Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being married?


Well-Known Member
Before I got married, I really loved dancing, going out, singing and joining different choirs.. Karaoke... etc... Now... I do none of those... I don't even go to church as often as I used to cos hubby is not super religious... Hubby hates clubbing so yeah, no dancing for me... Hubby doesnt care so much about singing either (regardless of how great the singer is)... so that has pretty much died... I'm feeling like ive lost a lot of myself (there are other things that I'd rather not mention) since ive been married... Having a baby obviously made it worse... time is flying away...

We basically just stay home and watch the baby when we are not working... Is this life?

What do guys do for fun with your DH's/DW's?

Did you lose a lot of yourself after getting married and are you happy with that?
I started to feel like that at one point, so I had to take steps to change it. For example, my husband doesn't like traveling as much as I do, so I travel with girlfriends, my mom and aunts, etc. I also joined a book club.

As far as doing things as a couple...the husband isn't one for clubbing or dancing either, so when we go out it's something like a comedy club, dinner with friends, or a movie. We also like doing stuff outdoors like camping and swimming.

Basically, just make time to do things you enjoy and don't be afraid to do things without your husband. But, also be sure to find some things you can enjoy doing together.
Before I got married, I really loved dancing, going out, singing and joining different choirs.. Karaoke... etc... Now... I do none of those... I don't even go to church as often as I used to cos hubby is not super religious... Hubby hates clubbing so yeah, no dancing for me... Hubby doesnt care so much about singing either (regardless of how great the singer is)... so that has pretty much died... I'm feeling like ive lost a lot of myself (there are other things that I'd rather not mention) since ive been married... Having a baby obviously made it worse... time is flying away...

We basically just stay home and watch the baby when we are not working... Is this life?

What do guys do for fun with your DH's/DW's?

Did you lose a lot of yourself after getting married and are you happy with that?

I am not married, so take my advice for what its worth.

First.... you need to ask yourself if these changes are happening due to beliefs and upbringing on how to be a wife once married. If I recall correctly, I think you are African (Nigerian) right?

I'm Nigerian, so I know how about the subtle n explicit msgs girls get and observe about men and marriage. Especially when kids arrive.

Is your hubby expressing disapproval (subtly or not) on the things you mentioned, OR are you the one maybe unconsciously modifying your actions?

In my rlsps I don't allow the guy to set tone in certain things. I may compromise/modify certain things a bit, but I also expect the guy to the same.

I'm sure part of what attracted your hubby to you was the person you were who likes and did those things you mentioned. Of course with a new kid you can do those things with the same frequency, but it doesn't mean you have to give it up.

It also your hubby responsibility to do some of the things that would make and keep you happy.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I am not married, so take my advice for what its worth.

First.... you need to ask yourself if these changes are happening due to beliefs and upbringing on how to be a wife once married. If I recall correctly, I think you are African (Nigerian) right?

I'm Nigerian, so I know how about the subtle n explicit msgs girls get and observe about men and marriage. Especially when kids arrive.

Is your hubby expressing disapproval (subtly or not) on the things you mentioned, OR are you the one maybe unconsciously modifying your actions?

In my rlsps I don't allow the guy to set tone in certain things. I may compromise/modify certain things a bit, but I also expect the guy to the same.

I'm sure part of what attracted your hubby to you was the person you were who likes and did those things you mentioned. Of course with a new kid you can do those things with the same frequency, but it doesn't mean you have to give it up.

It also your hubby responsibility to do some of the things that would make and keep you happy.

Ya... Nigerian.. Igbo...

I really wasn't raised to behave a certain way after being married... so the whole 'a naija wife should behave like this and that' didnt really come into play.

He has never really been into those things... I guess cos I could still do them and lived alone when I was single, I didnt really realize it was going to be an issue.

He doesnt express disapproval... just a lack of interest... He thinks that the club generally doesnt lead to anything good so why bother... he also has 2 left feet, and cant dance to save his life, so dancing at home is a waste... He is more into going to the movies (I dont care for movies)... going out to eat which we both enjoy... That's it.... Maybe watching TV... I hate TV...

I can do the things I like if I want to e.g going to clubs .. but I just dont have the energy for the tension it would cause btw us.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

Ya... Nigerian.. Igbo...

I really wasn't raised to behave a certain way after being married... so the whole 'a naija wife should behave like this and that' didnt really come into play.

He has never really been into those things... I guess cos I could still do them and lived alone when I was single, I didnt really realize it was going to be an issue.

He doesnt express disapproval... just a lack of interest... He thinks that the club generally doesnt lead to anything good so why bother... he also has 2 left feet, and cant dance to save his life, so dancing at home is a waste... He is more into going to the movies (I dont care for movies)... going out to eat which we both enjoy... That's it.... Maybe watching TV... I hate TV...

I can do the things I like if I want to e.g going to clubs .. but I just dont have the energy for the tension it would cause btw us.

Can he do the side-step, lol?

How about a lounge for both of you? It doesn't have the extra crowded feel of a club, but there's music, sometimes dancing and food in most.

Does he like theater, art, plays, shows? Even if he might not be into that, it's a good compromise. He could learn to enjoy it. Sometimes people are stuck in their ways and may not know how to change. You may have to do some nudging.

Now the time, before a pattern is set, to try and change and negotiate something's. Your needs are important and you don't want to start feeling resentful.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I feel you. I recently got married and hubby is the same. He's completely comfortable staying at home, doesn't like clubs and such. It was hard because a lot of the things important to me began to fall by the wayside. I used to always have my hair done, that slowly stopped. I loved going shopping and I let that go too. It was really hard a few months ago when he started grad school and was being pretty tight with money because of the loans he has.

One thing that we are trying is creating a budget for things to do together. We also agreed to plan at least two activities together each month, like movies, or going for a walk, etc.

I also started looking into meetup groups and other things I could do on my own or with friends. Unfortunately it seems like a lot guys aren't really into all the stuff we put importance on so it will be on you to do this. Pick up a hobby, explore new things, have fun. It's certainly a process, one I'm still trying to figure out. Good luck OP!
My husband travels a lot for business and would rather stay home than go on vacation. I used to stay home too, but realized that he had no problem doing what he wanted (staying home) when I wanted to travel, so why shouldn't I do what I want to do. Now I plan vacations with my kids and girlfriends and go without him. He's always welcome to come but he knows that I will leave him home without guilt. In fact, this week is spring break for my two youngest kids. My son went to Italy on a school trip and my 12 year old daughter and I just got home after spending a few days in New York. He actually came to New York for business and had lunch with us yesterday and then he caught the train back home. In June I'm going to the Dominican Republic with some girlfriends. Don't lose yourself. Think about what you like and do it. Include him, but if he doesn't want to go, have fun without guilt.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

naija marriage just dey scare person. the men just want wife dey look at pikin like mumu everyday. as long as egusi is around, everyone should be happy yeech lol.

I can do the things I like if I want to e.g going to clubs .. but I just dont have the energy for the tension it would cause btw us.

why are you sure they will be tension, just because he doesnt wanna go? and i dont get what he means by "nothing good could come out of it"..it would be the both of you together having fun and then going home..what bad thing would come out of that

what about concerts? travelling..you Naijas love Dubai..go visit abi? lol.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

all of you with such husbands..what are their signs..cos these all sound like Cancer males.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I know you are asking about things you can do together, but why don't you do some stuff alone too.

Don't give up all your hobbies! Having your own hobbies as well as couple things is very self nurturing. Maybe join some classes (singing, dancing) and also look for things you would both like to do. You will end up with a more fulfilling range of activities in your life.
It happened once, my six months of being lost were the worst of my life, got to the point where he was like I'm not your girlfriend and I don't want to be your girlfriend, go do what you want. I know you're supposed to "change" when you get married- but as long as what you're doing doesn't disrespect your marriage I see no problem with keeping your own interest. Men aren't giving up what they really like.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr


In the beginning of my marriage I definitely felt like a lost myself a bit. With me, it wasn't so much that I was losing my hobbies but that I wouldn't stand up for myself for the sake of keeping the peace.

For example, everyone who knows me knows that I am OBSESSED with the color purple. However, hubby doesn't like it because he was convinced it's a color for little girls. I would try to tell him that shades of purple could look nice depending on how you decorated, but he wouldn't hear it. Rather than me standing my ground, I gave in to him because I hated arguing. As a result, there is not one ounce of purple in my home and every time someone comes to visit they always say, "I'm surprised there's no purple in here." As trivial as it seemed, it really bothered me that something that made me so happy was nowhere in my home because I didn't want to fight. My disdain of confrontation prevented me from being me.

Then there were things, such as flying a kite that I used to do all the time during the spring or a certain themed meal dinner night for whatever reason that dh wouldn't agree to. t again rationalized that it wasn't worth it to start a fight or cause tension over something trivial like kite flying. So I kept my mouth shut. It wasn't long before I didn't recognize myself any more. Concert going, dancing and singing was something else that I once did all the time but didn't after getting married.

After talking to my mom about it, she encouraged me to speak up sometimes. While I don't want to make it sound like war, I had to learn when to pick my battles. After that, I persisted on some things and let other things go. I also talked to dh about my concern with losing myself and that marriage was about making each other happy and sharing our lives together. He actually understood and agreed to be more willing to do some things that I liked to do and were important to me. He honestly didn't even realize what he was doing. Although, I do have to give him credit because he did encourage me to keep dancing the whole time.

We also came up with a date night jar, in which we put different activities on a popsicle stick and picked one each date night. No matter what activity we picked we had to do it. WE both collaborated on the activities that went in the jar so we could both be fulfilled. Some things were activities that he liked such as go to the bar and watch the eagles game and others were cutesy things that I liked such as go to the park and watch the ducks in the pond or fly a kite.

Lastly, I encourage you to go back to the things that you like even if you have to do it alone. It is perfectly healthy for married people to do things on their own. Like you, I really enjoyed dancing so I now take pole dancing classes and ballet classes at a studio and I've joined a professional dance team. When I'm lucky, I can talk DH into going to a restaurant that plays jazz music. Sometimes the music is so good that we both get up and dance.

Though I understand how easy it is, being married is no reason for you to lose yourself. Good luck with finding your way back to yourself.
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Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I am not married but this is one of my greatest worries pertaining to marriage.
i never got that fact that women make sacrifices but the men don't and its ok. what is he sacrificing? why can't he not want to do something and but do it for you?
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Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I am not married but this is one of my greatest worries pertaining to marriage.


It wasn't a fear until it happened to me. For me the key, was learning to pick my battles. Also remember that marriage isn't for you; it's for your spouse. Once both people in the relationship realize that marriage is for the spouse each will do what they can to make each other happy. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with maintaining your own interests without your dh.
I am the same person I was before I got married and I have been married over 20 years. My DH encourages me in whatever I am interested in and is supportive.

DH made a major career change 10 years ago and I was very supportive. We don't try to squash or hold each other back. We encourage one another. Shouldn't you want your spouse to be happy and fulfilled? Doesn't that make you happy?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
I think that women run the risk of losing themselves married or not, working or not, children or not. I think it's more of a female concern. I know plenty single and divorced women who lose themselves to other things: work, their children, their sororities, chaotic families, no good men, good men, over busyness, etc. Women need to be taught and encouraged to be true to themselves and to live fulfilling, happy lives doing things they love.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

YESSSS I lost myself a long time ago and I am still trying to find her/me.
Harina It wasn't a fear until it happened to me. For me the key, was learning to pick my battles. Also remember that marriage isn't for you; it's for your spouse. Once both people in the relationship realize that marriage is for the spouse each will do what they can to make each other happy. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with maintaining your own interests without your dh.

The bolded is so sweet. All couples need to be taught this.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I lost myself too. But the other day I saw me walk around the corner and I followed me. I'm still trying to catch up. But at least found myself.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

Are you able to balance what you want and what he wants?

I LOVE dancing and Dh does not, so I go out with the girls to dance, or take a dance class, or we all dance around the house as a family. You should be able to get what you want in a way that won't step on his toes and vice verse.

I do agree, that while I haven't been doing alot of the things I use to do before marriage, I am learning a new "me", such as trying fun things to do with my children and involving Dh.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I've been married less than a year, but even when we were dating, my husband was a homebody (and I am dying because as FelaShrine mentioned upthread, he is a Cancer). Now on top of that, I work from home, so I very rarely get out. While my interests and goals etc. have not changed, I do feel that is harder for me to do certain things, even though my husband encourages me to pursue them. I love my husband and love being married, but we have been together for a very long time and I kind of regret not being able to really enjoy my 20s. And if quarter-life crises are a real thing, then I'm totally going through one right now and it does not mix well with the everyday goings-on of marriage.
I've been married since October and I've been very conscious of making sure that doesn't happen to me in my marriage (losing myself). I say this especially because my DH is an Officer in the Army and I see how easy it is to get wrapped up in military life (Wive's meetings, wearing hubby's rank, immersing oneself 100% in military life, etc). I try to make sure that I keep my own interests going (outside of supporting him as a Military Wife) and that we also continue to "date" each other as we did prior to marriage.
Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

tmhuggiebear do you have a piece of purple in your house now? I hope you do! Thanks for your post, I'm not married but it was insightful.
Before I got married, I really loved dancing, going out, singing and joining different choirs.. Karaoke... etc... Now... I do none of those... I don't even go to church as often as I used to cos hubby is not super religious... Hubby hates clubbing so yeah, no dancing for me... Hubby doesnt care so much about singing either (regardless of how great the singer is)... so that has pretty much died... I'm feeling like ive lost a lot of myself (there are other things that I'd rather not mention) since ive been married... Having a baby obviously made it worse... time is flying away...

We basically just stay home and watch the baby when we are not working... Is this life?

What do guys do for fun with your DH's/DW's?

Did you lose a lot of yourself after getting married and are you happy with that?

No I feel like the same person I always was.

Dh and I love dancing, eating, going out with friends and family (my family :look:) and just generally being out and about. Our social life took a hit when we had kids but now that they're older we're doing more.

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Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

tmhuggiebear do you have a piece of purple in your house now? I hope you do! Thanks for your post, I'm not married but it was insightful.

Yes, I most definitely do have purple in my home now. Our bathroom was originally gray and we've added in some lavender to match it. And we have wine/red theme in our bedroom so I got a deep purple comforter to match. The old me is back and better than ever!!! :)
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Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

naija marriage just dey scare person. the men just want wife dey look at pikin like mumu everyday. as long as egusi is around, everyone should be happy yeech lol.

why are you sure they will be tension, just because he doesnt wanna go? and i dont get what he means by "nothing good could come out of it"..it would be the both of you together having fun and then going home..what bad thing would come out of that

what about concerts? travelling..you Naijas love Dubai..go visit abi? lol.

Lol... girl, your pidgin english needs work... lol... Ya, typical naija marriages na wa...

Oh... there WILL be tension... This one time I threw a suprise birthday party for him in a club... It did NOT end well at all.. He just hates the club scene and I've given up trying to get him to go...If at all, I go anywhere there is dancing, it will be alone or with my girls or something...

He's a Capricon btw...

FelaShrine I think traveling will be fun... but na money kill am... We dont have disposable income currently... Concerts, doesnt really interest any of us.. :(
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Re: Did you lose yourself after you got married? How do you have fun while being marr

I never felt like I lost myself, JudithO... Both of us enjoy our "me time" (especially me :look:) , but we also value the friendships we have with other people. As far as our time together is concerned, DH and I developed shared interests and hobbies while we were dating. Plus, whenever we plan something together, it is very important to both of us that the other person has a good time. For instance, if we go away for the weekend, we might go to a lounge that features a type of music I enjoy and choose to have dinner at a restaurant that specializes in his favorite type of cuisine. Compromise is key, but it has to come from BOTH parties.