Discerning between a Godly or ungodly soul tie


New Member
Hello Ladies-

I hope all is well, it's been awhile since I've been on here but I have a quick question. Has anyone had to discern between a godly vs. ungodly soul tie before?

I've had ungodly soul ties but I'm positive that there are plenty of Godly soul ties but we seem to use that term in a negative light. I'm asking because in my past my spirit would discern something about whomever I was tied too, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Usually when the person did something negative or was in trouble/heading to trouble I would get very anxious and my stomach would begin to get very uneasy, I've literally gotten physical symptoms from some of this in the past and sometimes my spirit would tell me what was going on with the other person and I would later find out that it was true. This just makes we wonder if we could possibly have an ungodly soul tie but on the other hand I'm sure parents have the same experiences with their children when they are in trouble.

"As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul." 1 Samuel 18:1

The simplest and shortest answer is: the fruit of the Spirit. That which tends toward the fruit of the Spirit in your life is godly and that which produces the works of the flesh is not. (Galatians 6)

Between David and Jonathan, there was mutual encouragement in God ("And Jonathan, Saul’s son, rose and went to David at Horesh, and strengthened his hand in God." 1 23:16) There was also a lack of selfishness, as Jonathan embraced David without jealousy even though technically Jonathan would have inherited the throne and succeeded Saul had David not been chosen to replace Saul. Their friendship showed faithfulness, as David was true to the covenant they made and looked after Saul's descendants after Jonathan's death. (David's kindness to Mephibosheth; 2 Samuel 9)

So we see a godly soul tie between David and Jonathan in that their bond produced godliness. I think an example of an ungodly soul tie is heard in the refrain from Song of Songs, "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." (Song of Solomon 8:4). That book shows an example of romantic love which is not itself bad, but is also showing how we can get "caught up" at the wrong time and how much turmoil that brings emotionally.

In general, it's best to focus on spiritual fellowship over soul ties. Soul ties come, as we are creatures with souls. But the spiritual is what we aim for.
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Thanks for the scripture. But when I see that I assumed that "knit to the soul" implied a close friendship...I guess where the actions that result in being knit together are intentional on the parts of the people as opposed to an uncontrollable link spurred by something intangible.

The only thing that I can think of that would be similar to the OP's description of a soul tie is that between a husband and wife. God said the two would become one and I believe that this means not just physically but would be connected in spiritual ways...similar to the way that God KNOWS us.

I do believe that there may be people that God places on our hearts to be intercessors for and as a result He may give us "insider information" concerning them through dreams or feelings etc. Is this what you mean by soul tie crwnandglory? Because in this case I believe those links could not be ungodly. Though in my example above about husband and wives I do believe that when we fornicate we are "illigitimately" KNOWING someone and that could be considered an ungodly link. Im kind of shying away from using the words "soul tie" to describe this...though Im not exactly sure why the phrase is a bit unsettling to me.
I believe there is a thread on CF about here soul ties as well as a prayer for renounciation of soul ties ...though the bible does not say the word 'tie' is says 'Knit' (Nicola posted an example of a 'good' soul tie David & Jonathan) and there's Shechem and Dinah in Genesis 34:2-3 the word 'cleave' is used ...so we see that souls can be tied together in friendship, in marriage/sex, contractually and with an animal yes I said an animal as well is parents can have an ungodly soul ties with their children and vice versa, it's not limited to wives/husbands and besties.

Hello Ladies-

I hope all is well, it's been awhile since I've been on here but I have a quick question. Has anyone had to discern between a godly vs. ungodly soul tie before?

I've had ungodly soul ties but I'm positive that there are plenty of Godly soul ties but we seem to use that term in a negative light. I'm asking because in my past my spirit would discern something about whomever I was tied too, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Usually when the person did something negative or was in trouble/heading to trouble I would get very anxious and my stomach would begin to get very uneasy, I've literally gotten physical symptoms from some of this in the past and sometimes my spirit would tell me what was going on with the other person and I would later find out that it was true. This just makes we wonder if we could possibly have an ungodly soul tie but on the other hand I'm sure parents have the same experiences with their children when they are in trouble.

When I hear that term connected with the AA community, I always think it means something to the effect of a "djinn," a spirit, a hex of some sort or demonic oppression. I'm not getting the feeling that the term is used in relation to anything g-dly at all and I've mostly seen it referring to fornication etc. I do know through other teaching that there is something involving the soul when man and woman come together in the flesh but that it's not, in itself, evil.
Hello Ladies-

I hope all is well, it's been awhile since I've been on here but I have a quick question. Has anyone had to discern between a godly vs. ungodly soul tie before?

I've had ungodly soul ties but I'm positive that there are plenty of Godly soul ties but we seem to use that term in a negative light. I'm asking because in my past my spirit would discern something about whomever I was tied too, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Usually when the person did something negative or was in trouble/heading to trouble I would get very anxious and my stomach would begin to get very uneasy, I've literally gotten physical symptoms from some of this in the past and sometimes my spirit would tell me what was going on with the other person and I would later find out that it was true. This just makes we wonder if we could possibly have an ungodly soul tie but on the other hand I'm sure parents have the same experiences with their children when they are in trouble.


crwnandglory What you described sounds like the gift of prophecy. It this happens with various people and not just one person in particular, it's your ability to see things before they happen, known as the gift of prophecy. God gives you advanced messages in order to warn or help the person in need. However, you have to deliver the message very humbly, prayerfully and in God's timing. If you speak out of God's will and timing, it may not be received well and your work that was meant for good may have a negative result.

I don't want to say too much more as I'm learning about the gift of prophecy myself, but I think it's worth you looking into it rather than considering what you described to be a soul tie. The gift a prophecy is a blessing but you have to understand it in order to receive the fullness of it.
I'm incredibly late (I need the LHCF app), but I just want to thank everyone for posting, each post was very insightful!

Reminiscing I've also considered this as well, I need to pray more about that particular gift. Thank you.