Did you get any hair compliments on Chirstmas day?



I always feel so good about wearing my hair down. It makes me feel so pretty and confident and when someone else takes notice that's just icing on the cake
My sister gave me compliments on my hair and asked what I was doing. I told her about LHCF and gave her the website address and we were even trying to pick out a screen name for her (cute, huh?) She said she's coming, and I hope she does.
The best compliments I got on Christmas were from my sister who told me that my hair "looked so healthy, even on the ends!" ...and my Grandmother who said that my hair was "so pretty" and kept saying "just don't cut it, baby".
Grandma has nothing to worry about. I won't be cutting my hair anytime soon

What type of comments, compliments, reactions did you get on Christmas?
My in-laws girlfriend commented on how pretty my hair looked. That was it. I was upstaged by the cousin who had past waistlength hair.
My sister told this young girl (around 8 years old)who had very long hair to never cut it. She told the girl that if she cut her hair it would never grow back that long again. I told her, "yes it will grow back...." It's amazing how some women still thinks that black women cannot grow long hair.
I had my hair in a ponytail yesterday. I had just washed it,let it air dry for about a half hour.Slicked it back with some Pantene daily oil cream,I swear this stuff relaxes my new growth, and put it back in a tight ponytail. My mom said 'Girl your hair is getting so long"

Tee Tee
We went to my parents for dinner yesterday and my mom and sister complimented me.

My mom said: oooh your hair is getting long!

My sister said: how come your hair looks so "unbeweavable"

LOL....of course they know my hair is NOT a weave, that's just her way of saying my hair is looking good
I wore my hair down yesterday. (One of the rare occasions) and this is the first time my family has seen it down since April. My brother (MY BROTHER!!!!) said, "Little sister, I love your hair that way, it's very becoming and so thick & pretty". I nearly fell out of my chair.
I wore my hair in my usual French Twist but dressed it up with hair sticks. Since I stayed home and cooked a very large delicious Christmas dinner for my bf and me, I complimented myself.
I straightened my hair all the way out and everyone who saw it loved it. It was swingy and shiny
It only lasted for two day though. I got paranoid about not being able to moisturize properly without having my hair revert, so i did a conditioner wash and a twist out.

It's better healthy than... sorry I guess.
I've been in Korea for over a year and there were MANY who had never seen it down before. They were full of compliments and here I was thinking, "Well, it isn't bra strap..." I think this forum does spoil us. We've all got some (justifyable) high hopes that any ole length just won't do! I do remember when I thought past shoulders was long. Now, I look at someone like they've lost it when they say my hair is long. It's just not enough...
Leshia said:
I've been in Korea for over a year and there were MANY who had never seen it down before. They were full of compliments and here I was thinking, "Well, it isn't bra strap..." I think this forum does spoil us. We've all got some (justifyable) high hopes that any ole length just won't do! I do remember when I thought past shoulders was long. Now, I look at someone like they've lost it when they say my hair is long. It's just not enough...

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I know what you mean. I got compliments from everyone on how thick and healthy my hair looked and I couldn't feel totally happy inside because I thought my ends were too frizzy and that I had too much breakage to deal with. I didn't complain to anyone about it.... In their eyes, my hair looked perfect. But we LHCF girls have major expectations for hair and really know perfection when we see it
keylargo said:
Leshia said:
I've been in Korea for over a year and there were MANY who had never seen it down before. They were full of compliments and here I was thinking, "Well, it isn't bra strap..." I think this forum does spoil us. We've all got some (justifyable) high hopes that any ole length just won't do! I do remember when I thought past shoulders was long. Now, I look at someone like they've lost it when they say my hair is long. It's just not enough...

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I know what you mean. I got compliments from everyone on how thick and healthy my hair looked and I couldn't feel totally happy inside because I thought my ends were too frizzy and that I had too much breakage to deal with. I didn't complain to anyone about it.... In their eyes, my hair looked perfect. But we LHCF girls have major expectations for hair and really know perfection when we see it

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we do set the bar high for ourselves after becoming LHCF members...thank goodness
i remember when i first came here i just wanted thick healthy hair, now i cant get enough of the length
my family complimented me on how thick and long my hair was and all i was thinking was "it's not even brastrap length"
Leshia said:
I've been in Korea for over a year and there were MANY who had never seen it down before. They were full of compliments and here I was thinking, "Well, it isn't bra strap..." I think this forum does spoil us. We've all got some (justifyable) high hopes that any ole length just won't do! I do remember when I thought past shoulders was long. Now, I look at someone like they've lost it when they say my hair is long. It's just not enough...

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LESHIA, YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!. After that nice compliment from my brother I started talking about the cut my stylist gave me without my permission. It was like I had to make excuses for why it was longer.
Re: Did you get any hair compliments on Chirstmas

I did a two strand twist set the night befor and wore my hair wavy on Christmas. Since my hair wasn't even straight, I was really surprised when my cousins kept commenting on how long it was. While they were complimenting me, I was also thinking that IMO the ends didn't even look that great - which was one of the reasons for wearing it wavy.
Re: Did you get any hair compliments on Chirstmas

Yup. I did my acv rinse the night before, so people told me how shiny it looked!