do good finish last???....


Well-Known Member
do GIRLS good finish last???....

I had a short convo with a member about this very subject....and I personally feel the answer is NO!!!:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:
WELL, at least it's rarely (anymore) that I see this happening. For years now i've been saying, what's the point?
It's depicted in movies, in the media (celebrities & sidepieces......rappers/artists & video slores<< not all, but many)
The dangled "carrot" use to be a temporary fix! A sweet tooth if you will!

Now-adays these are the women who are leading the pack! Winning the game....(or the man so to speak). I guess the old fallacy, nice guys finish last, has always 'rang' true even in my heart, (so into bad boys:nono::nono::nono::nono:)....but i was a hypocrite in wondering why good girls were no longer the
hearts desire? the cat's meow??? ....(ok, sorry been listening to way too much Betty Wright)
"CAN'T TURN A HO' IN2 A HOUSEWIFE U SAY????? ....i beg to differ!" I see many many MANY "HO'S" and even "reformed" ones marrying the creme of the crop! ....even more-so than the typical "good girls" these days!

So is there a point anymore in withholding sex? Being extremely selective? No sex before marriage? No sex before monogamy? no sex without love? These were earlier principles to live by....but geesh you seemingly may find yourself finishing last!

Even if we look past the media! The loose lives of some celebrities! The reality stars? How many of you ladies remember the most sexually indiscriminate girls from high school? JUST PLAIN OL' PROMISCUOUS ?

3-4 babies before finishing high school? Before the senior prom?

I remember reading an excerpt about "Angelina Jolie's" sleeping with lots of boys in high school --INCLUDING HER HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS! SLEEPING AROUND IN HOLLYWOOD...drinking blood vials on the red carpet, kissing brother, saying we fukked on the way here?
Could you believe how Hollywood has subsequently ......put her on a pedestal? Took Jennifer Anniston's husband? I would have thought she could only give "the golden boy" Brad Pitt "that Becky" she's the mother of his only kids! :wallbash::wallbash: (lol)

I guess my question is , is there a point anymore of holding out for love? for monogamy? for the man of your dreams?

may end up dark & lonely.....
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I ask this question a LOT. (Sorry if this is LOOONNNGGG!)
I am close to a lot of men and we actually have this conversation a lot. My boys are very attractive men, popular, and certainly sought after by good girls and gardentools alike. Although they do "date" good women sometimes, they spend what seems like a lot more time focusing on the gardentools...Here's a story:

There was a pajama party one night, and jokingly me and a few of my girls said we were going to attend. Every single one of the dudes in the room said "No, none of you are going!" :arguing: There was another chapter of a frat throwing the same thing in a city nearby, and I was restricted from that, too. (Granted, one of the guys and myself are interested in one another, he looked at me and shook his head, and he was serious.) I'm not one to really care about restrictions, and I wasn't going to go to EITHER party, but I wanted to find out why I couldn't go. After a few days of arguing about it, they explained their rationale.

"We respect you. You guys aren't going to wear real lingerie to the party. We are just trying to cut loose and have fun."

This of course hurt my feelings. "So ya'll can't have fun with us?" I knew that's not what they meant, but I wanted them to see their logic.

What I got out of the discussion we had after that was that it's not that gardentool's win persay, it's that they aren't looked at for much more than being a gardentool. Those girls are simply used to gawk at, sleep with, and then discarded. There is no way they would ever seriously date a woman in gardentool status. They respect us, and they would bring women like us home to their families. They know that we are about our business, and they wouldn't WANT to see us objectifying ourselves in that way. And they said honestly, that they do spend perhaps, too much time discussing the activities of these promiscious girls, and less time on the ladies.

My frustration :wallbash: has always been more about being put on a shelf. These men know exactly who we are! They know we are intelligent, hard working, respectable women. Those are the women they want to marry. It is just that, they aren't married, and the gardentools :poledancer: are there to serve their purpose, so hey, they can just have us wait, because they were just "Foolin' with them' girls I was gon' get right back." (Jay-Z)
This is actually a good topic. I've been there. When I was young...back in the day, I thought that being "good" was something to aspire to. I got attention from guys, but I was a "good girl" and I didn't stray from that.

However, I'll never forget this girl who transferred to my school and to my homeroom. She was...well let's just say that she wasn't a "good girl". Funny thing is, she also had a thing going with her step brother. She boasted openly about them doing more than kissing (like Angelina Jolie), which I thought was gross.

Although, I noticed that the universe (at least that's how I felt) began to shift. The guys that used to pay me attention, turned their attention to her. I didn't like the guys, but I figured that I, was the one they should be attracted to, not someone like her. Yet, they were. Looking back, I know that it was because I wasn't the one who wasn't responding to their advances, and she was the one who was open for business. Therefore, they felt they had a better chance with her.

I had similar stories happen after that. I remember being distraught after a school dance. I talked to my mom and godmother about it, and my godmother said that guys don't marry girls like that. Her comment gave me some comfort but later on in life, I realized that she was wrong.

I can state that I don't have lot's of experience with guys, yet in my experience, guys don't care about a girl or woman being "good". They want someone to have fun with, period. They don't care about your past, as long as you are faithful to them or if you're willing to give them a good time.

I don't feel so well about talking about this, because I think that girls should wait for someone who appreciates them for them for who they are. But it seems like the cards are stacked against them. I honestly don't know how young girls cope now days. Things are even worse now in the current sexual climate and in the media, then when I was a teen.
This is one of those topics that I think people can oversimplify... and exhibit a little bit too much righteous indignation. The whole, "I'm a good girl, but men want ho's, it's not fair," line comes off almost a bit too whiny and dare I say, entitled.

I say this as someone who would probably be put in the good girl category. And I'm quite proud of that.

That being said, instead of playing the victim game, it was important for me to realize early that I needed to be a "good girl" for my OWN satisfaction, not because mama and grandma told me that boys don't wife up "ho's," or because other people told me that I would "win in the end."

(Plus, I don't consider it a victory to get a dude who ho'd around and finally decides to bring his nasty, diseased, baby daddy behind over to me when he hits age 35. What did I win? His kids and some child support payments? Please.)

However, if you are being a "good girl" because you feel empowered by this choice, then you should not have as many problems as you think. The women that I know who set standards and were confident in them dated good men and married them. They weren't sitting around on the sidelines complaining about never getting asked out on dates... they made their own way and stayed social and found men who appreciated their sense of confidence and self-assuredness.

Many "good girls," (or "nice guys,") often give the impression of being spineless and meek (not reserved, but meek). Which is why a lot of women don't like "nice guys" either. They don't want bad boys, but confident men are very attractive. Most so-called "nice guys," don't exactly give off that impression.

I do feel bad for teens though, because they are in a very sexually charged climate and don't get much reward for being "good," although the "bad girls" aren't necessarily much happier... they're often continually searching for male attention and end up in a never-ending, degrading cycle in which their self-esteem keeps taking hits.

However, if a woman is well out of school and still talking about how she gets no attention because she's a "good girl," then I would say that she needs to let go of this self-pitying dichotomy that "good girls never win," and start paving her own trail to get what she wants.

Nice doesn't require sitting on the sidelines and waiting for life to happen to you.
No "good girls" who did everything "right" just end up bitter
while the girls who did whatever they wanted end up happier.
Sometimes I feel like that. There are two women in particular that go to my school. Both have very well known reputations but yet both are in relationships and have been for a minute now. Maybe they've changed?
Eh, I think it's all relative. I've made my mistakes like anyone else but I've always considered myself as a woman with standards and values. I know my worth, what I want and how I deserve to be treated and if a man/guy isn't down for that then he can keep it moving b/c I know I'm not askin for much and that there are men that fit my requirements. In my 26 years of living, I've seen that the not so good girls may have gotten a lil more attention, dates, relationships than me but it didn't ensure that they were necessarily any happier or "luckier". Break ups and divorce rates are just as high for the not so good girls. Always stick to what you believe and as long as it's not outrageous, there is a good man out there for you.

I think our main problem these days is many of us are impatient and don't like to "wait" for things to fall into place and happen naturally. We don't want to be single so we try to "force" things and/or settle for someone we know isn't right but just want to be with someone and married and then we're no happier than the not so good girl.

You're love life is what you make it. Speak positive affirmations and you will attract positivity. Get out there in different environments so you can meet people. Just be forewarned, you may have to "wait" some time, longer than you may want, for things to line up. Patience is a virtue!
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Man...I scare myself when I starting wondering that too. I am saving myself for marriage, but I just read the thread on "small peens" and I now I am thinking :blush: "what if I end up with a husband with a micropeen? what if he is horrid/weird/selfish in bed?" What if bad sex is the only sex I'll ever know???!!!" "What if I end up like those women on Tyra who saved themselves, but have closed up vaginas and can't have sex with husbands? Sometimes I wonder "Is it really worth it to save myself?" I'm thinking there are few guys who will be willing to wait for marriage, but maybe it's because there is something wrong with them sexually so when they meet a virgin who is saving herself marriage it's like "JACKPOT!!! I GOT THIS SUCKA NOW!" :look: :nono: I know God won't let that happen to me though. I have MUCH faith! I know I don't deserve a life like that.
Awwww :bighug:

Things will work out. You can check the package before hand :look:. I could really comment on the rest of what you said, but boy, folks would be SALTY!!!!:lachen:

Man...I scare myself when I starting wondering that too. I am saving myself for marriage, but I just read the thread on "small peens" and I now I am thinking :blush: "what if I end up with a husband with a micropeen? what if he is horrid/weird/selfish in bed?" What if bad sex is the only sex I'll ever know???!!!" "What if I end up like those women on Tyra who saved themselves, but have closed up vaginas and can't have sex with husbands? Sometimes I wonder "Is it really worth it to save myself?" I'm thinking there are few guys who will be willing to wait for marriage, but maybe it's because there is something wrong with them sexually so when they meet a virgin who is saving herself marriage it's like "JACKPOT!!! I GOT THIS SUCKA NOW!" :look: :nono: I know God won't let that happen to me though. I have MUCH faith! I know I don't deserve a life like that.
Time to chime in,

We need to define 'good girl'

It's not only the definition of the term, but also whose doing the defining. See below.

My frustration :wallbash: has always been more about being put on a shelf. These men know exactly who we are! They know we are intelligent, hard working, respectable women. Those are the women they want to marry. It is just that, they aren't married, and the gardentools :poledancer: are there to serve their purpose, so hey, they can just have us wait, because they were just "Foolin' with them' girls I was gon' get right back." (Jay-Z)

I can't stand those type of men who compartmentalize women for their own purposes; nor the woman who play each other because of it, because either way, only the man wins. They get to play around, have their fun and expect the 'good girl' to be there when they're ready to settle down, in their time.

I don't want to prescribe to the "ho's have more fun" adage, because having relations with men doesn't make them any better or worse than a good girl, but having guys view you as an object and not an entire person who just happens to have a sexual side, is one of the worst things that a woman can experience. Women should not only hold out for love, but for respect also.

I had similar stories happen after that. I remember being distraught after a school dance. I talked to my mom and godmother about it, and my godmother said that guys don't marry girls like that. Her comment gave me some comfort but later on in life, I realized that she was wrong.

It's astonishing how many women are holding on, rather clinging to this for solace. I used to be one of them until now 10+ years later after high school graduation, guess whose happily married with kids, and guess whose still single?

Things are even worse now in the current sexual climate and in the media, then when I was a teen.

I'm really scared for this generation of girls.

That being said, instead of playing the victim game, it was important for me to realize early that I needed to be a "good girl" for my OWN satisfaction, not because mama and grandma told me that boys don't wife up "ho's," or because other people told me that I would "win in the end."

That's fine too, but the problem is that some guys wouldn't touch the good girl with a 10-foot pole, and that's not the good girl's fault, it's because they're (the male) not aren't at a point where they want a serious (monogamous) relationship. I found myself on the sidelines merely because I wasn't in an environment where men appreciated what I was offering mentally, spiritually and emotionally. They were only looking for the physical, which I wasn't willing to negotiate on.

Man...I scare myself when I starting wondering that too. I am saving myself for marriage, but I just read the thread on "small peens" and I now I am thinking :blush: "what if I end up with a husband with a micropeen?

You MUST check the peen before you make a commitment. You don't have to do anything that you don't want to, but the peen must be in working order before a ring goes on that finger. I have a friend who married an impotent man because she was relying on faith. This man KNEW that she wanted children, and yet still, didn't tell her anything before they married. She's now seeking a divorce.
You MUST check the peen before you make a commitment. You don't have to do anything that you don't want to, but the peen must be in working order before a ring goes on that finger


How does a virgin who intends on remaining a virgin before marriage check the peen?

Marriage, like other things in life, is not a reward for being a "good girl." Just like having a good career isn't a reward for being a good person, or having friends. People get married who find people who they like enough and who like them enough to want to stay together forever. Promiscuous or not, find someone who shares your view on life and the future and who likes to be around you, and you probably have a shot at marriage. Chastity is valuable, but it's not the only thing--it's one of many things. Even if a man values a woman's "good girl" status, is he going to marry her purely on that basis? Probably still have to have the other stuff in there.
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^^^ i agree. my friend made me really upset and hurt my feelings the other day by questioning why she always ends up in not so desirable situations and i don' if im a bad catch.... how come someone like her never gets the good guys and I find men who actually want to be in a relationship with me :(

i asked her what she meant, she said that she doesn't sleep around like I did or talk to different guys all at once, she's doing the exact opposite and she still gets the short end of the stick :rolleyes: She basically implied the good girls finish last. I told her that i keep my options open, and I actually entertain men who don't treat me like crap nor do i fixate myself on one guy as soon as i meet them (unlike her). All the behaviors that she mentioned about me were true, however i was not ready to be with someone exclusively, i informed them of that, and as a result no one got hurt in the process....i don't think that makes me less deserving of being in a meaningful relationship because i didn't go by the book. its not like im cheating on him now or being foul.
Yes, I never got this either. Good girls are there and are expected to wait while the men are garden tools. Yes, I just don't get it.
That's fine too, but the problem is that some guys wouldn't touch the good girl with a 10-foot pole, and that's not the good girl's fault, it's because they're (the male) not aren't at a point where they want a serious (monogamous) relationship. I found myself on the sidelines merely because I wasn't in an environment where men appreciated what I was offering mentally, spiritually and emotionally. They were only looking for the physical, which I wasn't willing to negotiate on.

But see, that's when you have to change your environment. If I found myself around men who wanted to keep me on the sidelines while they had fun, I said, "Oh, none of that for me," and started seeking men who WERE ready.

I wasn't going to negotiate either, but I certainly was more than willing to find men who wanted me just the way I was RIGHT NOW.

I'm still getting Facebook messages from those dudes who wanted to "put me away" until they were ready to settle down. They always have a sly message, like, "Just checking to see how you're doing!"

I say, "Hey Tyrone! I'm great! Getting married in November and very happy!"

Them: "Oh, congratulations. I'm happy for you. Bye!"


Women have control of their relationships. Being sidelined is something that you can prevent.
Its funny this thread came up. I was wondering the same thing. Do the so call good girls come last?

I was one of 2 black girls in my hometown. Me and the other girl where complete opposite in every sense of the word. Even physically where were opposite I’m light, tall and thin. She (let’s call her X) was dark, short and curvy. Even when we were kids we didn’t mesh to well. Her mom always compared her to me in a competitive way. Which I hated and I think her mom said a lot of things that shot her self esteem. I never talk fouled about her, but she always was jealous of me and talking behind my back.

X was a partier. She got drunk, clubbed like crazy, did drugs and slept with a lot of guys. At one point, she slept with 2 guys who happen to be related (cousins…1st cousins) in the same basement of the same house… on separate occasions. I was the opposite; I was into school, sports, didn’t drink, didn’t club, didn’t do drugs and planned to wait until I marry.

Back in the day, it seems like everyone at school adored her and hated me. It was like I was a threat of some kind. However, the grown ups seemed to respect me a lot. When something important comes up and they need someone to represent the hometown on national tv, my name would come up not hers. That always baffled me. My peers also tend to come to me to talk trash about her, even her close friends. When that happened I always kept my mouth shut. They would even try to hang with me.

Fast forward to 2010, It seems like she got the last laugh. She is married with a child. I don’t know how it went down. Maybe she ended up pregnant and the guy felt trap or her family forced him to marry her or it was simply a perfect love match...Drama free. On the other hand, I’m still single with no kids. Was I too cautious? Who knows!:ohwell:
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Originally Posted by Godyssey
Things are even worse now in the current sexual climate and in the media, then when I was a teen.

The staff at my workplace are aged between 18 to mid to late 20s. I noticed that there are a lot of good guys and they are looking for good girls. They are looking for a steady girlfriend who move in with. It seems like many guys in that particular age group are sick of the sexy, sassy, wild party girl...:grin: its like they Overdosed on something they thought would be a good thing. Some are even talking about finding the right girl...the girl in her late 20s early 30s...these boys are in their early 20s.:nono:

I could get easily a boyfriend into serious relationship willing to move in and all....however, do I want to be with a man/boy 5 to 10 years younger? I'm 33.Don't get me wrong, there are some good looking guys with muscles and everything looking amazing. However ,I'm not sure I want to be a cougar.

The staff at my workplace are aged between 18 to mid to late 20s. I noticed that there are a lot of good guys and they are looking for good girls. They are looking for a steady girlfriend who move in with. It seems like many guys in that particular age group are sick of the sexy, sassy, wild party girl...:grin: its like they Overdosed on something they thought would be a good thing. Some are even talking about finding the right girl...the girl in her late 20s early 30s...these boys are in their early 20s.:nono:

I could get easily a boyfriend into serious relationship willing to move in and all....however, do I want to be with a man/boy 5 to 10 years younger? I'm 33.Don't get me wrong, there are some good looking guys with muscles and everything looking amazing. However ,I'm not sure I want to be a cougar.

What an intersting story! I always wondered if there would ever be some sort of shift like this. Although, I don't undrstand why these young guys want older women though? What is that about? Maybe you all can suggest to them, that they could be happy dating girls closer in age?

The staff at my workplace are aged between 18 to mid to late 20s. I noticed that there are a lot of good guys and they are looking for good girls. They are looking for a steady girlfriend who move in with. It seems like many guys in that particular age group are sick of the sexy, sassy, wild party girl...:grin: its like they Overdosed on something they thought would be a good thing. Some are even talking about finding the right girl...the girl in her late 20s early 30s...these boys are in their early 20s.:nono:

I could get easily a boyfriend into serious relationship willing to move in and all....however, do I want to be with a man/boy 5 to 10 years younger? I'm 33.Don't get me wrong, there are some good looking guys with muscles and everything looking amazing. However ,I'm not sure I want to be a cougar.

move in "on"...roflmao! not a good look
alllllllll the young guys i use to date were actually about that<<<< moving in:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

How does a virgin who intends on remaining a virgin before marriage check the peen?

There are ways.
Handjob, etc. :look: :sekret:

Marriage, like other things in life, is not a reward for being a "good girl."

This is brilliant, and oh so true.

What an intersting story! I always wondered if there would ever be some sort of shift like this. Although, I don't undrstand why these young guys want older women though? What is that about? Maybe you all can suggest to them, that they could be happy dating girls closer in age?

They're looking for settled and mature women who are ready to settle down, rather than their younger, "party-hard" counterparts.

(cont'd below)
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Wanted to quote more posts, opted to make another post.

I asked her what she meant, she said that she doesn't sleep around like I did or talk to different guys all at once, she's doing the exact opposite and she still gets the short end of the stick :rolleyes: She basically implied the good girls finish last. I told her that i keep my options open, and I actually entertain men who don't treat me like crap nor do i fixate myself on one guy as soon as i meet them (unlike her).

I never thought about this portion of the scenario. The "good girl hate" is really something else. :blush:

But see, that's when you have to change your environment. If I found myself around men who wanted to keep me on the sidelines while they had fun, I said, "Oh, none of that for me," and started seeking men who WERE ready.

Women have control of their relationships. Being sidelined is something that you can prevent.

Thanks Bunny. I needed to hear that. I'm going to continue exploring my options.

Fast forward to 2010, It seems like she got the last laugh. She is married with a child. I don’t know how it went down. Maybe she ended up pregnant and the guy felt trap or her family forced him to marry her or it was simply a perfect love match...Drama free. On the other hand, I’m still single with no kids. Was I too cautious? Who knows!:ohwell:

Exactly; who knows. Just because she's married doesn't mean that she's happily married. Even if she is, it's time to focus on you and getting that life that you want and deserve.
(Plus, I don't consider it a victory to get a dude who ho'd around and finally decides to bring his nasty, diseased, baby daddy behind over to me when he hits age 35. What did I win? His kids and some child support payments? Please.)

:lachen::lachen::lachen: :love: :bighug: :huggle: :luv2: :giveheart: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you Bunny, for being you. :rosebud:

***now, off to read the rest of Bunny's post***
I never thought about this portion of the scenario. The "good girl hate" is really something else. :blush:

Yeah, I don't understand the "good girl hate" thing either. I don't have anything at all against women who save themselves for marriage or only have sex within the confines of a committed relationship. In fact, I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for them, especially given the very sexually charged climate we live in. It is NOT easy to stick to your guns like that in this day and age.

I only have a problem with them when they judge me for not exactly subscribing to the same mindset and get all mad when they see that just as many (if not more) so-called "good" guys want to date me as them.

Just because a woman choses to "play around" here and there while she's single and available doesn't make her a "bad" girl in my opinion. Instead, what's telling is how she goes about it and how she feels about herself for it.
What an intersting story! I always wondered if there would ever be some sort of shift like this. Although, I don't undrstand why these young guys want older women though? What is that about? Maybe you all can suggest to them, that they could be happy dating girls closer in age?

I have but they dont want to hear it.:nono:

I was like you, I didn't understand why they want older women but now I do. Thanks to my work environment. Let me just tackle what I noticed and learned.

Let's compare my groups teenage girls /early 20s girls of the 90s and the teenage /early20s girls of today.

If you are my age you lived your teenage years & part of your 20s during the 90s. Think back as a teenage girl who did everyone want to be like? who did people want to look like? Yup, remember we come from the super model era...white girls wanted to be cindy crawford, nikky taylor, etc.... we had noami and tyra. Moving on to the singers/entertainers we wanted to be like pebbles,karyn white,aaliyah, janet, and yes like young halle berry. we took care of ourselves as much as possible and dressed to the nines. Slim or not. We made sure it looked right for our bodies.

The girls nowadays many aspire to be like paris or snookie. I've seen some girls trying to be Ilove NY ...yes that little troll!!! They want to be and behave like heidi , paris... Unlike in our days, being rude is considered being strong, being out of shape is being bootylicious. Some of them act like total divas with money when they dont have a dime to their name. When a guy approach them they throw water in their face, rolling the eyes sucking the teeth...Our generation, reserved that type of show for when we were really mad...not 24/7normal behavior. When clubbing, we didn't dance to a point of looking like we are making out with other females.Look around a lot of the women in their late 20s and early to mid 30s look better than the youngins of today!

The young men are sick of the party girl , sex crazed girl...its like they overdosed on what they imagined would be a good thing. They are also tired of the diva tantrum/gossip girl begavior..Yup, see it at work too. Diva tantrum over nonsense. Them boys a TIRED OF IT ALL!:lachen: tired of girls with the love handles hanging out of the pants, etc. Now they are hunting down the good girl...and targeting the older woman.

It might sound like a good thing, but I predict a downfall . These boys are hunting the older women and good girls but I also noticed they are going to fast! The minute they graduate university and get their first job( with government or not) permanent or on a term. They purchase a house :nono::nono: some of them are single with nobody...22 years old a house owner and they are looking to marry. My group didn't jump the gun that quickly!!! We aimed at buying cars or clothes, shop and travel. Not do a down payment on a house. The danger is these boys will wake up and realize they went deep in something and they were not ready at all!! By then it will be to late to back up cause they will have a wife and kids.

Again, I have to admit its tempting to join the cougar club and keep in mind some of them have nicest muscles and everything :lick:... but seriously they out hunting for the left overs single girls of our group that have a career and a good head on their shoulders. They are not skipping a beat. Its a bit scary to be honest. Plus, why would a man buy a house...I thought it was something a man and woman do together. The woman would want to have a say in where she will live.:ohwell::ohwell:

Keep in mind this is what I'm seeing in my area. Don't what is doing on in your local town.
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A man that is attracted to a promiscuous woman is nothing more than evidence to me that he is not the man for me. I wouldn't feel the need to compete with her to gain his attention. She can keep that one.
You know for the life of me I can't say whether I was a good girl or a bad girl. I think I was somewhere in the middle. I never slept around but I was/am a HUGE flirt. I really like that part. I worked to perfect that (lol) and somehow it always drew them in. Balance is key I guess.

Holding out for "the one"? I'm going to have to pass on that. If a man is going to marry you, he'll marry you whether you are a virgin or not. I don't see how that has anything to do with it. If you are a virgin and you are annoying as heck and nag him like his mom, he's NOT going to marry you.
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