Do my ends look that bad? lol

I say you should examine your ends before taking the plunge. Take a part of your hair and closely examine your ends; do you see damage and splits that go up pass 3 in.? Here's some examples of splits:


Do you mind if I ask where you got that diagram? I would like to read up more about it, because my thirsty hair is infamous at getting the "c" and "g" splits. :wallbash: TIA
Your hair looks great!

I think your ends look fine too. Don't worry about her rec of 5 inches, that's ridiculous. Just try to maintain a regular schedule of trimming your ends, like once every few months or so. I usually trim mine like once every 3 months.
I personally like your ends a lot- I prefer a "natural" look to ends rather than a blunt cut. If it were me, I'd S&D the splits & leave it. If you like a smoother look, I'd think it could be done with an inch or less. Don't let the 5" lady do it though- if she wants to do 5", she is not gonna settle for just an inch!
I'm still waiting to see the "bad ends" your hair looks as if it were growing out layers---It does not look jagged or anything just layered and bone straight. If she is trying to take away 5 inches she is basically trying to give you a blunt even hair cut (Keep your hair it looks very healthy to me)
I've noticed that hair that is natural and straightened may sometimes have the wiry look of split ends. It's happened to me a lot. But I will examine my ends in detail and they look just fine with minimal splits.

She may be trying to compare it to silkier hair types. I think your ends look fine, however. Five inches would be an overkill.
I no longer trust stylists. I think they get off on cutting peoples' hair off whether it's needed or not. Your ends look fine and natural to me. Maybe cut a 1/2 inch or something. I like them better tapered down the way they are instead of a blunt cut.
I don't see a problem with your ends. If they feel a little rougher, you don't need more than slight layering. Stylists trim and cut for aesthetics/style. It seems she was trying to make you blunt which is less work for her. However, I am not sure how that would make your hair fall when worn naturally.

Stylist often throw the baby out with the bath water when it comes to hair trimming/cutting.
At the end of the day, the stylist offered her "opinion"...It isn't a fact (in this case), at all. 5 inches, IMHO wouldn't be a trim, but rather a "cut"...Look at your hair, feel your hair, S & D and keep it moving! BTW, I love your hair!
your ends are fine... you just have different lengths/layers so it's not even, but this does not equate to damage or split ends... DO NOT get 5 inches cut... do a slight trim yourself if you feel you need it
As long as they are not split damaged ends, your ends are fine. Just because your hair strands are uneven in length doesn't mean you need a trim. ;)
your hair looks great, my criticism is the work of the stylist, before reading I didn't think you had a trim, I thought you were wondering if you needed one.

it's hard to tell, the layering she did looks a lil choppy, she didn't blend well (not criticizing you but the stylist).

the choppy cut can make it look like you need a trim but you ends look fine other than her cutting technique.

to make sure you keep your ends strong I would straighten once every 2 months just to make sure your ends are healthy and get little trims 1/2 an inch etc.

your hair looks very nice though.
I agree with everyone else. You do not need to cut 5 inches of hair based on that pic... seriously like 1/2" more and your ends will be perfect!!!
Oh, pleaze! You DO NOT need a 5 inch cut. Your hair looks beautiful and healthy to me. Stay away from that stylist!
Your ends are fine. As long as they are not full of splits and are moisturized don't worry about it. You have to remember a few things when you go to a salon.
1) a cut or trim is still NOT FREE. That is an easy add on service that they WILL charge you for.

2) the more they can shorten your hair the easier it is for them to work with and quicker they can get done with you. That's more $$$ for them if they can see more clients in the day. That applies to black and white salons.

3) They are TRAINED in the 4 C's : CUT, COLOR, CHEMICALS, and CASH. The CASH is obviously the most important.!

They are not there to help you too much, it's really about how much money they can make! And don't you forget it!.
Girl, them ends look fine from this pic. Leave your hair alone and keep doing what your doing it looks great.
5 inches!!! that woman is nuts

your ends don't look damaged at all maybe trimming 1/2 inch to level everything out and make them look thicker
I love your hair color.
was she trying to get you to be all one length? you don't look like you have any damage
Your ends look fine. Way better than what my ends looked like a couple weeks ago and I had to cute off 4 inches.