Do you believe in soulmates?


Well-Known Member
I used to but not anymore. I think you can make any relationship work if you want to but I do believe there are people that are better matched with each other. What are your thoughts?
I do. And I don't believe there's just one. And I don't believe it has to be your partner.
Yes I do believe in soulmates and I do not believe that there is just one. I think that there is a misconception about soulmates. Soulmates are not to be romanticized in my opinion. It is a person who comes into your life and teaches you a valuable lesson and changes your outlook on yourself and life.
I do. And I don't believe there's just one. And I don't believe it has to be your partner.

Yes I do believe in soulmates and I do not believe that there is just one. I think that there is a misconception about soulmates. Soulmates are not to be romanticized in my opinion. It is a person who comes into your life and teaches you a valuable lesson and changes your outlook on yourself and life.

ITA with both of these statements. I think the definition of soulmates is misunderstood in today's culture. I think a soulmate is someone who has a powerful spiritual connection with you, who comes into your life and impacts it in a way that you will never be the same.

They are not always romantic partners, and they do not always stay in your life forever. Soulmates will, however impact your life forever and you will never forget them.
I sure do believe in soulmates.:yep:. But I also believe that you can make any relationship work as long as you are compatible with the person and you have the same value system.

I believe very, VERY few people are married to their soulmate.
Yes I do believe in soulmates and I do not believe that there is just one. I think that there is a misconception about soulmates. Soulmates are not to be romanticized in my opinion. It is a person who comes into your life and teaches you a valuable lesson and changes your outlook on yourself and life.

I agree with this. I pretty much knew what is believed tobe the true definition of soulmates but that soulmate/twinsouls article in the Metaphysics thread REALLLY opened my eyes.

Just about anyone who has impacted your life and sent you into the depths of Epiphany land is/was your soulmate.
I do. And I don't believe there's just one. And I don't believe it has to be your partner.
Agreed with Whimsy.

Soulmates are not just your partners. You know them when you meet them, though it could be your child, a BFF, a sibling, even a parent...
I agree with this. I pretty much knew what is believed tobe the true definition of soulmates but that soulmate/twinsouls article in the Metaphysics thread REALLLY opened my eyes.

Just about anyone who has impacted your life and sent you into the depths of Epiphany land is/was your soulmate.

Do you have a link? I would love to read this. :yep:
I do believe in soul mates. I think they're people who you may have a mutually deep spiritual connection with. My youngest brother and my bff just happen to be 2 that I know of. Even my mom noticed the connection between me and my lil bro. I love all of my siblings, but even though we fight,(alot), my youngest brother and I have the strangest deepest connection.
Yup! I met mine when I was 16, we never spoke words to each other, but just locked eyes and I just knew. Never saw him again though:sad:.
Not sure if another person could make me feel that way.......haven't met anybody who has yet.
I used to but not anymore. I think you can make any relationship work if you want to but I do believe there are people that are better matched with each other. What are your thoughts?

Same as you. I don't anymore. I also don't believe that someone loses their only soul mate if one person dies and the living person remarries. What if the 2nd marriage is better than the 1st? So if there is such a thing, there could be several mates. But I don't really believe it anymore.
Yup! I met mine when I was 16, we never spoke words to each other, but just locked eyes and I just knew. Never saw him again though:sad:.
Not sure if another person could make me feel that way.......haven't met anybody who has yet.

But was this really your soulmate or someone you were deeply attracted too at first sight? I would think you and the soulmate would have an interaction that superexceded the physical. He would have to have had a profound impact on your life, etc.

Maybe you recognized the soul on a spirtual plane?
Yup! I met mine when I was 16, we never spoke words to each other, but just locked eyes and I just knew. Never saw him again though:sad:.
Not sure if another person could make me feel that way.......haven't met anybody who has yet.

I can totally relate to this. I met a man years ago, who is still a small part of my life, but is married to someone else. We locked eyes when we first met and were frozen in place for what seem like forever. We kept stealing secret glances at each other (this was before his marriage btw).I am very close to his family so we see each other from time to time. I am happy for his marriage, but for that moment he and I both knew there was a spiritual bond beyond comprehending that we both shared. I havent felt that intensly about another person since. It was definitely beyond chemistry and really cant be explained.
But was this really your soulmate or someone you were deeply attracted too at first sight? I would think you and the soulmate would have an interaction that superexceded the physical. He would have to have had a profound impact on your life, etc.

Maybe you recognized the soul on a spirtual plane?

I guess it was his soul, I mean I'm attracted to men I see everyday, but when I saw him the feeling was just different from just physical attraction.
I can totally relate to this. I met a man years ago, who is still a small part of my life, but is married to someone else. We locked eyes when we first met and were frozen in place for what seem like forever. We kept stealing secret glances at each other (this was before his marriage btw).I am very close to his family so we see each other from time to time. I am happy for his marriage, but for that moment he and I both knew there was a spiritual bond beyond comprehending that we both shared. I havent felt that intensly about another person since. It was definitely beyond chemistry and really cant be explained.

This is exactly how it felt. Sometimes I wonder if anybody else I meet in life will make me feel like that again, or was it just once in a lifetime. Makes me sad to believe I could never feel this way again.
I can totally relate to this. I met a man years ago, who is still a small part of my life, but is married to someone else. We locked eyes when we first met and were frozen in place for what seem like forever. We kept stealing secret glances at each other (this was before his marriage btw).I am very close to his family so we see each other from time to time. I am happy for his marriage, but for that moment he and I both knew there was a spiritual bond beyond comprehending that we both shared. I havent felt that intensly about another person since. It was definitely beyond chemistry and really cant be explained.

I pretty much had this exact same situation except he's not married and i have an SO. I definitely believe in soulmates, i just don't believe you always have to be romantically involved with your soulmate. Also your soulmate can be the same sex.
I can totally relate to this. I met a man years ago, who is still a small part of my life, but is married to someone else. We locked eyes when we first met and were frozen in place for what seem like forever. We kept stealing secret glances at each other (this was before his marriage btw).I am very close to his family so we see each other from time to time. I am happy for his marriage, but for that moment he and I both knew there was a spiritual bond beyond comprehending that we both shared. I havent felt that intensly about another person since. It was definitely beyond chemistry and really cant be explained.

I definitely believe in them!!! I actually have someone that I've known for years, whom we dated briefly some years ago, didn't work out, but we've managed to stay in each others' lives. We've consoled each other, gave each other advice on our relationships and everything, but haven't rekindled our romance yet!!! Funny how everyone who sees us together is like aren't you guys together.
no. that word "soulmate" is romanticized just like people believing in a happily ever after - unless you want to say your soul belongs to God...and through Him, 'have found a mate He has chosen for you...

You can make a happy life with someone understanding that any relationship takes work and like a good investment, what you trust, believe and hold dear will give you a return of unbelievable amounts... For the last 12 years, DH has been worth all the returns. through the fall and sometimes outright collapses of any changing market [life] somehow my investment just keeps growing and growing... ;-)

kinda like the Bible verse which references the blessings you can not utter when you praise God and love Him with all your might... yeah...this...
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I just had a random thought about this. It's funny to me how there is a thought on whether or not soulmates exist. In the end we are all spirits in the body so why wouldn't soulmates exist (well that is how I feel).

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
no I dont. when I was younger I did. But in the end a healthy working relationship is a choice, it takes commitment & hard work.
Your soulmate has nothing to do with having a healthy working realationship. They may lead you to your healthy relationship will go from soulmate to soulmate until you are ready for your twin flame...whether it's in this lifetime or the next.

At least this was the conclusion I've come.
Yes I believe in soulmates, but as others said, it's not necessarily a person you will be in a romantic relationship. I think we choose to fall in love with a romantic partner, but when you meet your soulmate, you just know who they are. It's also possible to have more than one soulmate at a time without losing yourself to either one of them. Being with a soulmate doesn't seem to take much effort.
Agreed with @Whimsy.

Soulmates are not just your partners. You know them when you meet them, though it could be your child, a BFF, a sibling, even a parent...

To answer OPs question, I agree with the ladies that do but also believe that they dont have to be a partner.

I truly believe that one of my soul mates is my best friend. Ever since we met we have spent every day talking, texting, hanging out, living, ect together. She is legit like my sister. we even have matching tattoos:yep:.

Its like we are gayle and oprah:lol:

Most think about spending the rest of their lives with a spouse or whatever, but I think about spending the rest of my life with her (no homo):look:.

I can see us in an old folks home being room mates nagging and playing dominos or something all day. :lol:
no. that word "soulmate" is romanticized just like people believing in a happily ever after - unless you want to say your soul belongs to God...and through Him, 'have found a mate He has chosen for you...

You can make a happy life with someone understanding that any relationship takes work and like a good investment, what you trust, believe and hold dear will give you a return of unbelievable amounts... For the last 12 years, DH has been worth all the returns. through the fall and sometimes outright collapses of any changing market [life] somehow my investment just keeps growing and growing... ;-)

kinda like the Bible verse which references the blessings you can not utter when you praise God and love Him with all your might... yeah...this...


I see what you're saying, but to add on here there is more to it than that. There is a deep connection involved with soulmates. It's sort of unexplainable. Not just a choice that you've turned out extremely happy with. There are many arranged marriages that turn out well and last many many years. They may not be soul mates either.

**Not trying to downplay the awesomeness of your marriage :yep:
No, I don't believe in soul mates.

A relationship is what you make it and I agree with the thought that any relationship whether , marriage , friendship, parenting or whatever takes a lot of hard work, self-sacrifice and patience.