DIY Ghetto Heating Cap


Well-Known Member
Any ladies need a heating cap, but don't want to spend the money on an attachment? Here's a way to get one out of a pair of footless tights.

What you need is a thick pair of footless tights with a waist big enough to go over your head, scrunchies and a hair dryer (handheld). You don't want stockings or thin tights (if that's what you have it won't hurt to try), but you'll need the kind of tights you wear in the winter. Take one foot and put the scrunchie over it, and place the foot over the nozzle of the dryer and pull the scrunchie down to secure. Tie off the other foot so that no heat can pass through. Then pull the waist over your head, if the waist is too big use one of the scrunchies to make it tighter. Turn on your dryer and position the leg so that heat is flowing evenly all over your head. I just discovered this today, so I figured I'd share it with you all. ENJOY! :grin:


Here's a picture of what it should look like, just in case.
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I am dying over here, hee,hee- I love your creativity. Me on the other hand I could see myself burning my house down if I tried that.
I was so afraid to come into this thread. After coming in, I see I had good reason to be afraid!!! :lachen:Girl, you had your THINKIN CAP on for that one. :lachen: