Do you believe in love at first sight / interaction?


New Member
I do 100%! The night I met my fiancee and talked to him, it was like something in my soul shifted and I knew 100% he was the guy for me, it was the strongest, weirdest, most intense feeling I've ever experienced. I just knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him - the whole rest of the room went blurry and it was just me and him. Luckily he says he felt the same, and we were inseperable since then (if he didn't like me back I don't know how I could have ever liked anyone else after feeling those feelings).

The reason I ask is b/c when I talk to my friends about it, they say there's no such thing as love at first sight, only lust at first sight :ohwell: I really don't think it had anything to do with lust, . Just curious about other people's thoughts on love at first sight. I told my little sister this story earlier and she was like "yeah, you were in love with his soul alright...the soul in his pants":lachen:
I am not sure if I would call it love at first sight, but I would call it a soul connection. You met your soulmate! I experienced the same thing with a man. Unfortunately I have no idea how he felt, but we kept staring at each other from across the room. It was a strange feeling like you said. When we shook hands, we just stared at each other for the longest time. I don't know how he felt, but I was thinking,"I know you! Don't I know you?!" We had never met before that, and I felt in my spirit that I knew him. Time stopped when I looked into his eyes. I guess I did love him at first sight, but I never found out how he felt.

Unfortunately he had a girlfirend, and I wasn't trying to steal him away. Even more heartbreaking, they got married a while back, but I haven't stop thinking of him. I want to let him go, and I will not pursue him, but I will never forget that feeling I had when I saw him. I guess he didn't feel the same way or he just ignored it. It's a heartbreaking story I know.

Anyone who questions that kind of feeling has never known it. They have never experienced that kind of hazy explosive feeling that had nothing to do with lust. That was the farthest thing from my mind when I saw him. Lucky for you, you have your soulmate and he loves you. Congrats on that, girl! I wish you and your soulmate a lifetime of happiness!
No, not really "love".. but maybe you can feel a strong connection, or a heavy lust, or maybe you can feel automatically that you two would go far. The first time I met my SO, I didn't want to leave him, and when I did and went home, I had a strange kinda weird eerie feeling that he was 'the one', I remember telling my friend specifically that I 'met my husband', and I am not the type to fall in love easy or fall for most dudes, but there was something about my first encounter w/ him that left me feeling that way. I wasn't in love obviously the first time meeting him, but something came over me that made me feel that we'd be together for a while.
After that wore off, our real issues def came pouring in :lachen: :nono: and while there are times I fall in and out of love w/him, part of me can see a future with him regardless of that 'in love' feeling which comes and goes.
When I met my husband I was thirteen, I think. I walked into a class and saw him sat down near him and felt a sense of peace. I just had this clear, knowing feeling that we'd be together. I can't explain it. And it wasn't lust or hormones- it was completely pure.

On the flip side, before he met me, he met my mom ( our parents knew each other, but we didn't). He asked his mom if my mom had a daughter.

For months we were too shy to speak to each other, but when we did it was so natural, we've been connected ever since.
I do believe it exists...The day I met my DH, I knew We would get married and have a future together and he felt the same. We have had our ups and downs - lots of challenges but he is still the love of my life!
I do believe it exists...The day I met my DH, I knew We would get married and have a future together and he felt the same. We have had our ups and downs - lots of challenges but he is still the love of my life!

Awww that's sweet... did you continue to feel this way after your initial meeting?
When reality kinda kicked in for me and SO, the more and more I stopped visioning us getting married. But our first meeting, I had a feeling that I met my husband.. how odd :ohwell:. I wonder what it's really like to know early on that you want to marry someone, wow....
well im waitng to experience this the only thing ive experience wasthe twin fame thing if thats what its called
IDK if I would label it as love at first sight...but I do know what you mean...a strong connection like OP said. I remember looking this guy in the eye and seeing "light" in his was so strong I looked away instead bc it made me feel uncomfortable...I guess he felt something too bc he did ask for my number. We later agreed we met for a reason...I will never forget him bc meeting him triggered me facing my issues and becoming closer to myself.
Yes....very different than lust at first site...also its not automatically a romantic love at first site..itcan jus be an overwhelming sense of loving somebody upon seeing them
I think you can connect with someone instantaneously--even on a platonic level. I've had this happen with other women who I just knew we would be great friends, so I don't think it's about lust. It can just be your intuition telling you there's something real between you two.
I've met people where the moment I spoke to them, there was this instant connection and crazy chemistry...

... but I'm not with any of them, and I'm still happy with the one I'm with (who I took quite awhile to warm up to.)

I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in chemistry at first sight, and it's really fun! But since it usually doesn't lead to a relationship for me, I don't think anything of it.
I have..2 men and 2 women. With the men it was a "love/lust" and very intense. So intense that both times it was more than I/we could handle. With the 2 women it was a sisterhood, that to this day is still strong.
I think you can connect with someone instantaneously--even on a platonic level. I've had this happen with other women who I just knew we would be great friends, so I don't think it's about lust. It can just be your intuition telling you there's something real between you two.

...i second this. Also love at first sight(for me)doesn't necessarily mean, together forever.
I do 100%! The night I met my fiancee and talked to him, it was like something in my soul shifted and I knew 100% he was the guy for me, it was the strongest, weirdest, most intense feeling I've ever experienced. I just knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him - the whole rest of the room went blurry and it was just me and him. Luckily he says he felt the same, and we were inseperable since then (if he didn't like me back I don't know how I could have ever liked anyone else after feeling those feelings).

I can identify with this 100% with my SO. I google searched about it recently actually.

I am not sure if I would call it love at first sight, but I would call it a soul connection. You met your soulmate! I experienced the same thing with a man. Unfortunately I have no idea how he felt, but we kept staring at each other from across the room. It was a strange feeling like you said. When we shook hands, we just stared at each other for the longest time. I don't know how he felt, but I was thinking,"I know you! Don't I know you?!" We had never met before that, and I felt in my spirit that I knew him. Time stopped when I looked into his eyes. I guess I did love him at first sight, but I never found out how he felt.

Unfortunately he had a girlfirend, and I wasn't trying to steal him away. Even more heartbreaking, they got married a while back, but I haven't stop thinking of him. I want to let him go, and I will not pursue him, but I will never forget that feeling I had when I saw him. I guess he didn't feel the same way or he just ignored it. It's a heartbreaking story I know.

Anyone who questions that kind of feeling has never known it. They have never experienced that kind of hazy explosive feeling that had nothing to do with lust. That was the farthest thing from my mind when I saw him. Lucky for you, you have your soulmate and he loves you. Congrats on that, girl! I wish you and your soulmate a lifetime of happiness!

I also wouldn't call it love at first sight because love takes time to develop. I'd say a connection at a very deep level. I felt almost like i've known him before ... like he was who my soul had been searching for all this while. There was trust and honesty in our first conversation like the walls just came down. Maybe a soul connection, I agree. It's wierd and beautiful and has absolutely nothing to do with lust. That was the last thing I probably would have thought about or felt.
IDK if I would label it as love at first sight...but I do know what you mean...a strong connection like OP said. I remember looking this guy in the eye and seeing "light" in his was so strong I looked away instead bc it made me feel uncomfortable...I guess he felt something too bc he did ask for my number.

Wow, this happened to me exactly the same way a year and a half ago! Everything around us was blurry and I could not look into his eyes! Unfortunately I had a boyfriend at that time so we did not make contact but never in my life will I forget this day! Normally I am a careful person and emotionally aloof in the beginning so I never thought that this would happen to me!
I can identify with this 100% with my SO. I google searched about it recently actually.

Did you find anything about it? I tried looking it up but couldn't even begin to sum it up for a search.

The other odd thing is that we had a once in a lifetime chance of meeting, and everything lined up for just that one night. For some reason all the decisions I made that night were out of character for me, but they led me to where he was. And then coupled with having such strong feelings when I did meet him, it's just like WOW.
Wow, this happened to me exactly the same way a year and a half ago! Everything around us was blurry and I could not look into his eyes! Unfortunately I had a boyfriend at that time so we did not make contact but never in my life will I forget this day! Normally I am a careful person and emotionally aloof in the beginning so I never thought that this would happen to me!

Really...interesting! Nothing was blurry but I was felt like I was falling into his eyes...I never had a guy have that kind of impact on me, I felt kind of embarrassed like...I don't want this guy see I sweating feeling came out of no where.
Did you find anything about it? I tried looking it up but couldn't even begin to sum it up for a search.

The other odd thing is that we had a once in a lifetime chance of meeting, and everything lined up for just that one night. For some reason all the decisions I made that night were out of character for me, but they led me to where he was. And then coupled with having such strong feelings when I did meet him, it's just like WOW.

Nope, same as this thread with lots of speculation ... love, soul connection, e.t.c.

Wow! Seems like you guys were meant to be :). Did u speak to him about it? Did he feel the same way about you when you met?
I's happening to It's really intense and has sprung up on me so unexpectedly...I wasn't looking for him nor was he looking for me. I keep hoping that he's not obsessive and crazy and that this is just a case of a really stroooong connection.
I feel like he is my future husband and father of my children...(such a strong statement...I KNOW!:drunk:)
I's happening to It's really intense and has sprung up on me so unexpectedly...I wasn't looking for him nor was he looking for me. I keep hoping that he's not obsessive and crazy and that this is just a case of a really stroooong connection.
I feel like he is my future husband and father of my children...(such a strong statement...I KNOW!:drunk:)
*record scratch*
he is tooo aggressive for me! Has only been 6 days and he's already said he loved me although he doesn't know me. We went to the movies and he wouldn't let go of me. Putting his arm around me, putting his head on my shoulder, trying to stick his tongue down my throat in public. He keeps trying to get me to go to his house. At first it was cute because of the whole love at first site thing but now I'm like...can I breathe? I'm going to tell him I don't want to continue dating him today. Wish me luck.
I say beware of the guy who tells you he loves you in 3 days. That is not love at first sight, it's creepy.
Not at first site but maybe after first interaction. I have felt something simular in that I met a man and after talking to him I felt a natural high and want to do everything possible to make him happy. . .?
WOW!!! :shocked:

I've always heard about this but I'm not sure that I've ever experienced it yet with a man. I think I've felt that way before, but I'm waiting for this type of experience to be MUTUAL! I've had instant chemistry with women before who I just knew deep down inside from our firts meeting and interaction that we would be good friends. So, I guess maybe that's what you're talking about?

I would LOVE to experience that *instant* chemistry (mutual though) that you're talking about with a man one day!!! :love: I'm still waiting for that moment! Even if it's not "instant" chemistry, I would like to feel so good around a man, and so drawn to him that our interactions are effortless, and we both feel drawn and attracted to each other because the chemistry is so....right. :yep: