Putting Coconut oil on my ends

I have a jar of the cold pressed Coconut oil from Whole Foods. I take a bit and rub it together in my palms, then slather it on my ends and my back kitchen (which is incredibly dry!) I have been doing this about 2x a week but now I think I may need to do it more often. No breakage, as far as I can see just softer and bouncier!
I suffer through harsh midwestern winters...on damp hair coconut oil does stiffen. Dry hair -not at all.

I love this. I just started this and I absolutely adore it. I always added it to DCs but it's my new leave-in!
Am I to assume that everyone is just using coconut oil in their hair?

Last night I did apply some coconut oil to my dry hair as suggested, but I also sealed it with some JBCO. My hair is soft, so I don't know which product did it for me.
Am I to assume that everyone is just using coconut oil in their hair?

Last night I did apply some coconut oil to my dry hair as suggested, but I also sealed it with some JBCO. My hair is soft, so I don't know which product did it for me.
Both. The coconut oil on dry hair is very moisturizing and the JBCO seals the job nicely!