Do you call or do you ignore it?

Do you ignore his call or call him back when he doesn't leave a message?

  • Call him

    Votes: 30 81.1%
  • Ignore it

    Votes: 7 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Let's say there is this guy that you are (kind of) crushing on and he calls you..... miss the call and he doesn't leave a message! Do you call him back? Or do you ignore it?

I usually ignore it but I'm wondering if that's why I'm single :lol:
I'd call back. It's the polite thing to do, no? That's what I'd do with any ol' person... so, same goes for this man.
I'd call back. It's the polite thing to do, no? That's what I'd do with any ol' person... so, same goes for this man.

Even though they didn't leave a message? I assume they changed their mind or they will call back later. Am I being old fashion by not calling? Do people assume because of caller ID that you will call them back?
Depends on how soon after you gave him your number when he called. If it was right after then he was probably just locking your number in and made the mistake of calling. If you heard it ring and it only rang once or twice I definitely wouldn't return the call.

That's a dilemma though because I don't call people back either if they don't leave messages. Yet with certain people like my girlfriends I will call back if they don't leave one because we call each other so often we don't feel like leaving messages.

I still think he should have left you a message or maybe he'll attempt to call you back at another time. If he's interested then believe me, he'll call back because he can't be sure that you got the missed call without a message.
Even though they didn't leave a message? I assume they changed their mind or they will call back later. Am I being old fashion by not calling? Do people assume because of caller ID that you will call them back?
I don't call folks back if they don't leave a message. Correction, I will only call my mother back if she doesn't leave a message as she rarely calls. I always call her first, so if she called me then it may be sort of important.
I'm gonna have to go with: don't call him back. It doesn't mean your desperate or anything if you do decide to call him back. But from personal experience, if a dude really wants you or wants to reach you, he will call back a million times till he gets you.

Now, I only say this because you like him and I'm sure you'd like to see if he's interested in you too. But if this is just some random guy friend I would definitely call him back.
i'd call back at my earliest convenience. especially since everyone knows you can see a missed call. seems kind of rude to ignore it.
good gawd, why do interactions with men have to mired with all these: should I? should I not? how will it look? well, he must have meant this and that, so maybe that's why, blah blah.

I think it's rude not to call back. what if you run into him today, and he's like "hey... I gave you a call the other day, I didn't hear back"... Will you say: "Oh, I thought nothing of it, you didn't leave a message."

If anyone said that to me, I'd look at them like um? rude.

I'd call back, and if that call is missed, I'd let it go, but I at least would know that I did my part.
I have a friend who does this calls and doesn't leave a message, then she goes don't you look through your caller i.d. actually I don't at least not regularly..if you wanted to talk to me you'd leave a message....even if it's 'cal me na'
I don't call people back that don't leave messages. If I don't get a message it means that they didn't want anything important. But that's just me.
I'm gonna have to go with: don't call him back. It doesn't mean your desperate or anything if you do decide to call him back. But from personal experience, if a dude really wants you or wants to reach you, he will call back a million times till he gets you.

Now, I only say this because you like him and I'm sure you'd like to see if he's interested in you too. But if this is just some random guy friend I would definitely call him back.

I hate that. I want someone who will respect my space.

There's lid for every pot. Different strokes for different folks. ETC.

OP I would call back. He is probably nervous as hell,( I know this because LHCF has the flyest chicks, any guy would be nervous) nothing wrong with being polite and encouraging him to continue making an effort. Guys do not have nerves of steel, no matter how much they like to act like it. Calling back is great too because you have a reason (politely returning the call) and you can do it on YOUR time when YOU are not flustered or caught off gaurd.

Hell in the past I have been known to even just stare at the phone and let the call go, because I am not ready to talk yet, and so I can collect myself and call back 2 minutes later. :look:
I'm confused and baffled.

So... someone has to have something important for ya'll to talk to them? Is a "was just thinking about you/just felt like hearing your voice" therefore unimportant and won't warrant a call back?

Also, how does the person know that you missed his/her call and not that you were ignoring him/her? Especially if this is the very first time they call?

Are they supposed to just KNOW what we like and don't like? why not call, and once you speak, suggest that you prefer voicemails.
Hmm. It's not rude to me to not call someone back if they didn't leave a message. Must not have been important *shrug* I only call back if I feel like talking to them, and since I don't like talking on the phone to most people, I often don't call back. Shoot me. I also don't mind if someone doesn't call me back if I didn't leave a message.

However, if you want to talk to him, I don't see anything wrong it calling him back.
Whats the harm in calling back? Idk about other people but I NEVER leave messages if it's really important I'll text call me ASAP but that's about it. If u just started talking to this guy he doesn't know that you prefer vm. N if someone calls u doesn't that usually mean they WANT to talk to you?i really don't see the big deal... By not calling back u might make him think your no longer interested
there are no rules... call him if you want to ... don't if you don't want to...simple

We complicate things too much with woulda shoulda coulda's based off what other people woulda coulda shoulda do..

Let's say there is this guy that you are (kind of) crushing on and he calls you..... miss the call and he doesn't leave a message! Do you call him back? Or do you ignore it?

I usually ignore it but I'm wondering if that's why I'm single :lol:

I call back. I'm that person who never leaves voicemail. I'm also the girl who never checks it. So if a guy has already called previously and we've gone out a few times, he knows how futile it is to leave a message.
I don't call back anyone unless they leave a voicemail, generally. Not being weird. But if someone wanted me to call them back, they'd ask me to do so.... Or they'd send a text asking me to call back.
I don't call people back that don't leave messages. If I don't get a message it means that they didn't want anything important. But that's just me.

See this is me! I think if they didn't leave a message they didn't really want anything. Maybe they had time and wanted to shoot the breeze but since I wasn't available they decided to K.I.M. I do this all the time with my friends and family but I'm wondering if I should do things differently in 2012!

Someone mentioned plotting but I'm not sure how I'm plotting by deciding to call or not to call? I'm missing the plot? With the New Year coming I was just wondering if I should do things differently! No big scheme going on :lol: and no dasterdly plan :lachen:. Just wondering what I should change for the New year.

Edited to add: And this would be a change for family and all friends in the New Year and not just male friends :lachen:

But he is the one that made me question if I need to change (especially with my male friends) :grin:
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I don't even check my vm unless it's an unknown number. I don't like to leave one either. It's very rare. I would call him back and KIM. If you don't call he might take it as you are not interested.
Sigh...why break your head like that? Answering a missed call shouldn't be that complicated. Filling everything in, not knowing if you're on the right track. Just call back/text him. All these games/rules smh.

Not everyone wants to leave a message. I am one of those ppl that doesn't like it, and I rather not have ppl leave me a message. Most of the time message is "call me back". Am not waisting my time, listening to the message when I can call back right away.
If he only called once, no; if he called a few times and didn't leave a message then yes.

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