Dipping Your Ends in Hot Coconut Oil


Well-Known Member
I washed, conditioned my hair then slicked it back in a pony while wet. I then took a huge jar (Louann) coconut oil and warmed it in the microwave until liquified. I dipped the pony in the hot oil and sat there like that (held tilted sidways soaking those ends) for about ten minutes. I then took the pony out, dripping with hot oil and then pinned it up. I let it sit like that for awhile before I rinse and go on with my routine.

My ends have been holding up QUITE well since doing this (about 3 weeks, I wash about twice per week) and I haven't needed a trim (last one almost 4 months ago). My ends are lookin' goooooooooood.

Just wanted to share! HTH.
I mainly do this to both my daughters' hair, right before detangling. Hot oil makes the hair super soft!!!!!!!! I usually do it with EVOO, but I'm gonna try it with the coconut oil, probably will make it even softer. Thanks.
Hmm, I've never thought about heating my coconut oil up. I'd be afraid I'd microwave out some of the good qualities.
Hmm, I've never thought about heating my coconut oil up. I'd be afraid I'd microwave out some of the good qualities.

The microwave kills nutients, I warm my oils up in a small ceramic container that I let sit in a pan of water. I don't let it boil just slow heat on medium/low. Doesn't take long maybe 10-15 minutes.
I use a hot water bath. I put my coconut oil in a bigger bowl or container filled with hot water and let it liquefy like that. Sometimes I put it in a cup in the microwave too though but that usually makes it too hot for my hands.
OP, I have a question, you said you rinse it after? You just rinse your ends off?
I'm confused.
Fantastic idea! When my hair grows out, I think I'm going to do this when my hair is long enough to be twisted.
I use a hot water bath. I put my coconut oil in a bigger bowl or container filled with hot water and let it liquefy like that. Sometimes I put it in a cup in the microwave too though but that usually makes it too hot for my hands.
OP, I have a question, you said you rinse it after? You just rinse your ends off?
I'm confused.

No, my entire head because I use the conditioner first then soak the ends in the oil. Sometimes I run the balance (or supersoak) my entire head with the hot oil. Once I put a bag on it and slept with it on. When I rinsed in the morning my hair was entirely moisturized...especially the ends.:yep:
I just noticed that big black and white jar of Louann Coconut oil in the store today. I'll go pick one up tomorrow if the price is right.
Very good idea.

That sounds very similar to my DC when I use my hooded dryer with EVOO on top of my DC. By the time I get finish my hair ends are just sitting in warm EVOO in my plastic cap before rinsing.
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I do this sometimes, especially if I add honey to my coconut oil. By the way ladies, try not to zap it for more than 10 seconds otherwise it will be hot as hay-el LOL
No, my entire head because I use the conditioner first then soak the ends in the oil. Sometimes I run the balance (or supersoak) my entire head with the hot oil. Once I put a bag on it and slept with it on. When I rinsed in the morning my hair was entirely moisturized...especially the ends.:yep:

This seems like whole-head baggying w/vatika frosting, only warming it up first and applying it in reverse order: ends, middle shaft and then scalp.

I'm going to try this as I stocked up last winter on hairveda's sale and have ALOT of vatika frosting to use up.

Thanks for the new technique OP! :yep:
I purchased my jar from Walmart but I've also seen it in Kroger. So probably any grocery store should carry it.

Apparently my local Walmart and Pharmacy sucks...much of what you all have seen at yours, lacks at mine. Go figure. I'll keep searching, but hey, there's always internet shopping.
I do this sometimes, especially if I add honey to my coconut oil. By the way ladies, try not to zap it for more than 10 seconds otherwise it will be hot as hay-el LOL

I worry about kids who may be reading this board and this tip. As grown folk we can be as adventurous as we want when experimenting with our hair but I know preteens who have had really bad accidents with hot oil. All I can say is PLEASE be careful.