Do men have "Rules" too?


Well-Known Member
I see quite a few threads here about rules and I was wondering if men play by certain rules as well :look:

I have posted in another thread about past men marking their territory. One would sprinkle around my toilet :perplexed. Others would bring little things over and accidently leave them like CD's, DVD's, etc. Also, I find that guys who are really interested bring me around their fam early on, I guess to get their approval.

Do you guys think that men have rules that guide their dating behavior or are they more instinctual? :D
They MUST have their cake and eat it too... Ride or die...:grin:

ya know, I'm j/k..... I knows absolutely nuthin about menz... -0-

(I have missed you, Jewelle:yep:)
Oh they so absolutely do! Some of them are listed in the 'Man Laws' which, while hilariously funny, are pretty telling when you put the jokes aside.

All of their general *rules* are guided primarily by masculinity and gender roles (however they define them individually is up to them) but the more specific rules depend on the type of guy.
Oh they so absolutely do! Some of them are listed in the 'Man Laws' which, while hilariously funny, are pretty telling when you put the jokes aside.

All of their general *rules* are guided primarily by masculinity and gender roles (however they define them individually is up to them) but the more specific rules depend on the type of guy.

Where can one learn about "Man Laws"? :)
well who made up the wait to days after a date to call the girl? or those stupid dating ones you hear? tha ti dont know about lol
I don't want to know about "man rules." According to the other thread everyone likes to play "The Rules." Don't spoil the fun! :laugh:
I think its not so much rules but they have categories.they have the woman they consider "wifey material,They have the side chick, the hit it and quite it group.Come on ladies you know men have categories and as the meet you they try and see which category to place you.Lets not forget the ride or die chick.Our actions plus their definition determine which game/rules they will use to deal with you.
Man Laws: These are mainly funny hypermasculine stuff, but there are some laws that specifically talk about dealing with/ handling women.

Rules for Guys:

Rules for Dealing with (and spotting) women who follow "The Rules" haha

More Rules for guys:

Dating Rules:

Telephone Rules:

funny stuff :grin:
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