Do women really think weave is better than real hair?


Well-Known Member
I normally just wear a bun I'm a natural 4a. I just recently started wearing my hair down at work (top of Bsl). So I've noticed a couple of the office baldies made sure they walked past my desk ,with their head full of weave. They had a look on their faces like, look at me I'm just as good as you.:perplexed. #1 it ain't that serious for them to be doing all that. #2 these h*ez cant be serious to even compare their weave to my real hair.... Side note: I love weave I wear weave. I just dnt think it should be compared to real hair...
I have noticed that some women (do I need to add the 'from "certain" backgrounds' disclaimer?) think of weaves and how much they spent on it as some sort of status symbol??
Idk, but its odd to me. Far more impressive when you take the time to have gorgeous real hair. Anybody can buy some.

Shrug it off, its probably just jealousy because I do not believe most people are on the LHCF regimen and have beautiful hair underneath-and yours looks lovely.
Unfortunately yes they do. When I first bc'ed to a boy cut a relative of mine would swang her bsl braids infront of me. I said to myself "ok b!tch I see you, it's on!" I saw her two years later and my real hair was bsl while she was still neck length. LOL. She later put in a bsl weave for a family event. LOL.
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Unfortunately yes they do. When I first bc'ed to a boy cut a relative of mine would swang her bsl braids infront of me. I said to myself "ok b!thch I see you, it's on!" I saw her two years later and my real hair was bsl while she was still neck length. LOL. She later put in a bsl weave for a family event. LOL.

lmao! It's so funny how women have these battles in their head. At 1 of my previous jobs a lady (who I didn't know) & I were known for having candy on our desk for ppl to take. On my last day there, I gave her my candy stash so that she could use it.

At my going away happy hour a coworker told me the other candy lady told her she was surprised that I gave her my candy stash... considering I was always competing w/her & trying to 1 up her with the type of candies on my desk :huh: lmao! I honestly never thought about the types of candies she had.

I say all this to say. We really love having silent wars. Lmao! I'm guilty of it too. Right now my secret arch enemy at work probably thinks her bun in better than mine. Ninja Please! :lol: jk. But we've all done this before.

Sent from my iPhone.
halocj Chile they jus tryin a ting. Maybe their weave is expensive so to them it's right up there with your real hair.:look: You ain't the only one who can have long hair ya know.:lol:
You might be reading too much into it. A lot - i.e. most people can't tell a weave is a weave anyway. And if you've worn weave to work in the past why would people know that you're not wearing a weave now - unless you announced it??
I don't announce anything. I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time. Trust me I'm not reading to much into anything. It's very obvious that the 2 ladies I'm talking bout came all by my desk to show off their fresh weaves. I just laughed to myself cuz I couldn't take people like that seriously

You might be reading too much into it. A lot - i.e. most people can't tell a weave is a weave anyway. And if you've worn weave to work in the past why would people know that you're not wearing a weave now - unless you announced it??
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Oh I agree, real beats fake any day. And Like you, I also wear braid extensions mixed in with my real hair. 1) Because it's quicker to be on the go for me. 2) active life style, I can exercise and swim w/o a second thought too! 3) It's an added plus it looks nice and PS!

But I've also had sisters with damaged, dry cbl-neck length hair 'scold' me for wearing 'fake hair'

Which really takes the cake since I have thriving, apl-bsl hair! baldies ...


Great thread. Yes, I think that sadly, the chronic weave slaves do think so. I don't see why they'd feel the need to assert themselves, though. It just can't compete with the real deal, in my book.
I normally just wear a bun I'm a natural 4a. I just recently started wearing my hair down at work (top of Bsl). So I've noticed a couple of the office baldies made sure they walked past my desk ,with their head full of weave. They had a look on their faces like, look at me I'm just as good as you.:perplexed. #1 it ain't that serious for them to be doing all that. #2 these h*ez cant be serious to even compare their weave to my real hair.... Side note: I love weave I wear weave. I just dnt think it should be compared to real hair...

It's all jealousy girl!!! Take it as a compliment!!! They're hating because they don't have what you have ;-)
I used to have the same view point as you, halocj. But, I started my haircare journey in 2003. I'm used to having long hair now and it's not a big deal to me if others don't or use extensions.
I used to have the same view point as you, halocj. But, I started my haircare journey in 2003. I'm used to having long hair now and it's not a big deal to me if others don't or use extensions.

ITA, it doesn't even matter to me, whatever makes the individual person happy. In my opinion, one is no better than the other. I wear my real hair as well as weaves if I want a different color or a new hairstyle for a few weeks so I embrace weaves just as much as my real hair. Those particular women may have a bit of jealousy in them but I'd be the a-hole and bust em out on it lol. Weaves or real hair who really cares? Do whatever makes you happy with your appearance because I'll be damned if I feel like I have to show off my new weave or real hair to anybody. If I wanted to walk around bald I would lol.

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