Do any bc's wish they could take it back?


Active Member
I have been natural for years and only bc'd because of an illness that let my hair a H.A.M. I hate my short hair and wonder if I might hate it (notice I didn't say like because I don't think I ever will) less if I had chosen to do it on my own vs. having to do it cause I looked crazy.

Anyone wish they hadn't done the bc? I know I wish I didn't have to, I'm not enjoying the journey and just want my hair back.
I sorta wish I maybe would have did a cut of the ends rather full blown BC but I did it on my own terms, that is totally different. I think if I had been forced to cut I would feel differently about it
I had MBL hair when I BC'ed in January. I've always had long hair so this was very different for me, but I was ready, and so through with my relaxed hair. I was so happy when I BC'ed and i'm still happy! I do not regret it at all. This was a welcomed change for me!
I sorta wish I maybe would have did a cut of the ends rather full blown BC but I did it on my own terms, that is totally different. I think if I had been forced to cut I would feel differently about it

Roux I think you maybe right. Perhaps it's the "not having a choice" that has made it so overwhelmingly unpleasant.
I had MBL hair when I BC'ed in January. I've always had long hair so this was very different for me, but I was ready, and so through with my relaxed hair. I was so happy when I BC'ed and i'm still happy! I do not regret it at all. This was a welcomed change for me!

CP, it's great that it has worked out for you. You were ready!
I just BC'd three weeks ago, but I don't regret it. I can't wait for it to get longer, but I love my TWA and take pride in doing something so drastic that majority of women don't have the guts to do.
Roux I think you maybe right. Perhaps it's the "not having a choice" that has made it so overwhelmingly unpleasant.

I agree with you. BC-ing is a really big step and i think i would have hated mine too if i didn't get a choice. However, I was fortunate enough to be able to think long and hard about it so i don't have regrets about mine and I'm quite happy with my unruly natural hair (i have my days when i'm ready to put it in time out, but more good days than bad)

would you consider relaxing again? or maybe keeping it straight if you don't like your hair natural
I know I had moments when I deeply regretted big chopping. I just was amazed at the reactions people had. It's JUST HAIR I felt like screaming.
OP I hope you are doing well nowadays and wish you a growth spurt this summer. :bighug: I don't regret my BC because I transitioned for 18 months. I only regret that I'm style challenged. :gorgeous:
I did the BC Dec 08 but if I really wish I could've done a long term transition, but at the time I just didn't know how to handle both textures and BC'd out of frustration.

There were days I loved my hair and days I didn't cause I missed the length but I think no matter what style you have there are always days you will feel like that.

I stuck it out and started to enjoy my hair at the different stages.
I BC'd in December 2007. I was so fortunate that most of my friends were natural and had been egging me on for years prior, my boyfriend was WONDERFUL about it, and my grandmother lives 3,000 miles away :lol:. She's the only one who, to this day, hates it. I'd worn ultra short hair before when I was relaxed, so I didn't have problems with it, other than being style-challenged, but I totally sympathize with those for whom it's a huge difference in what they've always known or, like you, didn't have a choice in the matter.