Did your henna experience improve the 2nd time around?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I henna'd my hair awhile back. I lovvveedd the color it gave me, but hated the dryness and tangles that came with it.

At the time, I mixed my henna with yogurt, water and a little oil.

Well, I've been wanting to get that henna color again, minus the negative experiences.

To all the ladies that had a not so good henna experience the first time around... did you mix it differently for your second use and have a completely different outcome?

Have some of you found that henna just isn't worth it?

Please share?
my first henna experience was soo horrible i don't even feel up to trying it a second time. I had excessive dryness and breakage after, not to mention the MESS henna is. I let my henna sit for hours, even kept it in a ziplock bag emerged in hot water and i guess the color never realesed. the results were bad, who knows maybe i did it all wrong, but a second time....eh naaaah :look:

not to sound all negative, but kudos to those who get it right :grin:
the first time i did it, it was a disaster... the second time, it was heaven....

the second time i did it, i used a version of a mix that kinikakes mentioned a while ago... suave milk n honey, evoo, jbco, coconut oil, and honey... then sat with all of that under a heating cap for a while... that worked really really well for me...
My first henna treatment was also bad bad bad :(. I just don't think I knew what to expect. The second time I did it, a month later it was fabulous. I didn't really deviate my ingredients too much either. I just made sure to add a lot more conditioner to the mix for a smoother consistency.

The third time was the charm :D. Instead of conditioner I added EVOO and coconut milk. I did deep condition for like 3 hours after though, but my hair was sooo happy!! Shiny, strong and wonderful.
Thanks ladies. Maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to try it again. I'll be sure to mix it the way you all suggested.
SqrpioQutie said:
the first time i did it, it was a disaster... the second time, it was heaven....

the second time i did it, i used a version of a mix that kinikakes mentioned a while ago... suave milk n honey, evoo, jbco, coconut oil, and honey... then sat with all of that under a heating cap for a while... that worked really really well for me...

Your hair color is very pretty. Is this henna or your natural color?
raeshan said:
Your hair color is very pretty. Is this henna or your natural color?

thank you!!... i'd say mostly natural but the henna gave it a super orangey-red tint on the ends in the sunlight... i've since colored it blue-black... :grin: