Do you consider daily washing manipulation?

I have tried daily co washing and it was no problem for my hair because I do not comb it everytime I wash and I always air dry. I put it in a puff or wear it down . However, it just became to much work for me. It is so much easier to moisturize my hair and then baggy at night and the styling in the morning takes less than 5 minutes. I love my texlaxed hair!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea, I consider it manipulation--unless you rinse in the shower, let it airdry and do nothing to it, i.e. comb it, etc.

ETA: I CW about every other day and bun, and have had no problems with the frequent manipulation as a natural. When I had texlaxed hair, it didn't respond to well to wetting and bunning so frequently, however.
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Got milk, for him I would become a lactating mother again! WHOOOO CHILE! That's a fine man right there!

Anyway, I rinse my hair daily and my hair is thicker and thriving. I think it's how you handle the hair. I let the water run over it from the shower and open in parts to let it saturate. Then I squeeze the water out. Not wring it out, just ball it up in a ball and squeeze. If you scrub the heck out of your scalp and scrunch and scrub a lot, maybe that's too much manipulation. You can't be afraid to take care of your hair. If you treat it likes it's fragile, then it will be fragile, treat it like it's healthy and it will be. This doesn't mean snatch and pull, but don't be afraid to take care of it...

I totally agree! I see a lot of people afraid to even touch their hair and I don't think that's how it's suppose to be. We should enjoy it. And this is coming from someone with fine 4B hair who gets single strand as well as multi strand knots/dreads when washing. I also believe it's in the products you use I may have found a conditioner that would allow me to safely wash and detangle my hair everyday if I wanted to. Sure it's loaded with cones but I don't mind because it's allowed me to enjoy my hair a little more.

that guy is superrrr hotttt!!! i dont even do diary products that much but for him, I'd open a small store. I'd supply all sorts of milk, soya milk, full fat milk, semi fat milk, chocolate milk, vanilla milk, condensed milk, evaporated milk, coconut milk and the list goes ( i know, i'll stop i'm terrible)