Do u judge guy's features when thinking about having children with them?


New Member
I do. I can't help it.

I look to see if our features will "blend" together, because I don't want any ugly kids.

Yeah, I know it's a vanity thing, but I tend to think this way. If his features are too strong, there's a good chance we could have a daughter and she could take after him. What looks good on a man (i.e., large nose, forehead, etc.) don't look good on females.

Although, I have seen ugly guys with some cute kids, but that was because the mother was fairly attractive, but...there's always that chance...

Anyone else think this way or is it just me?
I used to think that years ago, but not anymore. You really don't know what you're going to get lookswise as far as children are concerned. They could end up looking like ANYBODY in your families from way back when.
Not really. On a physical level, I'm only concerned about being attracted to him. I think that if you find someone attractive, its a given that you'll like those features in the child. You can't control whether the kid gets your nose or his unibrow. Besides everyone goes through an awkward phase. Look at Bobbi Christina.
Not really. On a physical level, I'm only concerned about being attracted to him. I think that if you find someone attractive, its a given that you'll like those features in the child. You can't control whether the kid gets your nose or his unibrow. Besides everyone goes through an awkward phase. Look at Bobbi Christina.

She looks like her father, just like all his other kids.

Besides looks I also take in other things, like his intelligence level, personality, whether or not he's athletic, good at math, etc., these are qualities that I take into account as well. He doesn't have to be drop dead, but his features can't be too overpowering.
I don'

pops does...he has always made a point to remind me that if he thought i guy i was dating wasn't attractive that he doesn't do ugly grandbabies
Nope because I've seen attractive people produce not so attractive children and vice versa. You just don't know what you're going to get.
Not really since the mixes of pretty people don't always turn out as expected. And some ugly babies/kids grow into their looks and are attractive as adults.

However I have known many young girls that wanted to get pregnant by so n so because "he made pretty babies" (as in he already had 3 or 4 out there).
Yes, I do. Over the years, I've trained myself to comply with my preference. Men do it all the time and so do I. However, I'm about to be officially done with searching. There's nothing wrong with having a preference God knows I like what I like and don't care who doesn't like it. Sorry but I rather gamble on two pretty people, one pretty/one half way there than to gamble on 2 butt ugly people both ways(miracles happen but not always). I have plans for my kids(Britney Spear's mom and Joe Jackson....lmao!)
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Daddy on point!

lol and he is dead serious....told me if i had ugly kids and asked him to watch them he would take them for a walk in front of a mack truck....on the real he told my brother my niece was barely cuttin it in the looks department, or something along those lines....the boys are good, but the girl...hmmm....he doesn't hold his tongue on things and says exactly what he feels most of the time

he was dating this one woman who had a teenage daugher and he told her ..

awww poor baby took after her father....he is not a good looking man
lol and he is dead serious....told me if i had ugly kids and asked him to watch them he would take them for a walk in front of a mack truck....on the real he told my brother my niece was barely cuttin it in the looks department, or something along those lines....the boys are good, but the girl...hmmm....he doesn't hold his tongue on things and says exactly what he feels most of the time

he was dating this one woman who had a teenage daugher and he told her ..

awww poor baby took after her father....he is not a good looking man

He's very blunt but its the truth....lmao!:giggle:
Not really because when you fall in love with someone, you know that you will love that child no matter what he/she looks like.. But my boyfriend once told me that he would only have a child with a light-skin girl. Of course I had to know why?!

His answer was that dark skin children get picked on, and he didn't want his child to go thru what he went thru..He said he has dated darker skin girls but he wouldn't marry them and definitly have a child by one..I told him I thought that sounded predjudice against his own race!