Disappointed.... July reveal


Well-Known Member
I posted about my hair trauma... I had massive mats and tangles after using Miss Key as an overnight conditioner and not braiding first. Sooooooo today was relaxer day..... and I had to get a cut instead of a trim. I had hit past APL but now I don't know where I am. I had two inches of new growth for nothing. This pic is wet after the damage and trim.

:( My hair is thinner and I'm just not happy. :(

:( Sorry to learn about your misfortune. I wish you a speedy recovery of whatever you lost. :Rose: You'll be back to below APL soon.:)
I put a relaxer in my hair ,and it was underprocess badly so now its been 12 weeks since my last retouch .couple days again i decided to was my hair the whole nine yards :mad: my hair become so matted it took me hours /hours to pull it apart.
now i decided to put single braids in my hair wishing to make it to 6months-1 yrs.
i am seriously thinkin about goin natural.
this aint never happene to be before.
I still think your hair is beautiful. You may see a negative, but others will see the positive.:)