Distilled- I'm a believer


New Member
Distilled- I\'m a believer

I didn't want to believe that distilled water would improve my hair's condition during washings, b/c it seemed like too much work. I wondered why Sweetcocoa and the others went through the trouble using it. Well, tonight I gave it a try and WOW, my hair felt softer and I lost five strands of hair when I detangled afterward. Usually that number is 25-50 or more. I guess maybe we have hard water afterall. Anyway I used a half of a gallon. Is that about right? I guess this can get costly. But if my hair continues to act this way, it's worth it.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

i'm glad that u found this method effective for u

happy hair growin
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I'm glad you like! The amount of water depends on if you use the water for every stage of washing and conditioning or just for the final rinse.

I did a conditioner wash yesterday and only used a jug full for my final rinse only to rinse out the conditioner. I used approx 1/4 gallon maybe a touch over but around a 1/4.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

omg i know i read the thread where they said it would be cold but i didnt quite believe it. well when the water hit my back i was about to jump out of the shower. i mean this thing was not even in the fridge. and for a while i was trying to manuever with the bottle but it was all good.
God bless you all.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I tried it too! Used two jugs. My hair does seem softer. Thank for the suggestion.

It was very cold. I wonder if sitting the jugs outside in the sun would help since summer is almost here.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

Micowaving!!! Now why the HECK didn't I think of that!??

Thanks, I read this just in the nick of time, I'm about to rinse out conditioner with my distilled water in 10 mins.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I agree with you Melodee. I tried it Saturday and my hair was so soft and shiny--there was a huge difference. This is a keeper! Even my husband noticed!

Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

Armyqt, you are so smart. Unfortunately, my microwave isn't big enough. But I must say, that is a VERY good idea. I never would have thought of it. Thanks.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I also tried the distilled water. I use it post shampoo and conditioning. I must say my hair is much softer. My husband also noticed it's softer, and he does'nt know about the distilled water. I've even gotten positive comments from co-workers. I'm sold!!!
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I fill the bathtub with about 5 inches of hot water and sit the whole jug in there. It knocks the chill off in about 20 minutes. I then lug that "bad boy" upstairs to the shower and viola...warm water down my back.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

Would you say there's less tangling from using the jug of water to rinse versus the force of the water coming from the showerhead?
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I fill the bathtub with about 5 inches of hot water and sit the whole jug in there. It knocks the chill off in about 20 minutes. I then lug that "bad boy" upstairs to the shower and viola...warm water down my back.

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That's a great idea, Crysdon.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I have been spritzing my hair every day with distilled water and sealing it with oil. hair feels soft, so far so good. God bless you all.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I am so into the distilled water that the past 2 months I've also shampooed with it. Tap and shower water have not touched my hair since I started using this entirely. Yes it is a pain in the butt(I buy 2 bottles no matter what store I'm in and store them in the trunk of my car so I won't run out). Even my rollersets are better. I know my neighbors think I'm stocking up in case of a terrorist attack... so it doesn' look odd that I am always lugging 2 gallons in my house everytime I go out.
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

<font color="purple">I use my distilled water and ACV as a rinse after my conditioner. It does make a world of difference in the way my hair feels, versus hard water, which is really hard on the hair. Here's an idea I came up with. I take my empty gallon jugs (whether it be from milk, juice or water, make sure to rinse them thoroughly), and I take them to my favorite grocery store and refill them through their water dispensing machine. I only pay 98 cents a gallon for each jug of water that I fill. To me, I don't have to worry about buying another jug, and recycling old ones can really make life more easier. I'm with you all the way, mel! </font>
Re: Distilled- I\'m a believer

I microwaved the jug for 2 min. It took the chill off.

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I warm mine on the stove and then pout it in a pitcher because it is earier for me to handle.