Do Natural Hair Women Get Hit On?

Not that serious. If a guy is not into you find someone who is into you. You don't need the majority of men's opinion in order to get one good man. Move on and do you....
My hair doesn't care about what men think about it, and I don't either.
I think you'll get hit on regardless of hair style if you're put together and you know you look good.
Okay.... I'm gonna say it! I get hit on more by Black men of quality, not the Gangsta types with my natural hair. I find that my appeal has become more Multi-cultural actually. All types of guys still try to talk to me , even White guys--which is fine, i love to flirt!!! Women usually ask me how I care for my hair or compliment on how thick it is.
First of all, :lol: @ the people who think that naturals are exaggerating about getting hit on. I seem to get hit on about the same whether relaxed or natural. Although, I do seem to attract more attention from men and women when my hair is in twists or twist-outs because it bounces and blows in the wind. I think that as long as your hair looks presentable and you're fairly attractive, men won't care....but if you strike up some sort of relationship, they may hint that you'll look better if you straighten.

ETA: I do get less of "Was up shawty" and more of "Excuse me Miss" or "Excuse me sista" while natural, but I wouldn't say it's all from "higher caliber" dudes. Some men switch up their approach depending on what they think they know about their target. lol
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I was just telling a friend that I've had a LOT more non-AA men hitting on me. :perplexed Seems like the same number of AA men but the number of non-AA men has more than doubled. My hair is the only thing that's changed but I'm not sure that's the reason.