How often do YOU trim/ Dust?

I trim monthly-ish. Sometimes I slip up because...well, life lol. I went years without trimming my hair but I certainly learned my lesson after I had to cut a good 5 inches off my hair over the summer. Since then I've been doing .5-2 inch trim every 4-6 weeks and I think this is a good amount for me with the rate my hair grows at.
I pulled out the splitender after a couple years and I forgot how much I love it! I think I'm going to be addicted to dusting in 2015!
Anytime I use direct heat. That can range from every 6 weeks to every 3 months. Direct heat really jacks my ends, so just as long as I can nip it in the bud before it gets out of control, my ends usually stay pretty happy (assuming I'm doing everything else I need to of course)
Every 3-4 months. I do it to lessen SSK, shape, and over all look. Floppy shapeless hair just for the sake of length isn't my thing.
Every time I go for a shampoo, my stylist dusts my ends. Both of us like the look of clean ends. When it is relaxer time (every 10-12 weeks), I get a trim, however, it's not that bad since my ends are dusted regularly. Most of you are probably cringing :blush: at this practice, but my hair has grown tremendously.:yep: