Do fake Christians bother you??? If not help me too be able to ZONE THEM OUT


Well-Known Member
Okay I know you're probably like "they're everywhere just ignore them" and I would if some of them weren't related to me. You know the ones who 24/7 talk about God, post bible verses or testimonials on facebook, and make it like things are just great when REALLY they've haven't changed a lick. Still curse 24/7, physically abuse / cheat on their mate, have rivalry with their siblings, called their children with adult pics angels, gossip about their own children doing BAD things, totally materialistic and so on and so forth but they wanna front like they're *changed and saved????* It really is starting to bother me. And I kind of bought the act of them being changed until I was physically around them again and they were THE SAME PEOPLE THEY WERE AT 15 and now in their 30's... I usually pray it away and don't mind it but SERIOUSLY??? Someone please give me some advice about not letting it bother me, holidays are coming and I have to be around these types of people again. If I weren't me I'd say just get rid of face book and never visit and I would but my close relatives would be upset.

Just for clarity I know we all make mistakes and I'm no angel but I do my best and I wouldn't front like I was all about God if I wasn't.
Focus on your own walk as a Christian and keep your eyes on God. That will help you to not be bothered by all the 'fakeness' you may see around you. I think on some level we are bothered when we mistakenly judge each other. In any event, the Bible says that the wheat & the tares will grow together.

Pray for them. I think you do want them to change right? Live your own life according to what God has called you to be, treat them how Jesus treats all of us and they might be encouraged by your own actions.
ITA wholeheartedly with Jinna.

God uses people to "test" us, not for His benefit but for ours, to see where we are in our own Walk. If we fail, we just dust off and keep it moving. If we pass, we move on to another level of revelation about who we are in Christ. People help develop us. And so, it's not about THEM but YOU. Maybe God is trying to use you to 'teach' them how to live right. I often times get that reminder that we tend to have the answer for the very thing that bothers us or we complain about the most. So anytime I start to complain, I have to stop to ask myself "What is God trying to tell me here?" Because, I guarantee you...there IS a lesson there.

Here's a great article that I hope encourages you:
I heard a song on the radio about being "my brother’s keeper." It made me stop to reflect upon what that means. In the book of Genesis, when God asks Cain where his brother Abel was, Cain said (when he had murdered his brother), "I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?" Interestingly enough, God responded to Cain’s sarcastic remark with a statement that pretty much conveyed the idea that Cain was his brother’s keeper. To be your brother’s keeper means to be an advocate for your brother. As Christians we should be advocates for one another.

Christ goes a little bit farther when he extends the stewardship of our family to our neighbors. He talks about the Good Samaritan who lovingly cares for a wounded neighbor when no one else will. When the Samaritan man finds a man who has been beaten up, robbed, and left for dead, He binds his wounds, puts him on his donkey and takes him to a hotel where he pays an innkeeper to take care of the hurt man until he returns (Luke 10:30-37). This is the kind of love God shows us. He is impartial and infinitely good to us.

I know that for a lot people this concept is far from foreign. Many children take care of their disabled or elderly family members. Kind-hearted people donate to charities and volunteer their time for the less fortunate. But there are some people that don’t. The reason they don’t is sometimes because they weren’t shown God’s love by others — maybe their parents or spouses, even the church. This is why it is so important to give the love back that you’ve received. When someone shows kindness to someone else the person on the receiving end is often compelled to show love to yet another person. This creates a kind of a cycle where love is continually flowing throughout the world, sparked by small acts of kindness everywhere.

Regardless of our deservedness, God poured out an unfathomable amount of love out on the world when He sent Jesus. When Jesus forgave us our sins, we didn’t deserve it. But, like many people today who don’t know how to show love, we were locked in a cycle of sin, hate and disobedience. This cycle could only be broken by an act of love and redemption that would give us a gift we could not earn ourselves.

On the cross, Jesus was crucified between two criminals. One mocked Jesus and the other said, "Don’t you fear God, since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus then said, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise," even though the man had not lived a good life (Luke 23:40-43 NIV). Jesus forgave him all his sins even though there was nothing he could do to repay him. The criminal was as good as dead until Jesus saved him.

What can we learn from Jesus? We are to show kindness to everyone — even those who don’t deserve it. God expected Cain to show kindness to his brother even though Cain hated him for having more of God’s favor. If we keep our hearts open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, we, like the Good Samaritan, will be compelled to show love to our brothers, neighbors and sisters. We love others because God first loved us. Thank God for His awesome mercy and wondrous love He shows to all of creation.
I'm dealing with this myself. There is one particular person who disturbs me to no end. Constantly quoting bible scriptures, ending every conversation with "Have a blessed day!" meanwhile rolling their eyes, talking about people like they are yesterday's trash and stirring up is all a bit too much for me at times. But, God showed me something this summer. The more I would pray about the person(s) bothering me, the more He would show me things I need to do to be a better person. Everytime I would find myself wondering when He was going to punish them for things I perceived to be wrong, He would gently remind me that He grants us new mercies every morning and just like He was/is patient with me, He is patients with others as well. I'm still learning and it is still a struggle, but I've learned that if I just focus on God and do what He would have me to do then I don't have time to worry about what others are doing.

I see that you posted a list of sins of fake Christians... I'm wondering is that a list of sins that YOU do not do? If so, then think about what sins that YOU do that is not on the list you posted. Once you think about the sins YOU do, ask yourself if you are a fake Christian or not, and what makes you any different than the ones you call fake Christians. Plus, if you are one of those Christians that believe "we can't stop sinning until we die" then you have NO room to talk about "fake" Christians.

And I agree with JinnaRicci...
(:ot: did they take away the "Thanks" feature?)
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Nope, they don't bother me because Only God knows a person's true heart. I want Him to look at me and see me looking back at him and not looking at someone else. It's hard to ignore stupid fake people in general, but once you get your gaze on God, it makes it a lot easier.

Nope I don't view myself as a fake one, if someone viewed me as such I'd hope and pray they'd tell me why in a loving private manner. I can't do that with these people because of others being upset with me. We all have sins I put that in the last sentence. I didn't call what they do sin. Now I'm wondering how on earth did your comment offer me assistance of how to zone them out... Oh well

To everyone else,

thanks for your responses. I will do my best as always
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I hear that a lot but for some reason it looks so amazing the way you put it and you're right, I never want God to not see me looking at him because I let someone else block my focus.

Nope, they don't bother me because Only God knows a person's true heart. I want Him to look at me and see me looking back at him and not looking at someone else. It's hard to ignore stupid fake people in general, but once you get your gaze on God, it makes it a lot easier.

Nope I don't view myself as a fake one, if someone viewed me as such I'd hope and pray they'd tell me why in a loving private manner. I can't do that with these people because of others being upset with me. We all have sins I put that in the last sentence. I didn't call what they do sin. Now I'm wondering how on earth did your comment offer me assistance of how to zone them out... Oh well
To everyone else,

thanks for your responses. I will do my best as always

Read these chapters in the Bible:
Psalms 37
Matthew 23
ooooo I get it thanks but for 23 can u go a tad more into detail. I get it in it's context but not in this situation

I saw where you mentioned needing advice about not letting it (fake Christians) bother you... I just considered "fake Christians" with "evildoers" or "workers of iniquity". The bible is basically saying "don't fret" my friend.
I saw where you mentioned needing advice about not letting it (fake Christians) bother you... I just considered "fake Christians" with "evildoers" or "workers of iniquity". The bible is basically saying "don't fret" my friend.

I see, well thanks again and psalms 37 helped a lot. It's always good to have a reminder, I appreciate that
I hesitate to call any Christian "fake" as one never really knows the sincerity of another's walk with Christ. That said, there are some who openly profess Christ but, BLATANTLY go against His those I would simply ignore and keep the faith and try all the harder to walk the walk. It's not easy and we all fall sometimes, so I really try hard not to judge or read too much into other's personal relationship with Christ - especially if I haven't been asked.
The easiest way to zone out "fake christians" is to be so concerned about your own salvation, good deeds and repair of the world. Everybody is on their own spiritual schedule and some are tortoises whereas, others are rabbits. One never knows, the tortoise might reach the finish line and win the prize before the hare.

But if they are in your close social circle, don't engage them because they could badly influence you. :yep: It's like Joseph who ran from Potipher's wife, nekkid. He just ran.
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