Do my ends look that bad? lol


New Member

I went to a salon yesterday for a free service that was trying to build her portfolio and clientele. Well...I get there and she was white...which isn't that big of a deal. I have had white people straighten my hair well--it might've taken them 4 hours (lol) but it came out nice.She told me about the previous day how a girl got upset at her for trimming her hair too much and she said she only trimmed less than an inch. I explained to her that black women (and Im sure all women) are serious about their hair and that some stylists will say "trim" and then cut off 3 inches so thats why alot of people are skeptical about trimming. So anyway, she wanted to cut off like 5 inches of my hair and I said "NOooooooo!!!!". I can't believe I let my ends get like this. You can't really tell when you wear your hair in its natural state, which I did for an entire year up until 2 weeks ago. I ended up letting her trim and slightly layer my hair to make it look a little better. Not trying to generalize, but Im sure at white salons if a stylists suggest they cut their hair 5 inches, the client would probably say Ok. I explained to her, Not at a black salon. Anyway, enough of me ranting.

I don't want to hold on to damaged hair, BUT 5 inches is alot at one time for me. Do my ends look that bad (even after the mini-trim)? lol Am I crazy for trying to hold onto it? I don't think it looks THAT bad but I do need another trim..but 5 inches? Can't I just layer it and it will be alright? I don't want to be one of those yall are talking about trying to hold on to length with jacked up ends lol. I want honest opinions. TIA
Your ends look good to me. How do they feel?

ETA: I would have lost my mind if someone tried to cut off 5 inches of my hair. There is no way that is a trim.
5 inches? Is she mad?

I see nothing wrong with your ends, it's very thick and doesn't look damaged from that picture.
I think maybe 1/2 off of the bottom where it is a little see through, but not 5 inches. Your hair is beautiful!

I just had about 2 inches cut and just abuot died. It took me to just at APL, but it does look a lot betterl
your ends look okay. I don't think you need to trim 5 inches but maybe an inch or less.
Well honestly Lexi, your hair does not look bad to me. If you still have some concerns about the ends, just trim a little bit each month or dust your hair a little more when you wear it in it's natural state. But really it looks nice!
i HATE the ratty looking ends:nono:, so trust me when i say this....your ends look pretty darn good!! if you want that bottom layer to be really blunt and even, a 1/2 inch more would suffice.
i like the shape she gave your hair.
but the more important thing is how do they feel? when you hold up strands, do you see knots and splits?

and yes, you pass my ends test....i won't talk about you. :lachen:
Thanks ladies! I didn't know if I was trippin or if she was. I can do another 1/2 inch to an Inch. I completely understand the see thru area needing to be trimmed. I need to take more care of my ends I see. Especially when I wear it curly- I guess I wasn't really paying as good attention to the ends as I should have. Thank you all for your responses.
@ vkb247 The ends feel fine to me.

but the more important thing is how do they feel? when you hold up strands, do you see knots and splits?

and yes, you pass my ends test....i won't talk about you. :lachen:

They don't feel bad. I have seen a couple of knots. I would see very few splits. If I grabbed a handful of hair, I would see splits, but not that many in comparison. But the knots on the end, I just started noticing them recently. I am noticing a few split ends now..probably because I wouldn't let her cut anymore. I will make sure to dust the ends and really take time to get the split ends.

lol and Thanks for not talking about me ;-)
Thanks for the diagrams, Ivey. Does anyone know anything about split (e)? I did a S&D and saw a couple of hairs that had a weak spot and then a 90 degree angle. Weird. Please excuse the hijack, OP. :perplexed
I say you should examine your ends before taking the plunge. Take a part of your hair and closely examine your ends; do you see damage and splits that go up pass 3 in.? Here's some examples of splits:

WOW!! WHat an awesome diagram! I haven't seen that before. I have seen more (A). They don't go up not even a half an inch from what I am seeing. Thanks for that picture
@ vkb247 The ends feel fine to me.

They don't feel bad. I have seen a couple of knots. I would see very few splits. If I grabbed a handful of hair, I would see splits, but not that many in comparison. But the knots on the end, I just started noticing them recently. I am noticing a few split ends now..probably because I wouldn't let her cut anymore. I will make sure to dust the ends and really take time to get the split ends.

lol and Thanks for not talking about me ;-)
ya know-i would just search and destroy for the knots every weekend until you don't see them anymore. that way you won't have to lose any more length/your cute shape while keeping them healthy.
to be honest, though, for a lot of people they don't even seem to affect length retention that much.
Uh uh...5" is half of my length. lol I wouldn't go for that at all. My stylist wanted to cut 3" last year because I had splits. I went through with it months later only because I was ending my transition.

Your ends look fine to me. What was the reason for wanting to cut 5"? Is it all damaged hair? I dont' agree with cutting/trimming just because it looks a bit thin. I agree with Chicoro's reasoning that your hair doesn't grow at the same pace, and sometimes it takes a while for it all to even out. It seems like some people are obsessed with blunt ends, but I'm not. If it's healthy, that's all that matters to me.

Question: those of you saying that she should trim .5-1", are you saying that because you think it should be even/blunt all around? I'm just curious.
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No, your ends look great. My sister trims my hair which is far and few only because I keep them moisturized because my hair tends to dry fast. But your end look good to me. I am trying to get to your lenghth as well...
They look fine to me. Unless you plan to wear your hair straight a lot, or are having a lot of problems detangling the ends, I say leave them alone.

I think she wanted to trim 5 inches because that would get them ALL, but she doesn't have to live with the curly shrinkage.
Uh uh...5" is half of my length. lol I wouldn't go for that at all. My stylist wanted to cut 3" last year because I had splits. I went through with it months later only because I was ending my transition.

Your ends look fine to me. What was the reason for wanting to cut 5"? Is it all damaged hair? I dont' agree with cutting/trimming just because it looks a bit thin. I agree with Chicoro's reasoning that your hair doesn't grow at the same pace, and sometimes it takes a while for it all to even out. It seems like some people are obsessed with blunt ends, but I'm not. If it's healthy, that's all that matters to me.

Question: those of you saying that she should trim .5-1", are you saying that because you think it should be even/blunt all around? I'm just curious.
we're (well, at least I am) talking about the very bottom layer, the one that's hitting her brastrap. that specific layer could be more even/blunt if that's the OP's preferred aesthetic....but it's not necessary at all and still gorgeous! :yep:
you're ends look great...often with naturals they are not smooth or feel a ittle dry, people who don't have expierience with natural highly textured hair think that its damamged and try to convince the clients to cut.
It seems to be just me but I'd say a trim of ½ to 1 inch would even it out and take away the see through part.... 5 inches sounds like either incompetence or jealousy IMO...
Thanks for the diagrams, Ivey. Does anyone know anything about split (e)? I did a S&D and saw a couple of hairs that had a weak spot and then a 90 degree angle. Weird. Please excuse the hijack, OP. :perplexed

I would like to know more about split (e) as well. I tend to find these near the very ends of my hair when I do S&Ds. I'm hoping that my 1 inch trim in April will do the trick.
Personally, I would trim about an inch where the hair is see-through by the bra strap BUT that is if it is indeed damage. I will admit to being a recovering scissors addict that loves blunt thick ends...full disclosure. :blush: I don't see where you need to trim 5 inches though. :nono:

BTW, your hair looks nice. I saw your earlier post about the salon offer. Cool deal!