Did you ever get over him?


New Member
I'm currently going through a situation with my boyfriend and its VERY likely that he may be going to the caribbean for medical school.

He and I have NEVER had any problems during our relationship. I'd known him for about 6 months before we got together and we've been together about 6 months...so we're actually FRIENDS as well as bf/gf. I made a post about him last summer which got quite a few responses. the title of the thread was something like "im bout to give him some RIGHT NOW." (I didn't end up giving him any until several months later, btw)

But our relationship is perfect. Not only that, but I'm sure any woman would die to have him. So the possibility of one of those beautiful dominica (not dominican republic) or grenadan women swooping him up is possible.

The problem is that he's penetrated my MIND- he's shown me how to think, introduced me to new concepts and ideas, shown me how to cook new dishes, heck- im even political now. So, I don't think Ill ever get over him because this information is going to be with me the rest of my life. Everytime I talk about politics with someone or cook spaghetti, Ill be thinking of him, you know?

I hope I don't sound pathetic, LMAO.

I guess I'm looking for encouraging stories. Have any of you ever had a bf go away, come back, and you still got married?
Or if he left and you guys never got back together, did you ever get over him?
I would love to get married one day but I'm afraid if me and him don't work out that I'll never be able to.

Please dont stone me for sounding pathetic. :look:
Long distance relationships can be hard but it can work depending on how committed you are to each other.

Skype definitely helps. Also, if time and finances allow you should try and visit him often (2 - 4 times a year). :)
I've managed to get over all my ex's. Spending time doing activities that I love helped. Over time you miss them less and less.
The best way to get over a man is to get under a new one!!!:lachen::blush::lachen:

I'm just kidding!!! :grin: But forreal tho, only time can help you get over someone. The good thing is you 2 are friends. You should keep the lines of communication open but also do somethings for yourself that have nothing to do with him. You need to be interesting to him shoot- get in his MIND!!! (I think thats the goal of most men anyway to get in our heads) But don't chase him or act desperate because thats a turn off. Do you and be the best woman you can be- he's developing himself right now and you should be doing the same.
loves like that are great..... he stays with you forever.... if you do get back up with him or not you will be an old lady somewhere clutching your pearls and smiling when you think of him...