
Well-Known Member
I have a question for you...what was the defining moment when you decided that it was over, the thing that made you decide it was time to go? Did you feel guilty or worry about hurting your DH and family?

I have been pondering this for a few months now and what I keep coming back to is how everyones else is going to feel but me. I am damned if I do and damned if don't.
mrsjones1 said:
I have a question for you...what was the defining moment when you decided that it was over, the thing that made you decide it was time to go? Did you feel guilty or worry about hurting your DH and family?

I have been pondering this for a few months now and what I keep coming back to is how everyones else is going to feel but me. I am damned if I do and damned if don't.

When I accepted the cheating was never going to end. I loved me more than to accept that crazy behavior.

I would like to say, make sure your affairs are in order if you pursue it. I was pushed to do it so I was not prepared. Do your homework, seek out as much legal advice as possible.

Divorce is no joke, it is not for the faint at heart. I say this because it is the hardest and most hurtful thing to go through.

Peace and blessings to you and your family.
screambabygirl said:
When I accepted the cheating was never going to end. I loved me more than to accept that crazy behavior.

I would like to say, make sure your affairs are in order if you pursue it. I was pushed to do it so I was not prepared. Do your homework, seek out as much legal advice as possible.

Divorce is no joke, it is not for the faint at heart. I say this because it is the hardest and most hurtful thing to go through.

Peace and blessings to you and your family.

Thanks and sorry that happened to you, fortunately it is nothing like that. I am just not the same women I was 6 years ago and have come to realize that none of my dreams are being accomplished and I am tired of carry the majority of the load. I am in the legal field so I have that covered. Fortunately we don't own anything together nor do we have kids. I am just worried about the other fallout.
W/ my ex-husband the 'time to go' signs were:

The disrespect, the fighting, the anger, the urge to put a pillow over his head as he slept...:look::lol: :look: :grin: :look: :look: :look:

I had to get out of that mess. I don't know what took me so long.
My husband had been emotionally and verbally abusive for many years.....but we had a son and a daughter so I struggled to sacrifice my own happiness and safety so that they wouldn't have divorced parents.....it was ugly but when the abuse turned physical, I began to realize that one day, it was gonna be him or me and I knew leaving had to happen immediately. Never looked back......
Basically the same as others-

disrespect, lying, physical fighting, on & on.

When I knew it was over, the concerns you have were NOT concerns- I didn't care what others thought.

I had to do what was right for my son & me.

That man was holding me back from everything- higher education, friends, financial peace, hell, just PEACE!

Once I got rid of him, things fell into place in such a positive way!

I think he had an evil spirit about him & he had to go.
I knew it was time to make if official when we seperated and he started taking his anger out on our daughter.
i knew i was time to go when he wouldnt stop drinking:alcoholic :alcoholic :beer: :beer: :guiness: couldnt make it to work and would not get help with the drinking until years later then he act as if he did nothing to his family cause us to lose the house and every thing:confused: :( :mad: but i am better off with out him:) cause god knows any body that live with a drunk knows what i am talking about
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I knew it was time to go when I suggested counseling because of our problems of not being able to talk to each other without it turning into a screaming match. He said ok to counseling then when I had an appointment he said he never agreed to it. Also the sight\sound of him made me ill and I wish that he would just have sex with someone else and leave me. When he was breathing I wished he would just choke on his own spit and fall down and hit his head on the fence in the front yard. That way I wouldn't be the bad person.

I gave him a week to move out because I had homocidial (sp) thoughts, seriously. I was wondering how I could bury a 200 lb man in the park and no one would notice. SERIOUSLY. He had to go.

Thank goodness no children were involved.
ThickHair said:
I knew it was time to go when I suggested counseling because of our problems of not being able to talk to each other without it turning into a screaming match. He said ok to counseling then when I had an appointment he said he never agreed to it. Also the sight\sound of him made me ill and I wish that he would just have sex with someone else and leave me. When he was breathing I wished he would just choke on his own spit and fall down and hit his head on the fence in the front yard. That way I wouldn't be the bad person.

I gave him a week to move out because I had homocidial (sp) thoughts, seriously. I was wondering how I could bury a 200 lb man in the park and no one would notice. SERIOUSLY. He had to go.

Thank goodness no children were involved.

:lachen: :lachen: I am so sorry....I know this is a serious matter....but that was funny as hell. :lol:
Armyqt said:
:lachen: :lachen: I am so sorry....I know this is a serious matter....but that was funny as hell. :lol:
It's ok, I chuckled a little when I wrote it. Gurl, that is how I was feeling seriously, I told my mother and she laughed a little then she prayed for me. I am MUCH better now. Sad to say those were my feelings, I just wanted him to be gone at any cost.