Do you always follow-up with a moisture dc after a protein dc?

Do you always follow up with moisture after protein?

  • Yes, always!

    Votes: 70 70.7%
  • No, only with hard proteins.

    Votes: 25 25.3%
  • Never!

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My favorite conditioner is AOGPB, which is light protein, and it works so well and leaves my hair moisturized enough to where I don't feel the need for a follow up moisturizing conditioner.

However, when I do a reconstructor, like Nexxuss Emergencee, then yes I follow up with a moisturizing DC because it doesn't feel how it should after. You've just got to listen to what your hair likes and go from there.
Yes, for my hair texture I use a moisture cond for 3 min & I rinse with one...
Unless,I'm using a protein/moisture Dc,then I just do my regular rinse...

Happy Hair Growing!
2 deep conditioners in 1 DC session seems way too time consuming to me in the first place. I would just use a moisturizing quick conditioner afterward if your hair is not soft enough. Now if we are talking hardcore protein treatments then yes, I ALWAYS use a moisturizing DC after.
Ok, so an instant conditioner is enough to put moisture into the hair after a protein treatment? Cool.
:yep:Yes, ALWAYS after a protein treatment. My hair pretends everything is cool after proteins then exactly three days afterward :sad:I'll have long strands in my hands so best bet is to always deep condition with a good moisturizer and use a moistrizing leave in.
I did an aphogee 2 step on my hair about 6 weeks ago and every since the moisturizing/protein condish I use (Organics hair mayo) makes my hair feel hard. I have to follow up with something more moisturizing or use a very moisturizing leave-in.
irisak said:
I did an aphogee 2 step on my hair about 6 weeks ago and every since the moisturizing/protein condish I use (Organics hair mayo) makes my hair feel hard. I have to follow up with something more moisturizing or use a very moisturizing leave-in.

A couple applications of Nexxus Humectress will hook you right on up.
I always follow up with a DC. My regimen might change because I've started to use Aphogee 2 Step so we'll see.
Just to err on the side of saftey....yes I always follow up a protein conditioner with a moisturizing conditioner:yep:.
Like most of the answers above i only follow with a moisture DC if it is just protein (like aphogee 2 min keratin)
conditioners like ORS replenishing have moisturise and protein so for my hair its okay.
Yes, always. I use Nexuss Emergencee mostly and any other hard protein I use I always follow up with a moisturizing conditioner to smooth out and soften my hair.
Some protein dc's make my hair really soft (like ORS Mayo and Replenishing Conditioner). So, is it really necessary to follow up with a moisture dc if it makes my hair feel soft? And plus, isn't the ORS Replenishing Conditioner a Balanced one? If so, why follow-up with moisture? TIA.

I agree with you, the ORS conditioners are mild or as you say balanced conditioners. They don't really need a moisturising conditioner after using. But when I use natural protein conditioners using a moisturising conditioner enhances the properties of the protein, in my experience!
I have to use a moisturizing dc after a protein treatment. Just depends on the person and tolerance to protein
I used to say it depends on the level of protein in the protein conditioner. But in addition to that, I will say it also depends on how an individual's hair responds to protein.
for me it depends on the type, if its rice or soy milk protein I have to follow with moisture, but with silk, blue green algea, ad other proteins I'm all good.
I typically don't, but that is because I usually use light proteins like Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner. That stuff is fabulous! It puts many regular moisturizing conditioners to shame.

Same here. Another favorite is ORS Replenishing Pak.:drunk: