Do you consider daily washing manipulation?


New Member
Usually when I don't wash my hair, I don't do anything to it. I don't even comb it. Yet when I wash it, I have to comb it first to detangle it, then I wash it and condition it and towel dry it and style it EVERYDAY! Does anyone consider daily washing manipulation?
Personally, I consider my daily CO wash manipulation.
Serei are you actually shampooing your hair everyday? Did I read right that you wash, condition, towel dry, etc. daily?
Yip, I sure do. I could never wash daily.
Karonica said:
Yip, I sure do. I could never wash daily.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here - waayyy too much manipulation for me.
I don't actually shampoo it everyday. Most of the time I just do conditioner washes or hot oil treatments. Either way if I don't shampoo, I usually do two conditioning treatments.
Yes. I also consider my daily co rinsing manipulation if I'm rinsing the hair loose.

However, If I'm in braids (many single med-sized plaits) & rinse, then I don't consider it "manipulation".... I'm not combing, detangling, etc. I'm simply just allowing the water to rinse the braids, add my conditioner of choice, let it sit, then rinse the conditioner out.
Ok, well it is manipulation, but very, very little.
I tried this too ... daily washing. It was just too much for my wet relaxed strands. Washing twice a week is about the most my hair can handle right now. Since moisture is the key, I switched from daily washing to just misting with Dew or Scurl. So far so good.

--perfect peace
I agree about daily washing.I would lose too much I don't like walking around with a wet head.
Hence,I stick to twice a week.
I've been wondering the same thing too. At first I was loving it but I realize now that my hair did really like the moisture, but all that manipulation isn't good either. I'm only going to wash once or twice a week now that I'm at school (more convenient anyways) and just be better about keeping my hair moisturized with Break-Free or whatever I'm using. I'm really loving Hot 6 Oil to seal in moisture
Bumping... I would like to see more responses to this thread...

I'm wondering about this too because I'm thinking about trying the daily washing thing since the weather will soon be warming up. Maybe daily washing wouldn't be as manipulative if one did away with the combing and detangling afterwards. Right now, I wash every 1-2 weeks which is when I do my detangling. If I daily wash, I may skip the detangling process... I don't know, I guess I'll just have to experiment.
I guess I am in a minority. My hair loves water! I just started daily rinsing +/or con wash for Spring/Summer.

I don't think daily washing has to be stressful manipulation if you take you time to properly detangle, but rushing to style the hair afterward daily washing could spell breakage.

I'm wearing my hair in braids/plaits (with no extension), so I just wash, massage scalp, deep condition and air dry- all while still braided. :)
toosexy1 said:
sometimes i dont even comb my hair when i CO wash. so its not manipulation for me

Same here... I just wet it, condition, rinse, apply leave in/oils, and finger comb back into a bun.
I guess it really depends on how you are doing your washes. I am just like some of these other ladies, I just condition wash leaving a little bit of it in after the rinse, add shea butter to my ends and air dry.Works great for me!:)
Ye i was talking about this last week, i comb my hair every 5 days and i'm scared that if i wash every day (my hair loves water then a leave in) then will i be loosing more strands than i should? i guess i could comb once, then keep it back every day then detangle on day 5 and shampoo deep con etc.
Bumping for interest ..

I really have been struggling with this concept .. I love daily co-washing but I fear it may be too much manipulation. Ive started to co-wash without using any tools just a clip to put it in a bun and I let it airdry but i still don't know :wallbash:
For me, washing daily is waaayyyy too much manipulation.

Well, no, that's not true. Washing loose would be way too much manipulation. I could wash daily in twists/braids, but they would be madly fuzzy after the first wash, and that drives me mad at this point in time - but I'm working on getting over it.
Yes I do....the more I CO wash the more tangled my hair becomes....and airdrying is out of the question unless my hair is braided.
Yes I do....the more I CO wash the more tangled my hair becomes....and airdrying is out of the question unless my hair is braided.

Totally OT, but WHO is that tall drank of chocolate milk in your siggy????? :lick:

Child, child, CHIIIIILLLLLLLDDDDD, but he is fione. :lol:
Yes I do....the more I CO wash the more tangled my hair becomes....and airdrying is out of the question unless my hair is braided.

Got milk, for him I would become a lactating mother again! WHOOOO CHILE! That's a fine man right there!

Anyway, I rinse my hair daily and my hair is thicker and thriving. I think it's how you handle the hair. I let the water run over it from the shower and open in parts to let it saturate. Then I squeeze the water out. Not wring it out, just ball it up in a ball and squeeze. If you scrub the heck out of your scalp and scrunch and scrub a lot, maybe that's too much manipulation. You can't be afraid to take care of your hair. If you treat it likes it's fragile, then it will be fragile, treat it like it's healthy and it will be. This doesn't mean snatch and pull, but don't be afraid to take care of it...
Got milk, for him I would become a lactating mother again! WHOOOO CHILE! That's a fine man right there!

Anyway, I rinse my hair daily and my hair is thicker and thriving. I think it's how you handle the hair. I let the water run over it from the shower and open in parts to let it saturate. Then I squeeze the water out. Not wring it out, just ball it up in a ball and squeeze. If you scrub the heck out of your scalp and scrunch and scrub a lot, maybe that's too much manipulation. You can't be afraid to take care of your hair. If you treat it likes it's fragile, then it will be fragile, treat it like it's healthy and it will be. This doesn't mean snatch and pull, but don't be afraid to take care of it...

I'm so through with you, too. :dead: :lachen:

See, it's not the washing, really, that does it - its the certain tangling the second it's no longer under water/drenched in conditioner/ that's a problem.

My hair shrinks up so fast I think I can hear it, sometimes. :lol:
I'm so through with you, too. :dead: :lachen:

See, it's not the washing, really, that does it - its the certain tangling the second it's no longer under water/drenched in conditioner/ that's a problem.

My hair shrinks up so fast I think I can hear it, sometimes. :lol:

I'm going to have to cosign with this. I tried several times to wash frequently and it is just not possible for my hair unless I want dreadlocks. I've tried:

1) not combing at all. Wow, insta-dreds! It is scary. I don't know if I can hear it like Kiya, but I be watching it. It looks like those time lapse videos of beans growing, except in reverse. :grin: Actually, I'm exaggerating a bit because the truth is that water can't make my hair straight or even really stretched, even if I'm standing direction under the shower. Naturalgurl, I still remember when you said your hair reaches bsl when wet in the shower. Which is totally awesome but also totally different from me. Even when my hair was just touching the very top of my bra, water couldn't stretch it more than maybe an inch past my shoulders, if that. it remained an afro, just wet.

2) finger combing each time. takes forever, and i still get dreads, though now it takes me 2 or 3 days to get them instead of 1. even with no dreads, lots of tangles.

3) combing with a wide tooth comb. takes about 10 minutes at the fastest, definitely cuts down on tangling, but lost noticeable length in just 2 weeks of this regimen, i estimate around 1/2".

It's not the washing per se, it's what has to happen after the washing for hair like mine. Believe me, I'd love to wash a lot more often, but I just can't do it and keep my hair, or at least keep it loose. So yes, washing every day is too much manipulation for me. But you have to find what's right for your hair.
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My hair does not like daily washing/co-washing at all, not relaxed, not texturized/texlaxed, not natural:nono:. Everytime I've tried it I always end up regretting it. Weekly deep conditioning and daily or every other day moisturizing is what works for me.
Totally OT, but WHO is that tall drank of chocolate milk in your siggy????? :lick:

Child, child, CHIIIIILLLLLLLDDDDD, but he is fione. :lol:

Got milk, for him I would become a lactating mother again! WHOOOO CHILE! That's a fine man right there!


I thought maybe ya'll were exaggerating, so I went to page 2 to take a looksey, oh my goodness that really is delicious looking man.
I thought maybe ya'll were exaggerating, so I went to page 2 to take a looksey, oh my goodness that really is delicious looking man.

I know that God exists because something like that could not come to be by chance :spinning:

:lachen:He is so hot.
I'm going to have to cosign with this. I tried several times to wash frequently and it is just not possible for my hair unless I want dreadlocks. I've tried:

1) not combing at all. Wow, insta-dreds! It is scary. I don't know if I can hear it like Kiya, but I be watching it. It looks like those time lapse videos of beans growing, except in reverse. :grin: Actually, I'm exaggerating a bit because the truth is that water can't make my hair straight or even really stretched, even if I'm standing direction under the shower. Naturalgurl, I still remember when you said your hair reaches bsl when wet in the shower. Which is totally awesome but also totally different from me. Even when my hair was just touching the very top of my bra, water couldn't stretch it more than maybe an inch past my shoulders, if that. it remained an afro, just wet.

2) finger combing each time. takes forever, and i still get dreads, though now it takes me 2 or 3 days to get them instead of 1. even with no dreads, lots of tangles.

3) combing with a wide tooth comb. takes about 10 minutes at the fastest, definitely cuts down on tangling, but lost noticeable length in just 2 weeks of this regimen, i estimate around 1/2".

It's not the washing per se, it's what has to happen after the washing for hair like mine. Believe me, I'd love to wash a lot more often, but I just can't do it and keep my hair, or at least keep it loose. So yes, washing every day is too much manipulation for me. But you have to find what's right for your hair.

What that said, and with what JustKiya said, I understand now. There are so many different types of typed hair. I DO have 4a/b hair but it's springy when wet and cotton candy when dry. Then I guess there's 4a/b hair that's shrinky and then there's 4a/b that's coily. You really just have to do what's best for your hair.
I cowash daily, but I consider it low manipulation because my hair is in cornrows :giggle:.

I simply pour diluted conditioner over the cornrows, massage it in a bit, leave it for as long as can, and then rinse it out while massaging the scalp.
I don't care what the method is, there has to be some manipulation whenever you wash your hair. How much would depend on the amount of detangling and how you style it afterwards.