to make a list together as to who takes care of different parts of your home. I'm going through the same thing. I'm six months preggers and I have a baby here now. My Dh and I have been to conseling for this very problem. Right now just do what you can do and take care of yourself and that baby. I remember I was on my hands and knees cleaning the bathtub when the day before I went into labor.
I try to clean as much as possible, and I cook about 3 times a week. I used to be a clean freak, but I'm too tired for all of that.
I understand how you feel. You better say something now, because it is going to get more complicated once that baby get here. Talk to him and tell that you would like for him to do his part of taking care of our home (yours). Try to make a list together as to who takes care of different parts of your home. I'm going through the same thing. I'm six months preggers and I have a baby here now. My Dh and I have been to conseling for this very problem. Right now just do what you can do and take care of yourself and that baby. I remember I was on my hands and knees cleaning the bathtub when the day before I went into labor.

Thanks girl I will do that, some people dont realize how much this can destroy a relationship. He is a good man its just chores that he doesnt do. My mother is from the old school and looks at the situation differently, she says girl he paying the bills and he aint hitting or cheating on you. Just clean and go with it. I'm like WHATEVER!!!
I cook and clean. My house use to be spotless and I use to cook almost daily.

NOW, I clean once a week and my family tries to maintain that. (And I'm much happy, laid back and less stressed) I cook 3-4 times a week and we eat leftovers or sandwiches those other days.

I think both are important.

[size=+1]Dang DL.....that's just how we roll at my house. :) [/size]